Arne Svingen

Arne Svingen (born 1967) is a Norwegian writer of children's books. He also writes adult fiction and books for young adults. He has published over a hundred titles and his works have been translated into more than a dozen languages.[1][2]

Arne Svingen

His most noted books are:

  • Svart elfenben, winner of the Brageprisen in 2005
  • Sangen om en brukket nese, winner of the Kulturdepartementets litteraturpris in 2012, Prix Libbylit Romans Ados in 2015, and the Batchelder Honor Book Award in 2017
  • Man dør litt hver dag, winner of the Østfoldungdommens kritikerpris in 2017
  • podcast Svingens barnebokverden, winner of the NBU-prisen in 2018
  • En himmel full av skyer, winner of the Bokslukerprisen in 2019/20


han er smuk og 56 år

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