2004 Governor General's Awards

The 2004 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit: Finalists in 14 categories (68 books) were announced October 26, the four children's literature winners announced and presented November 15, other winners announced and presented November 16.[1] The prize for writers and illustrators was $15,000 and "a specially crafted copy of the winning book bound by master bookbinder Pierre Ouvrard".[1]

As introduced in 2003, the four children's literature awards were announced and presented separately from the others. The event at Rideau Hall, the Governor General's residence in Ottawa, was scheduled to begin at 10:00 on a Monday morning. "Children from across the National Capital Region will be invited to attend the event, which will also include readings and workshops related to children's literature.[1]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Miriam Toews, A Complicated Kindness
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Roméo Dallaire, Shake Hands With the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
Poetry Blue ribbon Roo Borson, Short Journey Upriver Toward Oishida
Drama Blue ribbon Morris Panych, Girl in the Goldfish Bowl
Children's literature Blue ribbon Kenneth Oppel, Airborn
  • Martine Leavitt, Heck Superhero
  • Sharon MacKay, Esther
  • Judd Palmer, The Wolf King
  • Ange Zhang, Red Land, Yellow River: A Story from the Cultural Revolution
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Stéphane Jorisch, Jabberwocky
French to English translation Blue ribbon Judith Cowan, Mirabel (Pierre Nepveu, Lignes aériennes)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Pascale Quiviger, Le cercle parfait
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Jean-Jacques Simard, La Réduction: l'Autochtone inventé et les Amérindiens d'aujourd'hui
  • Jean-Marie Fecteau, La liberté du pauvre : crime et pauvreté au XIXe siècle québécois
  • Brian T. Fitch, Le langage de la pensée et l'écriture : Humboldt, Valéry, Beckett
  • Yvan Lamonde, Histoire sociale des idées au Québec (1896–1929)
  • Roseline Tremblay, L'écrivain imaginaire: essai sur le roman québécois, 1960–1995
Poetry Blue ribbon André Brochu, Les jours à vif
  • Paul Bélanger, Les jours de l'éclipse
  • Mario Brassard, Choix d'apocalypses
  • Louise Dupré, Une écharde sous ton ongle
  • Pierre Ouellet, Zone franche: liber asylum
Drama Blue ribbon Emma Haché, L'intimité
Children's literature Blue ribbon Nicole Leroux, L'Hiver de Léo Polatouche
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Janice Nadeau, Nul poisson où aller
  • Francine Bouchard (Fanny), Le grand rêve de Passepoil
  • Pascale Constantin, Turlututu, rien ne va plus!
  • Samuel Parent (Sampar), Savais-tu? Les Hyènes
  • Alain Reno, Comment l'ours blanc perdit sa queue
English to French translation Blue ribbon Ivan Steenhout, Les Indes accidentelles (Robert Finley, The Accidental Indies)


  1. "The Canada Council for the Arts announces finalists for the 2004 Governor General's Literary Awards". News Releases – 2004. Canada Council (canadacouncil.ca). October 26, 2004. Archived 2013-05-29. Retrieved 2015-08-20.
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