Antônio Petrus Kalil

Antônio Petrus Kalil (March 18, 1925 – January 28, 2019),[1] known as Turcão ("Big Turk"), was one of the operators of the jogo do bicho ("the animal game"), a popular illegal lottery in Brazil. Kalil ran the game in a number of towns, including Niteroi, and was one of 14 bicheiros or banqueiros—"bankers" as the game's operators are known—who were sentenced to six years' imprisonment in May 1993 for operating a criminal association. Kalil's brother Jose, known as "Zinho", was among those convicted. Denise Frossard, the judge in the case, wrote in 2007 that it was the first time the existence of a mafia-type organization had been recognized in Brazil.[2] According to Frossard, Kalil was one of the organization's bosses in 1981.[3] In April 2007, he was among 24 people charged for involvement with the illegal lottery, as well as bingo parlours and the distribution of slot machines.[4][5] On March 13, 2012, he was sentenced to 48 years in prison and a fine of BRL 11 million (about US$6 million) for conspiracy and corruption, together with the other bicho bosses Anísio Abraão David and Capitão Guimarães.[6]

Illegal lottery

Kalil's illegal lottery business is based in Niteroi in the State of Rio de Janeiro.[2][7] His brother, José Petrus Kalil or "Zinho", controlled the Jogo do Bicho in the city center of Rio de Janeiro, and acted as the spokesperson of the bicheiros.[2][8]

According to judge Frossard and public prosecutor Antônio Carlos Biscaia, the bicheiros built an association (known as the cupola do bicho), that controlled the illegal gambling business and shielded it from prosecution by corrupting authorities and police.[9][10] Kalil was one of the founders of the cupola and served as its head for a while.[11] The cupola established itself when a power conflict between the bicheiros ceased at the beginning of the 1980s after the murder of an ex-policeman linked to the association that tried to intrude in the gambling racket in Niteroi controlled by Turcao and another prominent illegal gambling operator, Ailton Guimaraes Jorge, nicknamed Capitao Guimaraes. (The murder remained unsolved)[12]

Over the years, Kalil expanded his business to northern Minas Gerais, and the city of Salvador de Bahia, as well as outside Brazil, to Paraguay, where he owned a casino.[2] His reach also extended to the state of Pernambuco in the North-East of Brazil, which raised protest among local gambling operators. According to a local gambling operator, Kalil was making BRL 500,000 (approximately US$300,000) per month in 2002 in Pernambuco.[13] He was guaranteeing high stakes games for small gambling operators in the state.[14]

1993 arrest and conviction

Turcão and his brother "Zinho" were among the 14 bicheiros of Rio de Janeiro who were arrested in 1993. In May 1993, Judge Denise Frossard convicted the 14 bicheiros to six years of prison for criminal association and racketeering.[15] The trial confirmed that a mafia-type criminal organization existed which was headed by the cupola.[2][16]

While imprisoned, they continued their business via cell phones supplied to them by corrupted police officers.[17] During the trial there were indications of money laundering and tax evasion, but the defendants could not be charged because money laundering only became a crime in Brazil in 1998.[17] According to the newspaper O Globo, 53 deaths could be attributed to the association.[18] By December 1996 they were all released from prison, granted parole or pardons.[19]

Fellow animal game operator Castor de Andrade is generally considered to have been the head of the cupola. According to former crime reporter and political scientist, José Amaral Argolo, Castor used Kalil as a shield: as the biggest guarantor banker of the illegal lottery of Rio de Janeiro, Kalil was discreet, respected among his peers and known for the harsh but efficient actions under his command.[20] After the death of Castor de Andrade in April 1997, Kalil and Capitão Guimarães became the most important bicheiros in Rio.[21]

Operation Hurricane

On April 12, 2007, Turcão and the other bicheiros Anísio Abraão David and Capitão Guimarães were among 24 people arrested during Operation Hurricane for their alleged involvement with the illegal numbers games, bingo parlours and the distribution of slot machines, known in Brazil as "nickel hunters" (caça-níqueis).[5] The detainees were suspected of involvement in the exploitation of illegal gambling, corruption of public officials, influence peddling and receiving.[22] Raids by the Federal Police uncovered big payoffs to judges, police officers, prosecutors and lawyers by the bosses who run the game. Piles of documents were seized and BRL 6 million in cash confiscated.[23][24][25] Turcão, Anísio and Capitão Guimarães were considered to have formed the new cúpula of the bicheiros.[26] Documents found by the Federal Police while serving the search warrants showed that the gambling mafia paid BRL 1 million to police officials every month, as well as BRL 23,000 to politicians.[27] While in custody, he bribed his escort of Federal Police officers who were escorting him, to give him privileged treatment, including stops at restaurants and secret meetings with relatives, friends and even his mistress.[28]

Turcão was released in August 2007 and placed under home arrest. He was arrested again on November 29, 2007, for his involvement with illicit slot machines.[26] His son Marcelo Kalil Petrus is also involved in the illegal gambling rackets.[29][30] Authorities claim that he is the bookkeeper of the slot machine mafia, and he was arrested in August 2007.[31] According to a last will and testament seized by the Polícia Federal, the then 82-year old Turcão who was suffering from a heart disease, passed on his interest in gambling to his son Marcelo Kalil Petrus.[15] His other son Antônio Petrus Kalil Filho is also accused of being involved in the illegal gambling rackets.[32] According to Turcão's last will and testament, he received the so-called pontos de jogo do bicho (animal game gambling sites), in Niterói, São Gonçalo and parts of the Zona Norte (North Zone) of Rio.[33]

On March 13, 2012, Turcão was sentenced to 48 years in prison and a fine of BRL 11 million (about USD 6 million) for conspiracy and corruption, together with the other bicho bosses Anísio Abraão David and Capitão Guimarães.[6][34][35] Due to his advanced age and ill health he was permitted to serve his sentence at home. He was suffering from hypertension and Alzheimer's disease, causing slow progressive dementia.[36] His son Marcelo Kalil Petrus received a sentence of 2 years and 10 months for formation of a gang.[6] The sentence was annulled by the Supreme Federal Court, but in December 2012 Kalil, Anísio and Capitão Guimarães and 21 others were again convicted by the Criminal Court in Rio de Janeiro. Kalil was sentenced to 47 years and 9 months for conspiracy and corruption. The judge's sentence said that the bicheiros' criminal organisation had "an intense connection with the state, through the bribing of public officials, including in the police and the judiciary, and even with the political system, through the financing of political campaigns."[37][38]

In October 2016, the case was due to be judged in second instance by the Federal Court in Rio. However, three weeks earlier, the trial was postponed because of an injunction granted by Justice Marco Aurélio Mello of the Federal Supreme Court.[39] In April 2018, the Supreme Court revoked the provisional decision that suspended the trial, which was scheduled for February 2019. With the death of Turcão on January 28, 2019, the case against him was extinguished.[39]


Kalil was the patron of the Académicos do Cubango samba school in Niteroi that participates in the famous Rio Carnival.[40][41] The family is also a benefactor of charities, through the Associação Filantropica-Esportiva Tereza e Antonio Kalil (AFETAK). Turcão's wife Tereza became famous for her contribution of US$40,000 to the anti-hunger campaign organized by the political activist and sociologist Herbert de Souza, better known as Betinho.[42]

Kalil died on January 28, 2019, at the age of 93, after he had been hospitalized in Niterói, in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, with pneumonia.[39]


  1. (in Portuguese) "Aos 82, Turcão já não comanda os negócios da família", Folha de S. Paulo, April 22, 2007; also available here Archived 2012-03-08 at the Wayback Machine, Ministério da Fazenda, accessed December 31, 2010.
  2. For the preceding details of the game, where Kalil ran it, and his sentencing, see Frossard, Denise. "Women in Organized Crime in Brazil", in Fiandaca, Giovanni (ed.). Women and the Mafia. Springer, 2007, pp. 200–201, particularly p. 201.
    For confirmation that Frossard was the judge in the case, see: Margolis, Mac. "Last Samba for Brazil's Powerful Lottery Lords?", Los Angeles Times, May 25, 1993; Rohter, Larry. "Brazilian Numbers Game Ties Officials to Mobsters", The New York Times, June 7, 2007.
  3. Frossard 2007, p. 194.
  4. For confirmation of the arrest and the charges, see Brazil police crack down on gambling, Associated Press, April 13, 2007; for confirmation that Kalil was among the arrestees, see: Brazil's federal police stages anti-corruption operation, People's Daily, April 14, 2007
  5. Uma operação realizada pela PF (Polícia Federal) nesta sexta-feira prendeu autoridades da Justiça, da própria PF e do Carnaval do Rio suspeitas de envolvimento em um esquema de exploração de jogos ilegais, principalmente bingos e caça-níqueis. [...] Já os suspeitos ligados ao Carnaval carioca são o presidente da Liesa (Liga Independente das Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro), Ailton Guimarães Jorge, chamado de capitão Guimarães; um sobrinho dele, identificado como Júlio Guimarães; o presidente do conselho da Liesa e presidente de honra da Beija-Flor de Nilópolis, Aniz Abraão David; além de Antonio Petrus Kalil, o Turcão. (An operation performed by the PF (Federal Police) on Friday resulted in the arrest of authorities of the judiciary, the PF itself and the Carnival of Rio suspected of involvement in a scheme of operating illegal gambling, especially bingo and slot machines. [...] The suspects linked to the Rio Carnival are the president of Liesa (Independent League of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro), Ailton Guimarães Jorge, called Captain Guimarães, a nephew, identified as Julius Guimarães; the president Liesa council and honorary president of Beija-Flor from Nilópolis, Anise Abraham David, as well as Antonio Petrus Kalil, the Turcão.) (in Portuguese) Operação prende integrantes da Justiça, da PF e do Carnaval no Rio, Folha online, March 13, 2007
  6. (in Portuguese) Os 23 condenados na Operação Hurricane, seus crimes e penas, O Globo online, March 13, 2012
  7. Antônio Petrus Kalil, o Turcão: Da geração de Castor, é um dos últimos grandes banqueiros do bicho no Rio. Tem base em Niterói, mas teria negócios no Nordeste. … Preso na Operação Hurricane. (Antonio Petrus Kalil, Turcão: One of the last big bankers of the animal game in Rio from the generation of Castor, has his base in Niteroi, but has businesses in the Northeast. … Arrested in Operation Hurricane.) (in Portuguese) Bicheiros expandem "negócios", Correio Braziliense, April 22, 2007
  8. José Petrus Khalil, o Zinho: O irmão de Turcão comandava o bicho no Centro da cidade. Ficou conhecido por atuar durante muito tempo como o porta-voz dos contraventores. (José Petrus Khalil, Zinho: The brother of Turcão commanded the animal game in the city center. For a long time he has been known to act as spokesman for the offenders.) (in Portuguese) Bicheiros expandem "negócios", Correio Braziliense, April 22, 2007
  9. Frossard 2007, pp. 186-189
  10. … o Ministério Público apurou o envolvimento de "banqueiros" em mais de 130 homicídios relacionados com o jogo do bicho e comprovou o esquema de corrupção centralizado e dirigido por Castor de Andrade …, que contabilizou a propina a policiais civis e militares, servidores públicos, inclusive do Ministério Público e do Judiciário, e até a conhecidos políticos que receberam ajuda financeira para suas comprometidas campanhas eleitorais. (The public prosecutor found the involvement of the "bankers" in more than 130 homicides related to the animal game and proved the corruption scheme directed by Castor de Andrade …, which accounted for the bribing of civilian and military police, public servants, including prosecutors and the judiciary, and even prominent politicians who received financial aid for their electoral campaign.) (in Portuguese) A volta dos bicheiros, by Antônio Carlos Biscaia, O Globo, March 22, 1998
  11. Frossard 2007, p. 186
  12. Frossard 2007, p. 186 and p. 200
  13. "Sempre tivemos um jogo limpo, sem violência nem envolvimento com o crime organizado. Agora, toda a podridão do Rio de Janeiro está instalada aqui", diz um empresário e dono de banca, que pediu para não ser identificado por temer pela própria vida. Ele garante que Antônio Turcão está faturando R$ 500 mil por mês com o jogo em Pernambuco. ("We always had a clean game without violence or involvement with organized crime. Now, all the rottenness of Rio de Janeiro is installed here," says a businessman and owner of banks, who asked not to be identified because he feared for his life. He ensures that Antonio Turcão is billing $ 500 thousand per month with the game in Pernambuco.) (in Portuguese) Bicheiro do Rio dá as cartas em Pernambuco, Diário de Pernambuco, February 3, 2002. The article states that Antônio Petrus Kalil was accused of controlling the "Associação dos Vendedores Autônomos de Loterais de Pernambuco" (translates roughly to Pernambuco's Association of Lottery Sellers); the accusations came from some participants of the gambling industry; they accused anonymously, for fear of vindictive actions; they describe the Pernambuco's gambling industry as becoming corrupted after the arrival of Antônio Turcão, who set out to control the entire industry; he is also accused of obtaining support from local politicians through sponsorship of their campaigns.
  14. O bicheiro atuaria no Estado como uma espécie de bombeiro, que cobre jogos altos para os pequenos donos de banca. (The bookmaker in the state would act as a kind of fire extinguisher, covering high games for the small owners of banks.) (in Portuguese) Bicheiros dizem que deputado é intermediário, Diário de Pernambuco, February 5, 2002. The article claims that state deputy Fernando Lupa mediated the negotiations between the Rio de Janeiro mafia and the Pernambuco's jogo do bicho lottery; the article also tells about investigations being carried out by the police, with no concrete outcome at that time.
  15. Territorial and Corrosive: The “jogo do bicho” (Animal Game) and Organized Crime in Brazil, by Daniel N. Coelho, International Journal on Criminology, Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2018
  16. Foi o maior julgamento de contraventores no estado. Em maio de 1993, Anisío Abraão David, Ailton Guimarães Jorge, o capitão Guimarães, José Pretus Kalil, o Turcão, e outros onze bicheiros foram condenados pela juíza Denise Frossard, a seis anos de prisão, pena máxima por formação de quadrilha. (It was the most important verdict against the offenders in the State [of Rio de Janeiro]. In May 1993, Anisío Abraão David, Ailton Guimarães Jorge, a.k.a. Captain Guimarães, Jose Pretus Kalil, a.k.a. Turcão, and others eleven bicheiros were condemned by judge Denise Frossard, to six years of prison, the maximum penalty for racketeering.) (in Portuguese) Contraventores já foram condenados há 14 anos, O Globo online, April 13, 2007. See also Last Samba for Brazil's Powerful Lottery Lords?, Los Angeles Times, May 25, 1993
  17. Frossard 2007, p. 189
  18. Havia oficialmente 53 mortes imputadas ao grupo. (53 deaths were formally attributed to the group.) The group being the 14 bicheros sentenced in 1993. (in Portuguese) Contraventores já foram condenados há 14 anos, O Globo online, April 13, 2007
  19. Pouco mais de três anos depois, favorecidos por liberdade condicional ou indultos, todos já estavam em liberdade. (Just over three years later, favored by parole or pardons, everyone was free.) (in Portuguese) Contraventores já foram condenados há 14 anos, O Globo online, April 13, 2007
  20. Castor, homem educado, risonho e popular, era poderoso de fato, mas - à semelhança dos demais - tinha como anteparo Kalil Petrus Kalil, o Turcão, este sim o maior banqueiro de descarga do Rio de Janeiro: discreto, respeitado entre os pares e conhecido pela severidade e eficiência nas ações sob seu comando. (Castor, a popular, cheerful, and educated man, was in fact powerful, but – like the others – he used as a shield Petrus Kalil, Turcão, the biggest banker of Rio de Janeiro: discreet, respected among his peers and known for the harsh but efficient actions under his command.) (in Portuguese) Danton Jobim: No rastro da Operação Condor, by José Amaral Argolo, Revista PJ:Br, Nr. 5, 2005
  21. O jogo está carregado em dois nomes: Aílton Guimarães Jorge … conhecido como "capitão Guimarães", ex-torturador do DOI-Codi e atualmente um dos bicheiros mais bem-sucedidos do Rio de Janeiro. O outro provável sucessor é Antonio Petrus Kalil, o Turcão. (The game is loaded by two names: Ailton Guimaraes Jorge ... known as "Captain Guimarães, " former torturor of the DOI-Codi and currently one of the most successful bookmakers in Rio de Janeiro. The other likely successor is Antonio Petrus Kalil, a.k.a. the Turcão. (in Portuguese) Capitão ou Turcão?, Istoé, April 23, 1997
  22. Os detidos são suspeitos de envolvimento em exploração de jogos ilegais, corrupção de agentes públicos, tráfico de influência e receptação. (in Portuguese) Ministro do STJ é citado em investigação de caça-níqueis, G1, April 13, 2007
  23. A Folha apurou que foram apreendidos mais de R$ 6 milhões em dinheiro com os presos, além de documentos, computadores e 42 carros de luxo, entre os quais Mercedes-Benz e Audi. Foram detidos os contraventores Aniz Abraão David, o Anísio, presidente de honra da Escola de Samba Beija-Flor de Nilópolis; Ailton Guimarães Jorge, o Capitão Guimarães, presidente da Liga Independente das Escolas de Samba do Rio (Liesa) e seu sobrinho Júlio Guimarães Sobreira; e Antônio Petrus Kalil, o Turcão. (Folha learned that more than $ 6 million in cash was seized with the captives, as well as documents, computers and 42 luxury cars, including Mercedes-Benz and Audi. The defendants arrested were Aniz Abraão David (Anísio), honorary president of the samba school Beija-Flor from Nilopolis; Ailton Jorge Guimarães (Captain Guimarães), president of the Independent League of Samba Schools in Rio (Liesa) and his nephew Julius Guimarães Sobreira, and Antonio Petrus Kalil (Turcão).) (in Portuguese) PF prende desembargadores e cúpula do jogo ilegal no Rio, Folha Online, April 14, 2007
  24. Brazil police crack down on gambling, Associated Press, April 13, 2007
  25. Brazilian Numbers Game Ties Officials to Mobsters, The New York Times, June 7, 2007
  26. (in Portuguese) PF volta a prender cúpula do bicho no Rio, Extra, November 29, 2007
  27. (in Portuguese) Máfia dos bingos pagava mesada de R$ 1 mi para a polícia, diz documento, Folha Online, June 4, 2007
  28. (in Portuguese) Cinco policiais são presos por corrupção no Rio, O Dia, August 31, 2007
  29. No processo na 6ª Vara estão também como réus três acusados de atuar como tesoureiros dos bicheiros Turcão, Capitão Guimarães e Anísio. São eles: Nagib Teixeira Sauid, João Oliveira de Farias e Marcelo Kalil, filho de Antônio Kalil. (In the trial three defendants are accused of acting as treasurers of the bookies Turcão, Captain Guimarães and Anísio. They are: Nagib Sauid Teixeira, João Marcelo Oliveira de Farias and Kalil, son of Anthony Kalil. (in Portuguese) Hurricane, a maior operação da PF de combate à corrupção do Brasil, O Globo, April 26, 2007
  30. Brazilian police seeks Interpol's help to battle gambling mafia, People's Daily, April 23, 2007
  31. A Polícia Federal no Rio de Janeiro prendeu nesta quarta-feira, durante a operação Hurricane 4 (furacão), o tesoureiro da máfia dos caça-níqueis, Marcelo Kalil Petrus, filho do contraventor Antonio Petrus Kalil (Turcão). (The Federal Police in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday arrested during Operation Hurricane 4, the treasurer of the slot machine mafia, Marcelo Petrus Kalil, son of the offender Antonio Petrus Kalil (Turcão).(in Portuguese) PF prende filho de Turcão e mais 11 por máfia dos caça-níqueis, Folha de São Paulo, August 29, 2007
  32. Outro filho de Turcão, Antônio Petrus Kallil Filho também estaria, segundo relatório, envolvido com as atividades do jogo de bicho. (Another son of Turcão, Antônio Petrus Kallil Filho would, according to the report, also be involved with the activities of the animal game.) (in Portuguese) PF: bicheiros incluíam pontos de jogos na herança, O Dia, June 3, 2007
  33. A diversificação do ramo de atividade também ficaria evidente no "testamento" de Turcão, em que ele repassa para seu filho, Marcelo Kallil, o direito de exploração dos jogos "de papel e de máquina". Seu irmão, Antônio Petrus Kallil Filho, é citado no relatório como herdeiro dos pontos de jogo do bicho, em Niterói, São Gonçalo e parte da Zona Norte. (The diversification of business activity was also evident in the "testament" of Turcão, in which he passes on to his son, Marcelo Kallil, the right to operate "paper and machine" games. His brother, Antonio Petrus Kallil Son, is quoted in the report as heir to the points of the animal game, in Niteroi and Sao Goncalo part of the Northern Zone.)(in Portuguese) Furacão: bicheiros dividiriam lucro de caça-níqueis, O Dia, June 16, 2007. The relevant section about Kalil's testament is available here
  34. (in Portuguese) Juíza condena e manda prender réus na Operação Furacão, Consultor Jurídico, March 13, 2013
  35. (in French) Brésil: l'étau se resserre autour des "capos" des jeux illicites, L'Express, March 20, 2012
  36. (in Portuguese) 1ª Turma diz que STJ terá de julgar HC de Turcão, investigado em esquema de jogos ilegais, Notícias STF, April 13, 2010
  37. Rio police get tough on Carnival crime, The Financial Times, February 11, 2013
  38. Na sentença, ela ressalta que o bando, além de corromper inúmeros agentes públicos, dentre eles policiais e magistrados, também financiou campanhas políticas em nível estadual e federal. (In the sentence, she [the judge] points out that the organisation corrupted numerous public officials, including police and magistrates, and also funded political campaigns at the state and federal level.)(in Portuguese) Contraventores condenados corrompiam agentes públicos e financiavam campanhas políticas, O Globo, December 11, 2012
  39. Contraventor Turcão morre no RJ, G1, January 28, 2019
  40. (in Portuguese) Samba e jogo, Correio Braziliense, April 16, 2007
  41. (in Portuguese) PF rasga fantasia do Carnaval, O Dia, April 16, 2007
  42. (in Portuguese) Lavanderia à brasileira, Correio Braziliense, October 19, 2006
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