The 365-Euro-Ticket is the official or informal name given to public transport offers in Austria and Germany in some cities or regions for an annual ticket at the price of (approximately) 365 euros.
In Germany these offers are usually only for particular passenger groups such as students and apprentices. With the expiration of the temporary 9-Euro-Ticket (at the end of August 2022), several politicians and trade unionists in Germany demanded a nationwide 365-euro ticket for the general public.[1][2]
Examples in Austria

In the following is a (by far) non-exhaustive list of examples for 365-euro tickets in Austria. The first and most prominent example is Vienna since this city was the pioneer for other Austrian and German cities and regions to introduce a 365-euro ticket.[3]

In May 2012 the local public transport operator Wiener Linien lowered the price of an annual ticket for the city of Vienna, more exactly the Kernzone Wien des Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (Vienna Core Zone of the Eastern Region Transport Association), to 365 euros for the general public.[4] In 2019 about 822,000 people had an annual ticket while Vienna has approximately 1.9 million inhabitants, and as of September 2022 the ticket price (365 euros) has stayed the same.[5][6]
In Salzburg (state), the annual ticket will cost 365 euros from January 2022 for the general public; it includes all public transport and it extends to the nearby Bavarian town of Freilassing.[7]
Examples in Germany

In the following is a (by far) non-exhaustive list of examples for 365-euro tickets in Germany. A prominent example is Berlin and Brandenburg since the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg covers the largest area of transport associations in Germany.
In this section, "trainees" stands for apprentices who learn a profession and "school students" stands for schoolchildren and adolescent students who go to school and "university students" stands for students who go to a Hochschule (university or Fachhochschule).
Berlin and Brandenburg

In August 2019, the local public transport operator Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg introduced an annual season ticket for 365 euros that is valid for trainees in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg.[8]
From March 2023, Baden-Württemberg will introduce a statewide 365-euro ticket for people under the age of 21 and for school students, university students, trainees and voluntary service personnel (Federal volunteers service, Federal volunteers service and some other volunteer services) under the age of 27 who live or go to school in the state.[9]
As of September 2022, Stuttgart already introduced a 365-euro ticket for school students and trainees.[10]
Currently (September 2022) 365-euro tickets for school students and trainees are available from several municipal transport associations in Bavaria and the federal state currently contributes to 2/3 of the costs of municipalities and transport associations for 365-euro tickets for school students and trainees. But the state government refused to contribute to the financing of similar tickets for university students in July 2022.[11]
List of Bavarian transport associations with 365-Euro-Ticket for school students and trainees (as of September 2022):
- Augsburger Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (AVV): Das 365-Euro-Ticket AVV für Schüler:innen, Auszubildende, Praktikant:innen und FSJ-ler (de, www.avv-augsburg.de)
- Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (MVV): Das 365-Euro-Ticket MVV (de/en/..., www.mvg.de)
- Regensburger Verkehrsverbund (RVV): 365-Euro-Ticket RVV Archived 2022-03-05 at the Wayback Machine (de, www.rvv.de)
- Verkehrsverbund Großraum Ingolstadt (VGI): 365-Euro-Ticket für Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Auszubildende (de, www.invg.de)
- Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg (VGN): 365-Euro-Ticket VGN (en, www.vgn.de)
- Verkehrsverbund Mainfranken (region of Würzburg) (vvm): 365-Euro-Ticket VVM (de, www.vvm-info.de)
From the 2017/18 school year, a 365-euro ticket for school students was introduced in the federal state of Hesse.[12][13] Since January 2020, there has been a senior citizen ticket for people aged 65 and over at an annual price of €365 (on workdays only usable starting at 9 a.m.) or €625 (always usable).[14]
- "Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr: Söder fordert 365-Euro-Jahresticket" [Public transport: Söder calls for 365-euro annual ticket]. www.zdf.de. 17 July 2022. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "DGB- und SPD-Chefs für bundesweites 365-Euro-Ticket im ÖPNV" [DGB and SPD leaders in favor of nationwide 365-euro public transport ticket]. www.sueddeutsche.de (in German). 21 August 2022. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "365-Euro-Ticket: Wie es funktioniert – und welche Kritik es gibt" [365-Euro-Ticket: How it works - and what criticisms there are]. www.24rhein.de (in German). 19 August 2022. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
Vorreiter in Sachen 365-Euro-Ticket ist die österreichische Hauptstadt Wien. Dort wurde von der damaligen rot-grünen Stadtregierung am 1. Mai 2012 das erste 365-Euro-Ticket eingeführt. Innerhalb der ersten fünf Jahre führte dies zu einer Verdopplung der verkauften Jahreskarten.
[The pioneer of the 365-euro ticket is the Austrian capital Vienna. There, the then red-green city government introduced the first 365-euro ticket on May 1, 2012. Within the first five years, this led to a doubling of annual tickets sold.] - "Vienna's euro-a-day public transport model could waltz into Berlin". www.theguardian.com. 9 July 2019. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "Jahreskarte: 365 Tage unbegrenzte Mobilität" [Annual pass: 365 days of unlimited mobility]. www.wienerlinien.at. 23 August 2022. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "Annual season ticket". www.wienerlinien.at. Retrieved 8 October 2022.
- "Salzburg bekommt "Öffi"-Jahresticket um 365 Euro" [Salzburg gets "Öffi" annual ticket for 365 euros]. salzburg.orf.at (in German). 21 October 2021. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
'Man kann jeden Zug, jeden Bus, die Westbahn, die ÖBB und natürlich alle unsere privaten Busunternehmen benützen.' Eingebunden sind auch klassische Pendlerregionen knapp außerhalb der Landesgrenzen, also die Routen von Salzburg nach Bad Ischl oder nach Freilassing.
['You can use any train, any bus, the Westbahn, the ÖBB and of course all our private bus companies.' Also included are classic commuter regions just outside the city-state borders, i.e. the routes from Salzburg to Bad Ischl or to Freilassing.] - "Neu: VBB-Abo Azubi für 365 Euro im Jahr" [New: VBB-Abo Azubi for 365 Euro a year]. www.vtf-online.de (in German). 26 June 2019. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "Landesweites Jugendticket für 365 Euro". www.kvv.de (in German). 27 July 2022. Archived from the original on 27 July 2022. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
- "Stadt Stuttgart und VVS führen 365-Euro-Ticket für Schüler und Azubis ein" [City of Stuttgart and VVS introduce 365-Euro-Ticket for students and trainees]. www.vvs.de (in German). 21 July 2022. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
- "München:365-Euro-Ticket für Studierende vor dem Aus" [Munich: 365-euro ticket for students set to be cancelled]. www.sueddeutsche.de (in German). 18 July 2022. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
- "Einführung – Neues Schülerticket Hessen ab dem Schuljahr 2017/2018" [Introduction - New school ticket Hesse from the school year 2017/2018]. mpg-umstadt.de (in German). 21 March 2017. Retrieved 18 September 2022.
- "FAQ Schülerticket Hessen: FAQ ZUM SCHÜLERTICKET" (PDF). www.schuelerticket.hessen.de (in German). Retrieved 18 September 2022.
- "FAQ Seniorenticket Hessen FAQ ZUM SENIORENTICKET" (PDF). wirtschaft.hessen.de (in German). Retrieved 18 September 2022.