Bugungu Wildlife Reserve

Bugungu Wildlife Reserve is a protected area in both Buliisa District and Masindi districts in Western Uganda. It covers an area of 473.0 km2.[1] It is managed by Uganda Wildlife Authority under the supervision of Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities.[1][2] It was declared a Wildlife Reserve in 1968 but it was originally established as a Controlled Hunting Area in 1963.[3][4] Its WDPA ID is 1438.[1] It is IUCN Management Category III.[1]


It is located in western Uganda near to a village called Bugungu Fr (Bugoigo) at coordinates1.8694°N 31.4532°E / 1.8694; 31.4532.[5] It borders with Murchison falls National Park in the east side, Karuma Wildlife Reserve in the North-East, Budongo Forest Reserve in the North West, Kyabatwa hill in the west.[3][6][4]

Its altitude is 600 - 1300m.[4]


Bugungu has many wildlife forms which include animals such as Uganda Kobs, Buffalos, leopards, reed-buck; plants such as Savannah woodland and over 240 bird species which include Shoebill stork, the White-browed Sparrow Weaver, the Black-billed barbets, the Eastern grey Plantain-eater, the Speckle-breasted woodpecker, the Yellow-throated greenbul, the Black-billed wood dove, the Double-toothed barbet, the Giant Kingfisher [7][8]


The reserve has roads that enable tourists to go for nature walks, camping, bird watching, game drives among other activities.[7][8]

See also

  1. Kyambura Game Reserve
  2. List of Wildlife Reserves of Uganda
  3. List of Local Forest Reserves of Uganda
  4. Uganda Wildlife Authority
  5. Bugungu Airstrip


  1. "Protected Planet | Bugungu". Protected Planet. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
  2. "Uganda Wildlife Authority". ugandawildlife.org. 2022-04-30. Retrieved 2023-06-05.
  3. Rugumayo, Edward B. (2003). This Instrument may be cited as the Uganda Wildlife (Declaration of Wildlife Conservation Area) (Bugungu Wildlife Reserve) Instrument, 2003. Uganda: Parliament of Uganda. p. 2.
  4. "Bugungu". ugandawildlife.org. 2022-05-06. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
  5. "OpenStreetMap". OpenStreetMap. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
  6. "BirdLife Data Zone". datazone.birdlife.org. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
  7. "12 Game Reserves in Uganda - Kagera Safaris". 2019-11-14. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
  8. "Bugungu Wildlife Reserve - Uganda Wildlife Reserve | Info Guide Uganda". 2020-01-09. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
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