2009 flu pandemic table April 2009

This is a table containing the figures from the WHO Influenza A Situation Updates issued in April 2009 roughly once a day.[1] Where more than one update was issued in a day, the figures are from the last update that day. The table can by sorted by country, date of first confirmed case or date of first confirmed case by continent.

This presentation of the data in these and other tables shows the progression, peaks, and, eventually, decline of the epidemic in each country and continent.

Previous month | Next month


WHO figures chart of progression [2]

Confirmed cases

Swine flu cases, April 2009
By date By cont. Country 242627282930
00  World253873105148257
00Days to double (approx)2222
11.01Mexico Mexico181826262697
21.02United States United States of America720406491109
31.03Canada Canada661319
42.01Spain Spain12413
72.02United Kingdom United Kingdom258
92.03Austria Austria11
82.04Germany Germany33
102.05Netherlands Netherlands1
112.06Switzerland Switzerland1
63.01Israel Israel222
54.01New Zealand New Zealand333


Swine flu deaths, April 2009
By date By cont. Country 2730
00  World68
11.01Mexico Mexico67
21.02United States United States of America1


29 April 2009
  Confirmed cases
  Suspected cases
  No cases
30 April 2009
  Confirmed cases
  Suspected cases
  No cases


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