Bilbao City Council

The Bilbao City Council (Basque: Bilboko Udala) is the ayuntamiento of Bilbao (Spain). Its headquarter, the Bilbao City Hall, is located in the Ernesto Erkoreka Plaza. The city council is made up of an executive body and a normative municipal plenary. The executive body consists of the mayor and the Governing Junta of the Town of Bilbao (Spanish: Junta de Gobierno de la Villa de Bilbao). The council performs executive and administrative tasks, and functions in correspondence with the mayor. The junta consists of no more than nine people, its members can be appointed by the mayor.[3]

Bilbao City Council
Bilboko Udala

Bilbao City Hall
Local government overview
JurisdictionMunicipality of Bilbao
Employees2,431 employees (2012)[1]
Annual budget€512.8 million (2014)[2]
Local government executive

Municipal administration

The constituent is elected every four years by universal suffrage. The electoral census is made up of all registered residents in Bilbao over the age of 18 as well as nationals of Spain and other member states of the European Union. According to the General Electoral Regime Law (Spanish: Ley del Régimen Electoral General),[4] the number of eligible councilors is based on the population of the municipality.

The municipal plenary serves to represent the citizenry in the municipal government. It is responsible for the debate and adoption of government policies including: regulations, laws, municipal budgets, urban planning plans, service management, etc. The plenary is made up of 29 councilors and is chaired by the mayor.[5]


These are the mayors who have governed the city council since 1979:[6]

Mayors of Bilbao From To Party
Jon Castañares Larreategui 19 April 1979 22 May 1983 EAJ-PNV
José Luis Robles Canibe 23 May 1983 19 July 1987 EAJ-PNV
José María Gorordo 20 July 1987 17 December 1990 EAJ-PNV
Jesús María Duñabeitia 20 December 1990 14 June 1991 EAJ-PNV
Josu Ortuondo Larrea 17 June 1991 2 July 1999 EAJ-PNV
Iñaki Azkuna Urreta 3 July 1999 20 March 2014 EAJ-PNV
Ibon Areso Mendiguren 21 March 2014 12 June 2015 EAJ-PNV
Juan María Aburto Rike 13 June 2015 Incumbent EAJ-PNV

The mayor who has held office for the longest time since democracy has been Iñaki Azkuna (14 years) of the Basque Nationalist Party, a position he held from the 1999 elections until his death in 2014, reelected in 2003, 2007 and 2011.[7] Previously, the other mayors who held office for the longest time were Joaquín Zuazagoitia Azcorra (16 years), Josu Ortuondo Larrea (8 years), Pilar Careaga Basabe (6 years), and Federico Moyúa Salazar (6 years).

Electoral results

Elections 1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 2019
Political party Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor
EAJ-PNV 13 11 9 11 9 8 11 13 15 13 14
PSE-EE / PSOE 4 9 7 6 4 5 5 7 4 4 5
EH Bildu / Bildu 4 4 4
EP / Udalberri 2 3
PP / AP / CP 4 2 4 7 8 8 7 6 4 3
Ganemos 2
IU-EB 2 1 3 2
EA 3 2 1 2
EH / HB 6 3 5 4 2 4
EE 1 2 3 2

Political groups

The councillors form political groups, which are distributed according to their aligned ideologies in the 2019 municipal elections:

Current distribution of the Bilbao City Council
  EAJ-PNV: 14
  PSE-EE: 5
  EH Bildu: 4
  Elkarrekin Podemos: 3
  PP: 3
Candidacy List Votes % Mayor
Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea-Partido Nacionalista Vasco (EAJ-PNV) Juan María Aburto Rike 71.822 42,69 14
Partido Socialista de Euskadi-Euskadiko Ezkerra (PSE-EE) Alfonso Gil Invernón 26.783 15,92 5
Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu) Jone Goirizelaia Ordorika 25.138 14,94 4
Elkarrekin Podemos Ana Viñals Blanco 17.661 10,50 3
Partido Popular (PP) Raquel González Díez-Andino 15.441 9,18 3

Municipal areas and entities served


  • Circulation & Transport
  • Urbanism & Environment
  • Culture & Education
  • Works & Services
  • Human Resources
  • Safety
  • Citizen Relation
  • Social action
  • Economy & Tax
  • Tourism & Party
  • Euskera
  • Equality & Cooperation
  • Employment, Youth & Sport
  • Health & Consumption
  • Participation & District Councils
  • Public spaces


  • Azkuna Zentroa: Cultural and sports center.
  • Surbisa: Municipal agency for urban rehabilitation.
  • Municipal Housing: Municipal housing service.
  • Artxanda Funicular: Means of transportation to Mount Archanda.
  • Cimubisa: Municipal computer service.
  • Lan Ekintza Bilbao: Municipal agency for economic promotion.
  • Bilbao Kirolak: Society for the management of sports activities, facilities and services.
  • Teatro Arriaga: Municipal theater.
  • Bilbao Musika: Organization that manages the Municipal School of Music, the Municipal Band of Txistularis and the Municipal Band of Music of Bilbao.
  • Bilbao Arte: Foundation for the promotion of art.
  • Bilbao Servicios: Manages municipal markets and funeral services.

International recognition

The annual reports by Transparency International pointed out in 2008, 2009, and 2010, that the City Council was the most "transparent" in Spain in terms of institutional communication, citizen relations, services, public works, and the economy.[8][9][10][11]

In 2010, Bilbao was awarded the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize, in recognition of the City Council's leadership.[12]

See also


  1. Sergio Eguía, «Vitoria, el Ayuntamiento vasco con más empleados», El Correo, 27 de enero de 2012.
  2. «Bilbao tendrá en 2014 un presupuesto de 512,8 millones, un 12,7% más», El Mundo, 28 de octubre de 2013.
  3. Bilbao City Council. "La Junta de Gobierno de la Villa de Bilbao: Naturaleza, Atribuciones y Organización". Retrieved 18 September 2014.
  4. "Ley Orgánica 5/1985, Art. 169". Retrieved 6 November 2008.
  5. "El Pleno Municipal: Naturaleza, Atribuciones y Organización". Bilbao City Council. Retrieved 18 September 2014.
  6. Agirreazkuenaga, Joseba; Urquijo, Mikel (20 December 2013). "Informe sobre la Informe sobre la Galería de Alcaldes del Galería de Alcaldes del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao Ayuntamiento de Bilbao". Leioa: Universidad del País Vasco. p. 37.
  7. "Muere Iñaki Azkuna". El País. 20 March 2014. Retrieved 18 September 2014.
  8. "Bilbao, el ayuntamiento más transparente de España". El País. 28 July 2008. Retrieved 26 October 2008.
  9. "Bilbao es el Ayuntamiento más transparente y Orihuela el que menos". 28 July 2008. Archived from the original on 28 September 2008. Retrieved 26 October 2008.
  10. "Bilbao recibe el premio como uno de los ayuntamientos más transparentes". Deia. 15 November 2010. Archived from the original on 20 November 2010. Retrieved 20 November 2010.
  11. Ayuntamiento de Bilbao. "Reconocimientos y premios de la ciudad de Bilbao y de su Ayuntamiento". Retrieved 18 September 2014.
  12. "Bilbao, en la cima del mundo". Deia. 30 June 2010. Archived from the original on 3 July 2010. Retrieved 1 July 2010.


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