
Al-Awazem (Arabic: العوازم; also spelled Azmi and Awazem) Al Awazem is a large tribe in the Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Oman), Syria, Sudan and Egypt. With the majority of its population residing in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.


  • Some Of Al-Awazim is a tribe Ancestors goes back to Hutaym[1] which is one Of Banu Amru Ibn Kilab Traced Back To Hawazin

Others Of Al Awazim Descent to Specifically From Al-Duhaim which is one of Banu Ali From Harb

Al Awazim is a tribe that came and originated from Hejaz , They Migrated to the eastern parts of the Arabian Peninsula By The Year 1700 CE.

The Main Reason Why They Migrate Is The War Between Al-Awazim And The Hejaz vilayet The Second Reasons Is The Famine Of Najd 1703 CE Also Called Destruction Of Hutaim[2]


  • Al Awazem as a tribe their history goes way back known for being one of the bravest tribes in the area, they were one of the only tribes to have fought the Ottomans, Al Furs (Persians), Bani Rasheed they are related to many tribes around the peninsula, they once fought 7 tribes to protect the Emirate of Diriyah which is (Saudi Arabia) and the fight happened near the Emarit of Kuwait it goes without saying Without Al Awazim the Arabian peninsula would be in a very different state
  • Al Awazem at that time had a strong alliance with Bani Khalid and Al Kathiri who in most of the wars they had with other tribes those three tribes had a great alliance among themselves
  • With Al Awazem being the largest tribe in Kuwait and having most of the power in the National Parliament, Al Awazem were the first people to inhabit Kuwait build it and protect it most of the power Kuwait had come from Al Awazem, They assisted Kuwait with well known and some of the strongest commanders of the peninsula such as Mubarak al duraya who has been in many wars with Emirate of Diriyah against other Arab tribes, Falah bn Jamea who is currently the tribe leader, Khalf ibn athbiya who has been fighting the ottomans and 3 of his men achieved to kill 2 of the most feared and strongest commanders in the Ottoman Empire Hurshid Pasha and Mohammed Al-Afandi, they helped Kuwait because they wanted to maintain peace and stability in the region
  • In Bahrain shaikh Musaed Al-Azmi who was the first ever Kuwaiti doctor who has sons that currently live in Bahrain for over 125 years
  1. H.R.P Dickson The Arab Of The Desert p.544
  2. عنوان المجد في تاريخ نجد ابن بشر احداث سنة 1115 هجري

Paternal Dna Results

According To the University Of Sheffield Study About The Genetic structure of nomadic Bedouin from Kuwait[1] The Result Is 3% R-M124 24% E-M123 73% J-M267

  1. Mohammad, T.; Xue, Y.; Evison, M.; Tyler-Smith, C. (2009). "Genetic structure of nomadic Bedouin from Kuwait". Heredity. 103 (5): 425–433. doi:10.1038/hdy.2009.72. PMC 2869035. PMID 19639002.
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