1938 NCAA Men's Basketball All-Americans

The consensus 1938 College Basketball All-American team, as determined by aggregating the results of four major All-American teams.[1] To earn "consensus" status, a player must win honors from a majority of the following teams: the Helms Athletic Foundation, Converse, the Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA), and Madison Square Garden.

1938 NCAA Men's Basketball All-Americans
Awarded for1937–38 NCAA men's basketball season

1938 Consensus All-America team

Consensus Team
Player Class Team
Meyer Bloom Senior Temple
Hank Luisetti Senior Stanford
John Moir Senior Notre Dame
Paul Nowak Senior Notre Dame
Fred Pralle Senior Kansas
Jewell Young Senior Purdue

Individual All-America teams

All-America Team
First team Second team Third team
PlayerSchool PlayerSchool PlayerSchool
Helms[2] Meyer BloomTempleNo second or third teams
Bonnie GrahamMississippi
Hubert KirkpatrickBaylor
Hank LuisettiStanford
John MoirNotre Dame
Paul NowakNotre Dame
John O'BrienColumbia
Fred PralleKansas
Ignatius VolpeManhattan
Jewell YoungPurdue
Converse Hank LuisettiStanfordErnie AndresIndianaMeyer BloomTemple
John MoirNotre DameChuck ChuckovitsToledoPick DehnerIllinois
Fred PralleKansasMike NovakLoyola (IL)Earl KethCentral Missouri St.
John TownsendMichiganMartin RolekMinnesotaRed McCrocklinWestern Kentucky St.
Jewell YoungPurdueBob SpessardWashington and LeeSlim WintermuteOregon
NEA Bernie FliegelCCNYErnie AndresIndianaNo third team
Hank LuisettiStanfordMeyer BloomTemple
Paul NowakNotre DameChuck ChuckovitsToledo
Fred PralleKansasHubert KirkpatrickBaylor
Jewell YoungPurdueJohn MoirNotre Dame
Madison Square Garden Meyer BloomTempleKit CarsonWashington and LeeNo third team
Lou BoudreauIllinoisMatt GuokasSt. Joseph's
Hank LuisettiStanfordDon HendersonTemple
John MoirNotre DameBobby NeuDePaul
Paul NowakNotre DameArt StoefenStanford

See also


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