2016 Governor General's Awards

The shortlisted nominees for the 2016 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit were announced on October 4, 2016,[1] and the winners were announced on October 25.[2]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Madeleine Thien, Do Not Say We Have Nothing
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Bill Waiser, A World We Have Lost: Saskatchewan Before 1905
  • Kamal Al-Solaylee, Brown: What Being Brown in the World Today Means (To Everyone)
  • Teva Harrison, In-Between Days: A Memoir about Living with Cancer
  • Harold R. Johnson, Firewater: How Alcohol is Killing My People (and Yours)
  • Marc Raboy, Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Poetry Blue ribbon Steven Heighton, The Waking Comes Late
Drama Blue ribbon Colleen Murphy, Pig Girl
Children's literature Blue ribbon Martine Leavitt, Calvin
  • Mikaela Everett, The Unquiet
  • E. K. Johnston, A Thousand Nights
  • Trilby Kent, Once, in a Town Called Moth
  • Tim Wynne-Jones, The Emperor of Any Place
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Jon-Erik Lappano and Kellen Hatanaka, Tokyo Digs a Garden
  • Jo Ellen Bogart and Sydney Smith, The White Cat and the Monk
  • Lucy Ruth Cummins, A Hungry Lion or a Dwindling Assortment of Animals
  • Mireille Messier and Pierre Pratt, The Branch
  • Esmé Shapiro, Ooko
French to English translation Blue ribbon Lazer Lederhendler, The Party Wall (Catherine Leroux, Le mur mitoyen)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Dominique Fortier, Au péril de la mer
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Roland Viau, Amerindia : essais d'ethnohistoire autochtone
  • André Habib, La main gauche de Jean-Pierre Léaud
  • Michel Morin, Être et ne pas être
  • Yvon Rivard, Exercices d'amitié
  • Louise Warren, La vie flottante
Poetry Blue ribbon Normand de Bellefeuille, Le poème est une maison de bord de mer
Drama Blue ribbon Wajdi Mouawad, Inflammation du verbe vivre
Children's literature Blue ribbon François Gilbert, Hare Krishna
  • Camille Bouchard, Nouvelle-Orléans
  • Mario Brassard, Quand hurle la nuit
  • Amélie Dumoulin, Fé M Fé
  • Patrick Isabelle, Camille
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Stéphanie Lapointe and Rogé, Grand-père et la lune
  • Jules Asselin and Ninon Pelletier, Le mystère des billes d'or
  • Simon Boulerice and Delphie Côté-Lacroix, Florence et Léon
  • Andrée Poulin and Marie Lafrance, Deux garçons et un secret
  • Yayo, Pikiq
English to French translation Blue ribbon Catherine Ego, La destruction des Indiens des Plaines : maladies, famines organisées, disparition du mode de vie autochtone (James Daschuk, Clearing the Plains)


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