National Center for Advancing and Translational Sciences Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, a program of the National Center for Advancing and Translational Sciences

Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy

I have the version of AMPPE that does not go away in a few months. I've had it since 2010. My vision seems to be getting darker, even in a brightly lit room -- the longer I read, the darker it gets. I have deposits on the macula of both eyes. Has anyone ever noted increasing memory problems after the AMPPE starts? I'm wondering if there are deposits in the brain similar to the deposits on the eyes, but with the deposits in the brain causing memory loss. Has anyone tried removing the deposits on the macula, perhaps with a laser? Do the deposits damage the macula?

What are the signs and symptoms of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE)?

Prior to onset of the condition, about a third of people have flu-like or viral symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph glands, nausea, vomiting, joint pain and/or tenderness. Headaches may also be present. Rarely, there may be neurological signs such as temporary loss of speech (aphasia) and/or weakness of the arms and legs.[1][2]

In the early stages of APMPPE, affected people may notice areas of visual blotchiness; flashes of light (photopsia) caused by irritation of the retina; distortion of shapes (metamorphopsia); increased sensitivity to light (photophobia); and/or conjunctivitis. Later, affected people usually develop impairment of vision. In rare cases, vision impairment may be severe.[1][2]

In most cases, the disorder resolves within a few weeks without permanent loss of visual acuity. However, in some cases, visual acuity does not improve.[2] Neurological symptoms develop in some affected people and should be evaluated and treated promptly, as neurological involvement can result in severe complications.[3][1]

There are rare cases of chronic or recurrent APMPPE; it has been suggested that these cases represent relentless placoid chorioretinitis.[4] This is a rare condition characterized by the development of multiple inflammatory lesions resembling those seen in APMPPE. However, unlike in APMPPE, the lesions continue to expand in size and number, with a relentless course over many months.[5]
Last updated: 9/9/2014

Has memory loss been reported in people with acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE)?

While we are not aware of the specific symptom of memory loss being reported in people with APMPPE, the association between APMPPE and central nervous system (CNS) complications is well known. There have been reports of various neurological signs and symptoms in people with APMPPE including headaches (the most common symptom); confusion; hemiplegia; hemiparesis; dysarthria; numbness; ataxia; incontinence; hearing loss; optic neuritis; meningoencephalitis; transient ischemic attacks; and strokes.[3][6] Cerebrovascular lesions (abnormalities in the blood vessels supplying the brain) in people with APMPPE have been documented, and cerebral vasculitis associated with APMPPE has been reported to cause permanent and severe neurological complications in some cases.[3][6]

If there is suspected neurological involvement in a person with APMPPE, MRI and lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be used to identify CNS involvement. If CNS involvement is found, treatment should begin immediately.[3] People with APMPPE who are concerned about neurological signs or symptoms should speak with their health care provider promptly and consult with a neurologist and/or a neurovascular specialist.
Last updated: 9/9/2014

How might acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) be treated?

The treatment of APMPPE is somewhat controversial, but the general consensus is that no treatment seems to alter the course of the ocular lesions. In cases complicated by subretinal neovascularization (growth of new blood vessels), laser photocoagulation may be useful.[1]

In most cases, the lesions resolve spontaneously and no therapy is required. Some clinicians have used corticosteroids (which suppress inflammation) to treat the ocular findings and any severe systemic involvement. However, there is no evidence that treatment with corticosteroids affects the visual outcome.[1] The use of steroids has also been suggested when treating cases where the macula is involved.[7] Cycloplegics may be useful for severe iritis, which is an uncommon finding.[1]

It is recommended that people with questions about treatment options for themselves or family members speak with their health care provider.
Last updated: 9/9/2014

Do the deposits associated with acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) damage the macula?

There have been few reports about the long-term effects of APMPPE on macular function. It has been suggested that the prognosis relating to macular function may be good, unless lesions in the retina or retinal pigment epithelium persist.[8] Because not all people with APMPPE are affected the same way, those who have specific questions about their own prognosis should speak with their ophthalmologist.
Last updated: 9/9/2014

We hope this information is helpful. We strongly recommend you discuss this information with your doctor. If you still have questions, please contact us.

Warm regards,
GARD Information Specialist

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  1. Lakshmana M Kooragayala. Acute Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Medscape Reference. September 16, 2013; Accessed 9/9/2014.
  3. O'Halloran HS et. al. Acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy and central nervous system involvement: nine new cases and a review of the literature. Ophthalmology. May, 2001; 108(5):861-868. Accessed 9/9/2014.
  4. Ramana S. Moorthy. Recognizing the ‘White Dot’ Syndromes. Review of Ophthalmology. June 11, 2009; Accessed 9/9/2014.
  5. Lawrence A. Yannuzzi. Relentless Placoid Chorioretinitis (Ampiginous Choroiditis). The Retinal Atlas. Elsevier; 2010;
  6. Matamala JM, Feuerhake W, Verdugo R. Delayed recurrent stroke in a young patient with acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. November, 2013; 22(8):e630-634. Accessed 9/10/2014.
  7. Grkovic D, Oros A, Bedov T, Karadžic J, Gvozdenovic L, Jovanovic S. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy-retinal "white dot syndrome". Med Glas (Zenica). February, 2013; 10(1):194-196. Accessed 9/9/2014.
  8. Aoyagi R, Hayashi T, Gekka T, Kozaki K, Tsuneoka H. Multifocal electroretinographic evaluation of macular function in acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy. Doc Ophthalmol. June, 2013; 126(3):253-258. Accessed 9/9/2014.