Bartolomeo Sanvito

Bartolomeo Sanvito (February/March 1433–July 1511) was a scribe from Padua in Italy, but trained in Rome. He was a master of Humanist italic script. Square capital letters alternating colored and gold are a characteristic of his style.

Page from Sanvito's manuscript of Petrarch's Triumphs, ca. 1480.

The most detailed account of Sanvito in English is by A. C. de la Mare and Laura Nuvoloni, Bartolomeo Sanvito: the Life and Work of a Renaissance Scribe, (Paris: Association internationala de Bibliophilie, 2009). See also James Wardrop, The Script of Humanism: Some Aspects of Humanistic Script 1460 - 1560 (Oxford University Press, 1963), although some information here is outdated.

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