I get the following when trying to install wiring pi on a fresh bullseye image. Anyone have any way to get it installed?

 $ sudo apt-get install wiringpi
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package wiringpi
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1 Answers1


Wiringpi is deprecated.

You may be able to install the last release from the author's website which may or may not work on Bullseye.

There are a few alternative libraries.

See Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO with c and Python

Command line tools

GPIOreadall is a python replacement for the wiringpi gpio readall utility.

raspi-gpio designed to help hack / debug GPIO (included in Raspberry Pi OS) which is used by GPIOreadall also allows command line access. I am unaware of any documentation but raspi-gpio help describes usage.

The new gpiochip libgpiod interface has a couple of command line tools. NOTE the Bullseye implementation has a few bugs.

Frankly if you REALLY want to use command line install pigpio (which should be installed in Raspberry Pi OS) and use pigs.

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