
Caterpillarplasty is a Canadian animated short film, directed by David Barlow-Krelina and released in 2018.[1] Set in a futuristic world, the film takes place in a plastic surgery clinic where advanced new technologies have enabled people to alter their appearances to conform to extreme new beauty standards.[1]

Directed byDavid Barlow-Krelina
Written byDavid Barlow-Krelina
Produced byJelena Popović
Music byVid Cousins
Release date
  • May 7, 2018 (2018-05-07) (Oberhausen International Short Film Festival)
Running time
5 minutes

The film premiered at the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, where it received an honorable mention from the Ecumenical Jury.[2] It had its Canadian premiere at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.[2]

It received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film at the 7th Canadian Screen Awards in 2019.[3]


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