Borrell I of Pallars

Borrell I (Spanish: Borrell I de Pallars) was the sovereign Count of Pallars in 948–995.


Count Borrell was a son of the Count Lope I of Pallars and Goltregoda of Cerdanya.

Until at least 953, he was a minor under the regency of his mother. Borrell ruled Pallars together with his brothers, Raymond II of Pallars and Suñer I.

He was married to Lady Ermentruda.[1]

  • Ermengol I of Pallars[2]
  • Isarn (Ysarn)
  • Miró
  • William
  • Ermengarda
  • Ava[3]


  1. According to Europäische Stammtafeln, she was actually Ermengarda/Ermentruda de Rouergue, a daughter of one count called Raymond.
  2. Ramón de Abadal y Vinyals (1955). Catalunya carolíngia: Els comtats de Pallars i Ribagorça.
  3. She is mentioned in her father's testament as "filia mea Ava".
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