Breadmakers is a short 2007 documentary film, directed by Yasmin Fedda and produced by Jim Hickey and Robin Mitchell. This is a film about a unique Edinburgh bakery, where a community of workers with learning disabilities make a variety of organic breads for daily delivery to shops and cafes in the city. The Garvald Bakery is part of a centre inspired by the ideas of Rudolf Steiner where the workers realise their potential for self-discovery and creativity in a social environment. Yasmin said that she was surprised about the response that the film received.[1]
- Best Short Scottish Documentary at the 61st Edinburgh International Film Festival (2007)[2]
- Best Short Documentary at the Middle East International Film Festival (2008)[3]
- Best Short Film at BAFTA Scotland (2007)[4]
- Gilchrist, Jim (2007-12-13). "Rising stars". The Scotsman. Archived from the original on 2009-09-21. Retrieved 2009-09-22.
- "Scottish documentary bound for prestigious Sundance Film Festival". The List. December 13, 2007.
- Clouston, Erlend (October 29, 2008). "Charitable bakery film wins top award". the Guardian.
- "Full record for 'Bread Makers' (7950) - Moving Image Archive catalogue".
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