文 (disambiguation)

(pinyin wén) is Kangxi radical (no. 67). The Chinese character 文 wén means "literature" or "culture", and may also be a Chinese surname.

may refer to:

As a proper name, it may also refer to:

In currencies:

In people:

  • King Mun of Balhae (文王) (r. 737–793), ruler of an ancient Korean kingdom
  • Emperor Wen of Han China (漢文帝) (202 BC–157 BC), Han dynasty Chinese ruler
  • Emperor Wen of Liu Song (宋文帝) (407–453), Liu Song dynasty Chinese ruler
  • Fumi Hirano (平野文) (b. 1955), Japanese voice actress and essayist
  • King Wen of Zhou (周文王) (1099–1050 BC), Zhou dynasty Chinese ruler
  • Wen Tianxiang (文天祥) (1236–1283 AD), Song dynasty prime minister, scholar-general
  • Wen Zhengming (文徵明) (1470–1559), Ming dynasty painter, calligrapher, and scholar
  • Wen Zhenheng (文震亨) (1585–1645 AD), Ming dynasty painter, scholar

See also

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