شمعون بن هليل

شمعون بن هليل هو ابن هليل الأكبر، وعندما مات هليل، تولى شمعون مكانه كرئيس السنهدرين. لا يُعرف إلا القليل عنه، ومن المفترض أن شمعون لم يعش طويلا بعد ذلك، وخلفه بسرعة ابنه جمالائيل.[3][4][5]

شمعون بن هليل
معلومات شخصية
الميلاد القرن 1 ق.م 
تاريخ الوفاة سنة 9  
الأب هليل الأكبر [2] 
الحياة العملية
تعلم لدى هليل الأكبر [2] 
التلامذة المشهورون جمالائيل[1] 
المهنة حاخام 

يعتقد بعض الكتاب المسيحيين أنه هو شمعون الذي بارك الطفل يسوع.[6]


  1. الباب: 11
  2. الباب: 8
  3. Studying classical Judaism: a primer - Page 75 Jacob Neusner - 1991 "But Gamaliel I, Hillel's successor as the head of his school (probably a son of Hillel), had also become a member of the Jerusalem aristocracy. He was a member of the Jerusalem sanhedrin who became famous for his wisdom (and as such he ...
  4. Neusner on Judaism: Literature - Page 162 Jacob Neusner - 2005 104 JACOB NEUSNER Two Halakas of our tractate (III, 1 and the last part of IV, 1) are given in the Tosefta (Yoma I, 13; ... But Rabban Gamaliel I was the grandson, perhaps the son, of Hillel, whom he had succeeded immediately, ...
  5. A history of the Mishnaic law of Holy Things: Volume 2 - Page 199 Jacob Neusner - 1978 "... had been received by him from "Miyyasha who had received it from Abba, who had received it from Shammai and Hillel, the last Zug." But Rabban Gamaliel I was the grandson, perhaps the son, of Hillel, whom he had ..."
  6. Journal of Bible and Religion Vol. 34, No. 1, Jan., 1966 Does the Simeon of Luke 2 Refer to Simeon the Son of Hillel www.jstor.org/stable/1460564 A Cutler - 1966 "Simeon and Hillel's son without any kind of surname (patronymic or other) ... Simeon the son of Hillel was alive at this time, for Hillel probably became the ..."
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