Alexandre Skirda
Alexandre Skirda (1942 – December 23, 2020) was a French anarchist. His mother was Ukrainian and his father was Russian. He was a historian and a translator, specializing in the Russian anarchist revolutionary movement. His writing is in French.[1]
Books in French
- Alexandre Skirda, Kronstadt 1921: prolétariat contre bolchévisme, Tête de feuille, Paris, 1971, 271 p. (ISBN 2-84621-002-0)
- Alexandre Skirda, Les Anarchistes dans la Révolution russe, Tête de feuilles, Paris, 1973, 186 p.
- Alexandre Skirda, Autonomie individuelle et force collective: les anarchistes et l’organisation de Proudhon à nos jours, Publico, Skirda, Spartacus, 1987, 365 p. (ISBN 2-9502130-0-6)
- Alexandre Skirda, Nestor Makhno: le cosaque libertaire, 1888–1934 ; La Guerre civile en Ukraine, 1917–1921, Éd. de Paris, Paris, 1999, 491 p. (ISBN 2-905291-87-7)
- Alexandre Skirda, Les Anarchistes russes, les soviets et la révolution de 1917, Éd. de Paris, Paris, 2000, 348 p. (ISBN 2-84621-002-0)
Translations in English
- Nestor Makhno (author), Alexandre Skirda (editor), (translation by Paul Sharkey), The Struggle Against The State And Other Essays, AK Press, 1 January 1996, 114 p. (ISBN 9781873176788)[2]
- Alexandre Skirda (translation by Paul Sharkey), Facing the enemy: a history of anarchist organization from Proudhon to May 1968, AK Press, 1 January 2002, 292 p. (ISBN 9781902593197)
- Alexandre Skirda (translation by Paul Sharkey), Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack: The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine, AK Press, 2004, 415 p. (ISBN 9781902593685)
- Alexandre Skirda (translation by Paul Sharkey), Nestor Makhno : Anarchy's Cossack: The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine back cover, AK Press, 2004 (ISBN 9781902593685)
- Nestor Makhno, Alexandre Skirda (1 January 1996). "The Struggle Against The State And Other Essays". AK Press. Retrieved 18 October 2019.
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