
Bayt (Arabic: بيت or Hebrew: בית, both meaning 'house'; there are similar words in various Semitic languages), also spelled bayit, bayyit, bait, beit, beth, bet, etc., may refer to:

All pages with titles containing Bayt

  • All pages with titles beginning with Bayt
  • All pages with titles containing Bayt

Jewish religious terms

  • Temple Mount, Hebrew Har ha-Bayit, "Mount of the House"
  • Beth Israel (disambiguation)Beth Israel, "House of Israel"

Islamic terms

  • Ahl al-Bayt, the People of the House, referring to the household of Muhammad or to all pious Muslims


Place-names and derivates

In alphabetical order including the articles.



  • All pages with titles beginning with Bayt
  • All pages with titles containing Bayt

A few outstanding ones:



Institutions and organizations

First see above under "All pages with titles beginning with Bayt" and "All pages with titles containing Bayt". Here only those not spelled with "bayt".

  • Bayit Lepletot, Orthodox Jewish orphanage for girls
  • Bayit Leumi Israeli political organization
  • Bayit Yehudi – 'The Jewish Home' political party
  • Bayt al-hikmah (House of Wisdom); Umayyad library in Damascus, and Abbasid library in Baghdad
  • Betar/Beitar, Jewish political organization; derived from Betar fortress

See also

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