
Antrodiella is a genus of fungi in the family Steccherinaceae of the order Polyporales.

Antrodiella semisupina
Scientific classification

Ryvarden & I.Johans. (1980)
Type species
Antrodiella semisupina
(Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Ryvarden (1980)


Antrodiella was circumscribed by mycologists Leif Ryvarden and I. Johansen in 1980. Of the seven original species it contained, only the type, Antrodiella semisupina, remains in the genus;[1] most of the original species have since been transferred to Flaviporus.

Antrodiella was traditionally placed in the family Phanerochaetaceae until molecular studies were used to determine a more appropriate classification in the Steccherinaceae.[2][3] The genus is a wastebasket taxon, containing "species that share common macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, but are not necessarily related."[4]


The fruitbodies of Antrodiella fungi are either crust-like to effused-reflexed (stretched out on the substrate but with edges curled up to form cap-like structures) in form. They have a waxy and soft fresh texture that becomes dense and hard, and often semitranslucent when dry. If it is present, the cap is narrow and light-coloured, smooth to scrupose (rough with very small hard points). The pore surface is light ochraceous to straw-coloured when dry, with small pores, and the tubes the same colour as the pore surface. The context is white to pale straw-coloured.[1]

Antrodiella has a dimitic hyphal system, containing both generative and skeletal hyphae. The generative hyphae have clamps; the skeletal hyphae are typically narrow, hyaline, and thick-walled to solid. Although they are usually unbranched, in rare cases they have a few scattered branches. Cystidia can be absent or present from the hymenium. Antrodiella spores are small, rarely measuring above 5 µm in their longest dimension, and have a shape that is almost spherical, ellipsoid, or allantoid (sausage-shaped). They are thin-walled, hyaline, and non-amyloid.[1]


Antrodiella pallasii
Antrodiella versicutis

A 2008 estimate placed about 50 species in Antrodiella.[5]

  • Antrodiella angulatopora Ryvarden (1987)[6]
  • Antrodiella brasiliensis Ryvarden & de Meijer (2002)[7] – Brazil
  • Antrodiella brunneimontana (Corner) T.Hatt. (2002)[8]
  • Antrodiella canadensis (Overh.) Niemelä (2005)[9]
  • Antrodiella chinensis H.S.Yuan (2013)[10] – China
  • Antrodiella cinnamomea Iturr. & Ryvarden (2010)[11]
  • Antrodiella citrea (Berk.) Ryvarden (1984)
  • Antrodiella citripileata H.S.Yuan (2012)[12] – China
  • Antrodiella dentipora Ryvarden & Iturr. (2003)[13] – Venezuela
  • Antrodiella depauperata (Corner) T.Hatt. (2005)
  • Antrodiella diffluens (Corner) T.Hatt. (2002)
  • Antrodiella ellipsospora (Pilát) Niemelä & Miettinen (2006)
  • Antrodiella faginea Vampola & Pouzar (1996)[14] – Europe
  • Antrodiella fissiliformis (Pilát) Gilb. & Ryvarden (1987)
  • Antrodiella flava (Corner) T.Hatt. (2001)
  • Antrodiella flavitubus (Corner) T.Hatt. (2002)
  • Antrodiella foliaceodentata (Nikol.) Gilb. & Ryvarden (1993)
  • Antrodiella formosana T.T.Chang & W.N.Chou (1998)[15] – Taiwan
  • Antrodiella fragrans (A.David & Tortič) A.David & Tortič (1986)
  • Antrodiella genistae (Bourdot & Galzin) A.David (1990)
  • Antrodiella globospora Núñez & Ryvarden (1999)[16] – Japan
  • Antrodiella ichnusana Bernicchia, Renvall & Arras (2005)[17] – Europe
  • Antrodiella incrustans (Cooke) Ryvarden (1984)[18]
  • Antrodiella indica G.Kaur, Avneet P.Singh & Dhingra (2015) – India[19]
  • Antrodiella induratus (Berk.) Ryvarden (1984)[18]
  • Antrodiella lactea H.S.Yuan (2013)[20] – China
  • Antrodiella leucoxantha (Bres.) Miettinen & Niemelä (2006)[21]
  • Antrodiella luteocontexta Ryvarden & de Meijer (2002)[7] – Brazil
  • Antrodiella mentschulensis (Pilát ex Pilát) Ryvarden (2014)
  • Antrodiella micra Y.C.Dai (2004)[22] – China
  • Antrodiella mollis Gibertoni & Ryvarden (2004)[23]
  • Antrodiella multipileata Log.-Leite & J.E.Wright (1991)[24] – South America
  • Antrodiella murrillii (Lloyd) Ryvarden (1990)
  • Antrodiella nanospora H.S.Yuan (2013)[20] – China
  • Antrodiella negligenda (Corner) T.Hatt. (2003)
  • Antrodiella onychoides (Egeland) Niemelä (1982)
  • Antrodiella pachycheiles (Ellis & Everh.) Miettinen & Niemelä (2006)
  • Antrodiella pallasii Renvall, Johann. & Stenlid (2000)[25]
  • Antrodiella pallescens (Pilát) Niemelä & Miettinen (2006)
  • Antrodiella parasitica Vampola (1991)[26] – Europe
  • Antrodiella pendulina H.S.Yuan (2012)
  • Antrodiella perennis B.K.Cui & Y.C.Dai (2009)[27] – China
  • Antrodiella pirumspora Rivoire & Gannaz (2012)[28]
  • Antrodiella rata (G.Cunn.) P.K.Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
  • Antrodiella reflexa Ryvarden & Núñez (1999)[29] – Panama
  • Antrodiella romellii (Donk) Niemelä (1982)[30]
  • Antrodiella semistipitata Bernicchia & Ryvarden (2007)[31] – Italy
  • Antrodiella semisupina (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Ryvarden (1980)
  • Antrodiella serpula (P.Karst.) Spirin & Niemelä (2006)
  • Antrodiella stipitata H.S.Yuan & Y.C.Dai (2006)[32] – northeast China
  • Antrodiella subcrassa (Rodway & Cleland) P.K.Buchanan & Ryvarden (1993)
  • Antrodiella subligativa (Corner) T.Hatt. & Sotome (2013)[33]
  • Antrodiella subradula (Pilát) Niemelä & Miettinen (2006)
  • Antrodiella thompsonii Vampola & Pouzar (1996)[14] – Europe
  • Antrodiella tuberculata Ryvarden & Guzmán (2001)[34] – Mexico
  • Antrodiella ussurii Y.C.Dai & Niemelä (1997)[35] – East Asia
  • Antrodiella versicutis (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden (1986)
  • Antrodiella xanthochroa (Corner) T.Hatt. (2003)


  1. Ryvarden, L.; Johansen, I. (1980). A Preliminary Polypore Flora of East Africa. Synopsis Fungorum. Oslo, Norway: Fungiflora.
  2. Miettinen, O.; Larsson, E.; Sjökvist, E.; Larsson, K.H. (2010). "Comprehensive taxon sampling reveals unaccounted diversity and morphological plasticity in a group of dimitic polypores (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)". Cladistics. 28 (3): 251–270. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00380.x. S2CID 84643554.
  3. Miettinen, Otto; Larsson, Ellen; Sjökvist, Elisabet; Larsson, Karl-Henrik (2012). "Comprehensive taxon sampling reveals unaccounted diversity and morphological plasticity in a group of dimitic polypores (Polyporales, Basidiomycota)". Cladistics. 28 (3): 251–270. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00380.x. S2CID 84643554.
  4. Miettinen, Otto; Larsson, Karl-Henrik (2011). "Sidera, a new genus in Hymenochaetales with poroid and hydroid species". Mycological Progress. 10 (2): 131–141. doi:10.1007/s11557-010-0682-5. S2CID 23786160.
  5. Kirk, P.M.; Cannon, P.F.; Minter, D.W.; Stalpers, J.A. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.
  6. Ryvarden, Leif (1987). "New and noteworthy polypores from tropical America". Mycotaxon. 28 (2): 525–541.
  7. Ryvarden, L.; de Meijer, A.A.R. (2002). "Studies in neotropical polypores 14. New species from the state of Paraná, Brazol". Synopsis Fungorum. 15: 34–69.
  8. Hattori, T. (2002). "Type studies of the polypores described by E.J.H. Corner from Asia and West Pacific Areas. IV. Species described in Tyromyces (1)". Mycoscience. 43 (4): 307–315. doi:10.1007/s102670200045. S2CID 195234251.
  9. Niemelä, T.; Kinnunen, J.; Larsson, K.H.; Schigel, D.D.; Larsson, E. (2005). "Genus revisions and new combinations of some North European polypores" (PDF). Karstenia. 45 (2): 75–80. doi:10.29203/ka.2005.406.
  10. Yuan, Hai-Sheng (2013). "Antrodiella chinensis sp. nov., a Chinese representative of the Antrodiella americana complex". Mycological Progress. 12 (2): 437–443. doi:10.1007/s11557-012-0852-8. S2CID 14830275.
  11. Ryvarden, L.; Iturriaga, T. (2010). "Studies in Neotropical polypores 29. Some new and interesting species from the Andes region in Venezuela". Synopsis Fungorum. 27: 78–91.
  12. Yuan, Hai‐Sheng; Qin, Wen‐Min (2002). "Antrodiella pendulina and A. citripileata spp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) from subtropical and tropical China". Nordic Journal of Botany. 30 (2): 201–205. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.2011.01234.x.
  13. Ryvarden, L.; Iturriaga, T. (2003). "Studies in neotropical polypores 10. New polypores from Venezuela". Mycologia. 95 (6): 1066–1077. doi:10.1080/15572536.2004.11833021. PMID 21149014. S2CID 42996705.
  14. Vampola, P.; Pouzar, Z. (1996). "Contribution to the knowledge of the Central European species of the genus Antrodiella" (PDF). Czech Mycology. 49 (1): 21–33. doi:10.33585/cmy.49103.
  15. Chang, T.T.; Chou, W.N. (1998). "Antrodia lalashana sp. nov. and Antrodiella formosana sp. nov. in Taiwan". Mycological Research. 102 (4): 400–402. doi:10.1017/S0953756297005157.
  16. Núñez, M.; Ryvarden, L. (1999). "New and interesting polypores from Japan" (PDF). Fungal Diversity. 3: 107–121.
  17. Bernicchia, A. (2005). Polyporaceae s.l. Fungi Europaei. Vol. 10. p. 127. ISBN 9788890105753.
  18. Ryvarden, L. (1984). "Type studies in the Polyporaceae. 16. Species described by J.M. Berkeley, either alone or with other mycologists from 1856 to 1886". Mycotaxon. 20 (2): 329–363.
  19. Kaur, G.; Singh, A.P.; Dhingra, G.S. (2015). "Antrodiella indica, a new species from India". Mycotaxon. 130 (3): 625–627. doi:10.5248/130.625.
  20. Yuan, Hai-Sheng (2014). "Molecular phylogenetic evaluation of Antrodiella and morphologically allied genera in China". Mycological Progress. 13 (2): 353–364. doi:10.1007/s11557-013-0921-7. S2CID 14423290.
  21. Miettinen, O.; Niemelä, T.; Spirin, W. (2006). "Northern Antrodiella species: the identity of A. semisupina, and type studies of related taxa". Mycotaxon. 96: 211–239.
  22. Dai, Y.-C. (2004). "Notes on the genus Antrodiella (Basidiomycota, Aphyllophorales) in China". Mycotaxon. 89 (2): 389–398.
  23. Gibertoni, T.B.; Ryvarden, L.; Queiros Cavalcanti, M.A. (2004). "Studies in neotropical polypores 18. New species from Brazil". Synopsis Fungorum. 18: 44–56.
  24. Leite, Clarice Loguercio; Wright, Jorge E. (1991). "New South American pileate polypores (Polyporaceae) from Santa Catarina Island, SC., Brazil". Mycotaxon. 41 (1): 167–172.
  25. Johannesson, H.; Renvall, P.; Stenlid, J. (2000). "Taxonomy of Antrodiella inferred from morphological and molecular data". Mycological Research. 104 (1): 92–99. doi:10.1017/S0953756299008953.
  26. Vampola, P. (1991). "Antrodiella parasitica, a new species of polypores" (PDF). Ceská Mykologie (in Czech). 45 (1–2): 10–14.
  27. Wang, B.; Dai, Y.C.; Cui, B.K.; Du, P.; Li, H.J. (2009). "Wood-rotting fungi in eastern China 4. Polypores from Dagang Mountains, Jiangxi Province". Cryptogamie, Mycologie. 30 (3): 233–241.
  28. Rivoire, B.; Gannaz, M. (2012). "Antrodiella pirumspora, espèce nouvelle, saprotrophe de Trametella trogii". Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (in French). 81 (9–10): 277–285.
  29. Núñez, Maria; Ryvarden, Leif (1999). "Studies in neotropical polypores 4. New and noteworthy species from Coiba National Park, Panama". Mycotaxon. 71: 361–368.
  30. Niemelä, T. (1982). "Taxonomic notes on the polypore genera Antrodiella, Daedaleopsis, Fibuloporia and Phellinus" (PDF). Karstenia. 22: 11–12. doi:10.29203/ka.1982.208.
  31. Bernicchia, Annarosa; Ryvarden, Leif; Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista (2007). "Antrodiella semistipitata (Basidiomycetes, Polyporales) a new species from Italy". Mycotaxon. 99: 231–238.
  32. Yuan, H.S.; Li, J.; Huang, M.Y.; Dai, Y.C. (2006). "Antrodiella stipitata sp. nov. from Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, and a critical checklist of polypores from the area". Cryptogamie, Mycologie. 27 (1): 21–29.
  33. Hattori, T.; Sotome, K. (2013). "Type studies of the polypores described by E.J.H. Corner from Asia and West Pacific Areas VIII. Species described in Trametes (2)". Mycoscience. 54 (4): 297–308. doi:10.1016/j.myc.2012.10.008.
  34. Ryvarden, L.; Guzmán, G. (2001). "Studies in neotropical polypores 12. New and noteworthy polypores from Mexico". Mycotaxon. 78: 245–256.
  35. Dai, Yu-Cheng; Niemelä, Tuomo (1997). "Changbai wood-rotting fungi 6. Study on Antrodiella, two new species and notes on some other species". Mycotaxon. 64: 67–81.
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