Anton Jerger

Dr. Anton Jerger of Vienna was a philatelist who, in 1983, was awarded the Crawford Medal by the Royal Philatelic Society London for his handbooks on the philately of Austrian Lombardy-Venetia.[1] He amassed a world-class collection of this area over fifty years with his wife Elisabeth. The collection was sold in instalments by Corinphila, with the first instalment alone raising $1,800,000.[2]

In 1984, Dr. Jerger was the first Austrian to be elected to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists.[3]


  1. The Society's medals and honorary fellowship. The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2009, p. 4.
  2. Greg Manning Galleries' United Nations Archives Auction a Sellout; Hong Kong and Zurich Auctions Also Exceed Pre-Sale Estimates. Business Wire, 25 November 2003. Retrieved 29 January 2013. Archived here.
  3. "Here & There: RDP 1984" in Gibbons Stamp Monthly, May 1984, p. 41.

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