Alexandru Nazare

Alexandru Nazare (born 25 June 1980, Oneşti, Romania) is a Romanian politician, Minister of Finance of Romania between December 2020 and July 2021, senator elected in the 2020 parliamentary elections and the special representative of the Romanian Government for Romania's candidacy for hosting the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre, 2020. Previously in 2012, he held the position of Minister of Transport and Infrastructure and in December 2008, he became the youngest representative of Romania in the European Parliament.

Alexandru Nazare


Alexandru Nazare was born on June 25, 1980, in Onești, Bacău County, Romania, into a family of teachers, his mother being a German teacher and his father, a sports teacher.[1]

In 2001, he began studying political science at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest. Between 2002 and 2004, he continued with a study program in Berlin, at the Bard College Berlin, where he deepens his knowledge in International Relations, European Affairs, Political Theory and Neoconservatism. Later, between 2015 and 2017, Nazare is pursuing a MPA Hertie School (HSG) in Berlin.

Background and government career

After completing his studies, Alexandru Nazare began his political career at the Ministry of European Integration, as minister advisor, to Anca Boagiu, in the period preceding Romania's accession to the European Union.

In 2007, Nazare became an adviser to the Group of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, one year later, he ran on the PDL lists in the European Parliamentary elections, becoming the youngest Romanian MEP in the EP.[2] From this position, Nazare worked in the Committee on Budgets and in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, where he managed to stand out by submitting several motions for resolutions, including some on the Republic of Moldova,[3] energy strategy projects[4] or Romani people rights.[5]

In 2009, after the end of his term as Member of the European Parliament, Alexandru Nazare was appointed Secretary of State at the Department for European Affairs,[6] having the responsibility of representing Romania in the dialogue with the European institutions.[7]

Starting with April 2010, Alexandru Nazare became Secretary of State in the Ministry of Public Finance,[8] where he coordinated the Certification and Payment Authority, the Phare Payments and Contracting Office, as well as the tax department.

Between November 2010 and February 2012, he was appointed Secretary of State in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure,[9] he had coordinating the institutions and structures in the field of civil aviation, subordinated to the Ministry. Also in this term, Nazare played an important role in mediating discussions between the ministry and international financial institutions, being the chief negotiator for joint evaluation missions with international financial institutions and monitoring of externally funded projects.[10]

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure

After the resignation of the Boc Government II, in February 2012, Alexandru Nazare was appointed Minister of Transport in the Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu Government.

During his term to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Nazare obtained approval from the European Commission to finance projects to rehabilitate the railway system worth 800 million euros and tendered sections of motorway financed with European funds, worth 850 million. As a minister, he tendered for the restoration of feasibility studies for the Sibiu-Pitești and Comarnic - Brașov highways, the first to be financed from European funds and the second through public-private partnership. However, the auctions were canceled by the new government, in the autumn of 2012.

In 2012, Alexandru Nazare was elected deputy on the lists of the Democratic Liberal Party, for 4 years, during which time he was noted for his work in several parliamentary committees, including the Committee on Economic Policy, Reform and Privatization, the Committee on European Affairs, Committee on Transport and Infrastructure.[11]

2016 local elections

In the last year of his parliamentary term, Alexandru Nazare decided to run for Sector 1 City Hall, being supported by the National Liberal Party in the May 2016 local elections.[12] Nazare proposes a new vision for Sector 1 with a program based on a series of strategic urban development and traffic reduction projects.[13] The objectives proposed by him will remain the same priority 4 years later, after the 2016-2020 mandate was won by the candidate supported by PSD at the City Hall of Sector 1.

In November, he became an adviser to the Minister at the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications,[14] where Nazare supports the ministry's efforts in carrying out several infrastructure projects.

Minister of Finance

On the Romanian parliamentary elections in December 2020, Alexandru Nazare was re-elected as a member of the Romanian Parliament and he won a senator's mandate.[15]

At the end of 2020, Alexandru Nazare is invested with the position of Minister of Finance in the Cîțu Cabinet.[16][17][18][19] He begins this term by outlining an economic program formulated according to the relaunch principle, based on a series of liberal economic policies and a prudent fiscal-budgetary attitude. Despite the recession generated by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nazare manages to develop a budget formula in order to lead the Romanian economy towards a path of sustainable fiscal adjustment.[20]

The new minister starts in full force the activity within the Ministry of Finance, by ordering some internal controls, at the headquarters of ANAF Bucharest, after the institution sent summonses to the taxpayers for amounts already paid.[21] Nazare's agenda in the Ministry of Finance focuses on economic recovery, reform and integration, with special attention being paid to projects to digitize the Romanian tax administration.

On 8 July 2021, Nazare was ousted from the position of Minister of Public Finance, and his predecessor, then-incumbent Prime Minister Florin Cîțu became acting minister.[22]

Projects and initiatives

In 2020, Nazare achieves a performance for Romania as the special representative of the Romanian Government for Romania's candidacy for hosting the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre.[23] The Romanian team, led by Alexandru Nazare, won the competition with the other 6 states that submitted their candidacy to host the Cyber Security Center, the only European agency in charge of managing the European Union's investments in the field of cyber security.[24][25]


  1. "VIDEO-INTERVIU Alexandru Nazare, candidatul PNL la Primeria sectorlui 1: Marian Munteanu este un om cu foarte mult curaj. Bucurestiul are nevoie de un om curajos care sa ia decizii transante / Vreau sa impun standarde de cost pentru spatiile verzi" (in Romanian). HotNews. 19 April 2016. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
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  7. "Surpriza din Guvernul Cîțu: Cine e Alexandru Nazare, noul ministru al Finanțelor, omul care a jucat un rol-cheie în aducerea la București a Centrului Cyber al UE" (in Romanian). G4Media. 23 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  8. "Fostul europarlamentar Alexandru Nazare a fost numit de Boc secretar de stat la Finanţe" (in Romanian). Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  9. "Alexandru Nazare - mana dreapta a Ancai Boagiu si succesorul ei la Transporturi" (in Romanian). HotNews. 7 February 2012. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  10. "Surpriza din Guvernul Cîțu: Cine e Alexandru Nazare, noul ministru al Finanțelor, omul care a jucat un rol-cheie în aducerea la București a Centrului Cyber al UE" (in Romanian). G4Media. 23 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  11. "Nazare Alexandru". Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  12. "Alexandru Nazare se inscrie in cursa interna a PNL pentru primaria Sectorului 1. Si deputata Diana Tusa isi doreste candidatura" (in Romanian). HotNews. 27 January 2016. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  13. ""Vreau sa fiu un primar pro-activ. Sectorul 1 are nevoie de o relatie directa cu Bruxelles". Ce propune Alexandru Nazare Interviu" (in Romanian). Retrieved 23 March 2021.
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  16. "Liderii PNL au aprobat lista miniștrilor propusă de Florin Cîțu cu o largă majoritate: Nazare la finanțe, Bode la interne, Cîmpeanu la educație, Turcan la muncă / Ședința BPN a fost una tensionată, cu atacuri dure lansate împotriva lui Ludovic Orban" (in Romanian). G4Media. 22 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  17. "Surpriza din Guvernul Cîțu: Cine e Alexandru Nazare, noul ministru al Finanțelor, omul care a jucat un rol-cheie în aducerea la București a Centrului Cyber al UE" (in Romanian). G4Media. 23 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  18. "Cine este Alexandru Nazare, propus pentru funcţia de ministru al Finanţelor Publice - CV" (in Romanian). 23 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
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  20. "Ministrul Finanţelor, după aprobarea bugetului: Este paşaportul României pentru accesul la cele 30 de miliarde de euro din Mecanismul de Redresare şi Rezilienţă / Ce spune despre amendamentele Opoziţiei" (in Romanian). Retrieved 23 March 2021.
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  22. "UPDATE Klaus Iohannis a semnat decretul de revocare a lui Alexandru Nazare. Florin Cîțu, desemnat interimar la Ministerul de Finanțe". Digi24 (in Romanian). 7 August 2021. Retrieved 13 July 2021.
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  24. "România intră în etapa de operaţionalizare a Centrului European de Cyber. Alexandru Nazare, ministrul finanţelor: Voi duce la bun sfârşit instalarea primei agenţii europene de pe teritoriul românesc" (in Romanian). Retrieved 23 March 2021.
  25. "7 cities are competing to host the EU's new cyber center. Here's how they stack up". POLITICO. 8 December 2020. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
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