Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.4 (Wiki, GitHub) was released on October 5th 2017.

What’s New?

What’s Upgraded?

How do I try it?

TL;DR! Try our 1-line installer for Raspberry Pi 3:

 curl | sudo bash

Be sure your Raspberry Pi 3 is running a recent Raspbian Stretch OS, has a microSD card large enough for content, and is connected to the Internet with an actual Ethernet cable. Installation usually completes within two hours, if your Internet speed is very fast. See for other/faster options!

Finally to install onto Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS, use our Do Everything from Scratch install instructions — which quickly get you to the most important part — where you can add content!

People Who Busted Their Ass

Thank you e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e for building your own DIY Library of Alexandria. To serve One & All.

Not just in your own community — but by keeping in touch with our global volunteer community network (http://OFF.NETWORK) each of you are providing the lifeblood “fieldback” — that keeps us motivated enabling Internet-in-a-Box’s quality content collaborations across ALL communities!

IIAB Development Team: George Hunt, Tim Moody, Jerry Vonau, Josh Dennis, Reno McKenzie, Arky, Anish Mangal, Joshua Kanani, German Ruiz, César Natarén, Curt Thompson, Blondel Mondésir, Rick Castorani, Samuel Zidovetzki, María González, Adam Holt.

Join our Monday/Thursday calls if you want to meet any of the people above: MINUTES.IIAB.IO

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ.IIAB.IO

Known Issues