Aleksandar Radojević (politician)

Aleksandar Radojević (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Радојевић; born 21 May 1965) is a medical doctor and politician in Serbia. He served in the National Assembly of Serbia from 2012 to 2016, initially as a member of the Serbian Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS) and later as an independent. He is now a member of the People's Party (Narodna stranka, NS).

Early life and career

Radojević was born in the village of Preljina in Čačak, in what was then the Socialist Republic of Serbia in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He is a pneumatic physiologist.[1]

He resigned from the Čačak General Hospital in 2019 after twenty-five years, citing poor working conditions over an extended period of time.[2]



Radojević was given the seventy-fourth position on the Progressive Party's Let's Get Serbia Moving electoral list in the 2012 Serbian parliamentary election and narrowly missed direct election when the list won seventy-three mandates.[3] He was awarded a seat on 25 June 2012 as the replacement for another party member.[4] The SNS formed a coalition government with the Socialist Party of Serbia (Socijalistička partija Srbije, SPS), and Radojević served as a supporter of the administration. In his first term, he was a member of the committee on labour, social issues, social inclusion, and poverty reduction; a deputy member of the committee on education, science, technological development, and the information society; a deputy member of the health and family committee; and a member of the parliamentary friendship groups with Azerbaijan, China, Greece, Iraq, Macedonia, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, and the United States of America.[5]

He appeared in the 104th position on the SNS's list in the 2014 parliamentary election and was re-elected when the list won a landslide victory with 158 out of 250 seats.[6] He was a member of the health and family committee and a deputy member of the environmental protection committee in his second term, as well serving on the friendship groups for Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Venezuela. He was briefly a member of Serbia's delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union assembly and later served in its delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (where Serbia has observer status).[7] He was not a candidate in the 2016 parliamentary election.

Local politics

Radojević led the SNS's list for Čačak in the 2012 local elections and was elected when the list won thirteen seats.[8][9] New Serbia (Nova Srbija, NS) won the election; The SNS served in opposition, and Radojević led its group in the city assembly.

He left the SNS in early March 2016, charging that a figure from New Serbia had taken over the party's local branch in Čačak, and established an independent political movement called For a More Progressive Čačak.[10][11] He led the movement's list in the 2016 local elections and was re-elected to the city assembly when it won six seats.[12][13] He again served in opposition.

In June 2019, Radojević became president of the city board of the People's Party in Čačak.[14] The party boycotted the 2020 Serbian local elections, and his term in the assembly came to an end that year.


  1. ALEKSANDAR RADOJEVIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 11 February 2022.
  2. "Dr Aleksandar Radojević nakon četvrt veka rada napustio čačansku bolnicu", Morava Info, 9 July 2019, accessed 11 February 2022.
  3. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 6. мај 2012. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (5 ПОКРЕНИМО СРБИЈУ - ТОМИСЛАВ НИКОЛИЋ (Српска напредна странка, Нова Србија, Асоцијација малих и средњих предузећа и предузетника Србије, Коалиција удружења избјеглица у Републици Србији, Покрет снага Србије - БК, Народна сељачка странка, Бошњачка народна странка, Демократска партија Македонаца, Ромска партија, Покрет влашког уједињења, Покрет социјалиста, Покрет привредни препород Србије)), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 8 February 2022.
  4. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 6. мај 2012. године – ДОДЕЛА МАНДАТА НАРОДНИХ ПОСЛАНИКА (Одлука о додели мандата народних посланика ради попуне упражњених посланичких места у Народној скупштини од 25. јула 2012. године), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 8 February 2022.
  5. ALEKSANDAR Dr RADOJEVIC, "Narodna skupština Republike Srbije | Narodni poslanik". Archived from the original on 2013-03-03. Retrieved 2022-02-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 3 March 2013, accessed 11 February 2022.
  6. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 16. и 23. марта 2014. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (1 АЛЕКСАНДАР ВУЧИЋ - БУДУЋНОСТ У КОЈУ ВЕРУЈЕМО (Српска напредна странка, Социјалдемократска партија Србије, Нова Србија, Српски покрет обнове, Покрет социјалиста)), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 8 February 2022.
  7. ALEKSANDAR Dr RADOJEVIC, "Narodna skupština Republike Srbije | Narodni poslanik". Archived from the original on 2016-04-14. Retrieved 2022-02-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 14 April 2016, accessed 11 February 2022.
  8. Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 36 Number 10 (24 April 2012), p. 9.
  9. Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 36 Number 12 (7 May 2012), p. 2.
  10. "Radojević: Čovek iz Nove Srbije preuzeo SNS", OzonPress, 18 March 2016, accessed 11 February 2022.
  11. "U Čačku najviše glasova za SNS, Dveri druge, JS treća", N1, 25 April 2016, accessed 11 February 2022.
  12. Službeni List (Grada Ćačka), Volume 40 Number 8 (13 April 2016), p. 1390.
  13. Službeni List (Grada Čačka), Volume 40 Number 10 (25 April 2016), p. 1424.
  14. "Чачак: Основан Градски одбор Народне странке, председник Александар Радојевић", People's Party, 23 June 2019, accessed 11 February 2022.
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