Al-Maʿrifa (magazine)

The Arabic journal al-Maʿrifa (DMG: al-Maʿrifa; English: "Knowledge") was published in Egypt between 1931 and 1934. The editor ʿAbd Al ʿAzīz Al-Islāmbūlī published it for three years and a total of 30 issues. The preface states that this monthly journal is sufistic oriented and aims to inform the readers scientifically and culturally.[1] Not only art, culture and literature were addressed but above all scientific knowledge was published and discussed. According to the editor Al-Islāmbūlī sufistic moral and wisdom were not a priority but to be taken into account.[2]

CategoriesSufism, Culture, Science
PublisherʿAbd Al ʿAzīz Al-Islāmbūlī
Final issue1934


  1. al-Maʿrifa, 1st Volume., 1st Issue, 1931, pp. 3-5.
  2. al-Maʿrifa, 1st Volume., 1st Issue, 1931, pp. 3-5.
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