1999 Governor General's Awards

The winners of the 1999 Governor General's Literary Awards were announced by Jean-Louis Roux, chairman, and Shirley Thomson, director of the Canada Council for the Arts, at a press conference held on November 16 at the National Library of Canada. Each winner received a cheque for CA$10,000.


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Matt Cohen, Elizabeth and After[1]
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Marq de Villiers, Water[1]
Poetry Blue ribbon Jan Zwicky, Songs for Relinquishing the Earth[1]
Drama Blue ribbon Michael Healey, The Drawer Boy[1]
Children's literature Blue ribbon Rachna Gilmore, A Screaming Kind of Day[4]
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Gary Clement, The Great Poochini[4]
French to English translation Blue ribbon Patricia Claxton, Gabrielle Roy: A Life (François Ricard, Gabrielle roy, une vie)[4]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Lise Tremblay, La Danse juive[4]
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Pierre Perrault, Le Mal du Nord[1]
  • Anne Élaine Cliche, Dire le livre
  • Jean-Claude Dubé, Le Chevalier de Montmagny: Premier gouverneur de la Nouvelle-France
  • François-Marc Gagnon, Chronique du mouvement automatiste québécois 1941-1954
  • Daniel Jacques, Nationalité et Modernité
Poetry Blue ribbon Herménégilde Chiasson, Conversations[4]
Drama Blue ribbon Jean-Marc Dalpé, Il n'y a que l'amour[4]
Children's literature Blue ribbon Charlotte Gingras, La Liberté? Connais pas...[4]
  • Agathe Génois, Adieu, vieux lézard!
  • Andrée-Anne Gratton, Le Message du biscuit chinois
  • Sylvie Nicolas, Célestine Motamo
  • Raymond Plante, Marilou Polaire et l'iguane des neiges
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Stéphane Jorisch, Charlotte et l'île du destin[4]
  • Nicole Lafond, Contes pour enfants
  • Michèle Lemieux, Nuit d'orage
  • Luc Melanson, La Petite Kim
  • Pierre Pratt, La Vie exemplaire de Martha et Paul
English to French translation Blue ribbon Jacques Brault, Transfiguration (E. D. Blodgett, Transfiguration)[4]


  1. "Matt Cohen wins G-G for an idea he 'wished he hadn't had'". The Globe and Mail, November 17, 1999.
  2. "G-G awards shortlist gets shorter: Winners announced today". National Post, November 16, 1999.
  3. "Nominee list". Hamilton Spectator, October 20, 1999.
  4. "Literary winners applaud cultural funding at Governor General's Awards". Waterloo Region Record, November 17, 1999.
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