Comparison of Indonesian and Standard Malay

Indonesian and Standard Malay are two standardised varieties of the Malay language, the former used officially in Indonesia (and in Timor Leste as a working language) and the latter in Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Both varieties are generally mutually intelligible, yet there are noticeable differences in spelling, grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, as well as the predominant source of loanwords.[1][2][3] The differences can range from those mutually unintelligible with one another, to those having a closer familial resemblance. The regionalised and localised varieties of Malay can become a catalyst for intercultural conflict, especially in higher education.[4][5][6]


To non-native speakers the two varieties may seem identical, but to native speakers the differences are noticeable through both diction and accent. They affect the broadcasting industry with regard to foreign language subtitling, for example, in DVD movies and on cable TV. In order to reach a wider audience, both Indonesian and Malay subtitles are sometimes displayed in a movie, along with other language subtitles. Another example is Malaysian TV providing Malay subtitling on Indonesian sinetrons (TV dramas) aired in Malaysia[7] (but, in Malaysian and Bruniean languages is "teledrama"), and vice versa.[8]

The Malay language in Indonesia and Malaysia also differs in recognition, where in Malaysia it enjoys status as the national language (Malaysian language),[9] while in Indonesia it is considered a regional language in Malay-speaking areas such as the eastern coast of Sumatra and West Kalimantan.[10][11] The term "Malay language" (Bahasa Melayu) in Indonesia and Malaysia invites different perceptions from its respective people.[12] To Malaysians, the Malay language is generally understood as the national language of Malaysia, with Malaysian language (Bahasa Malaysia) being a precise appellation for the Malay variety used in the country.[13] Between 1986 and 2007, the term Bahasa Melayu was used instead of Bahasa Malaysia, until the latter was reinstated, in order to instill a sense of belonging among Malaysians of all races, rather than just Malays.[14][15] Therefore, there was no clear distinction between the use of the term Malay (Bahasa Melayu) and the national language of Malaysia (Bahasa Malaysia). In Brunei, where Malay is also an official language, the language is known as Bahasa Melayu and in English as "Malay".[16]

In Indonesia, however, there is a clear distinction between "Malay language" (bahasa Melayu) and "Indonesian" (bahasa Indonesia). Indonesian is the national language which serves as the unifying language of Indonesia; despite being a standardized form of Malay, it is not referred to with the term "Malay" in common parlance.[17] The term "Malay" is usually reserved for the forms of Malay indigenous to the Malay ethnic group (the national standardized language of Malaysia and the non-standard idioms of Malay people, including those used by Malay Indonesians). Thus, "Malay" is considered a regional language (bahasa daerah) in Indonesia, enjoying the same status as Javanese, Sundanese, Buginese, Balinese, Batak languages and others.[18] Moreover, to some Indonesians, the term "Malay" is more often associated with Malaysia and the Malaysian variety of Malay.[19]

In Malaysia, the terms "Indonesian Malay" and "Malaysian Malay" are sometimes used for Indonesian and Malay as spoken in Malaysia. In Indonesia, "Indonesian Malay" usually refers to the vernacular varieties of Malay spoken by the Malay peoples of Indonesia, that is, to Malay as a regional language in Sumatra, though it is rarely used.[20] Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Melayu are used interchangeably in reference to Malay in Malaysia.

Malay was designated as a national language by the Singaporean government after independence from Britain in the 1960s to avoid friction with Singapore's Malay-speaking neighbours of Malaysia and Indonesia.[21] It has a symbolic, rather than functional purpose.[22][23] It is used in the national anthem "Majulah Singapura",[24] in citations of Singaporean orders and decorations and in military commands.[25] Singaporean Malay is officially written in the Latin-based Rumi script, though some Singaporean Malays also learn the Arabic-based Jawi script.[26] Jawi is considered an ethnic script for use on Singaporean identity cards.[27]


Before the 20th century, Malay was written in a local modified form of the Arabic alphabet known as Jawi. During the 20th century, Malay written with Roman letters, known as Rumi, almost completely replaced Jawi in everyday life. The romanisations originally used in British Malaya (now part of Malaysia) and the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) reflected their history as British and Dutch colonial possessions respectively. In British Malaya, the romanisation of Malay, devised by Richard Wilkinson[28] was influenced by English, whereas in the Dutch East Indies, the system devised by C. A. Van Ophuijsen was influenced by Dutch.[29] As a result, in Indonesia, the vowel [u] was formerly represented oe, as in Dutch, although the official spelling of this sound was changed to u in 1947 when the Republican Spelling System was used.[30]

Similarly, until 1972, [] was represented in Malaysia as ch, whereas in Indonesia, it continued to follow Dutch and used tj. Hence the word for 'grandchild' used to be written as chuchu in Malaysia and tjoetjoe in Indonesia, until a unified spelling system was introduced in 1972 (known in Indonesia as Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan or the 'Perfected Spelling') which removed most differences between the two varieties: Malay ch and Indonesian tj became c: hence cucu.[31] Indonesia abandoned the spelling dj [] to conform to the j already in use in Malaysia, while the old Indonesian j for the semivowel [j] was replaced with y as in Malaysia. Likewise, the velar fricative [x] which occurs in many Arabic loanwords, which used to be written 'ch' in Indonesian, became kh in both languages.[31] However, oe was retained in some proper names, such as the name of the former vice-president, Boediono or former minister Mohammad Roem. The ch and dj letter combinations are still encountered in names such as Achmad and Djojo (pronounced as Akhmad and Joyo respectively), although the post-1972 spelling is now favoured.

One notable difference in punctuation between the two languages is the use of different decimal marks; Indonesian, influenced by Dutch, uses the decimal comma,[32] whereas Malay, influenced by English, uses the decimal point.[33] A glossary of Information Technology terminology, available in English, Indonesian, and Malay, was published to facilitate the comparison and comprehension of language variations among individuals in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei who are seeking assistance and information online.[34]


Pronunciation also tends to be very different, with East Malaysia, Brunei, Standard Singapore, and Indonesia pronouncing words in a form called Bahasa Baku,[35] where the words are pronounced as spelled.[36] Moreover, enunciation tends to be clipped, staccato and faster than on the Malay Peninsula, which is spoken at a more languorous pace. Many vowels are pronounced (and were formerly spelt) differently in Peninsular Malaysia, Colloquial Singapore, and Riau Sumatra: tujuh is pronounced (and was spelt) tujoh, pilih as pileh, etc., and many final a's tend to be pronounced as schwas; [e] and [o] are also allophones of /i/ and /u/ in closed final syllables in peninsular Malaysian, Colloquial Singaporean and Riau Sumatran varieties of Malay; These pronunciation rules is known as Johor-Riau pronunciation.[37][38]

Comparison of several standard pronunciations of Malay[39]
Example Johor-Riau (Piawai)


Northern Peninsular


Baku & Indonesian


⟨a⟩ in final open syllable ⟨kereta /ə/ /a/ /a/
⟨i⟩ in final closed syllable with final ⟨n⟩ and ⟨ng⟩ ⟨kambing⟩ /e/ /i/ /i/
⟨i⟩ in final closed syllable with other final consonants ⟨itik⟩ /e/ /e/ /i/
⟨u⟩ in final closed syllable with final ⟨n⟩ and ⟨ng⟩ ⟨tahun⟩ /o/ /u/ /u/
⟨u⟩ in final closed syllable with other final consonants ⟨lumpur⟩ /o/ /o/ /u/
final ⟨r⟩ ⟨lumpur silent /r/ /r/


Loanword source differences

Indonesian and Malay both differ in the forms of loanwords used due to division of the Malay Archipelago by the Dutch and the British and their long-lasting colonial influences, as a consequence of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824: Indonesian absorbed primarily Dutch loanwords whereas Malay absorbed primarily English words. Pronunciation of certain loanwords in Standard Malay follows English, while in Indonesian it follows Dutch, for example Malay "televisyen" (from English: television) and Indonesian "televisi" (from Dutch: televisie); the "-syen" and "-si" also prevail in some other words, though "-si" has become more preferred in Malay of late.

Malay has also experienced significant conservative pushback as precedent entities that existed within the British sphere made efforts to create words that would fit naturally foreign ideas of governance and thought through a Malay-oriented context. The Pakatan Belajar Mengajar Pengetahuan Bahasa in Johore headed by Abdul Rahman Andak during the 19th century was especially important in introducing neologisms like pejabat ("office", cf. Indonesian kantor from kantoor) and setiausaha ("secretary", cf. Indo sekretaris from Dutch: secretaris) into the Malay lexicon.[40] For example, the word for 'post office' in Malaysia is "pejabat pos" (in Indonesia this means 'post officer'), whereas in Indonesia it is "kantor pos".

There are also some Portuguese influences: in Indonesia, Christmas is known as "Natal", whereas Malaysia uses both "Natal" and "Krismas", the latter derived from English. There are also instances where the Malay version derives from English pronunciation while the Indonesian version takes its cue from Latin. The Latin preference of the (older) Indonesian intellectuals in these instances may be ascribed to the influence of their classical-oriented education when Gymnasium schools were established during the Dutch colonial period: compare Malay kualiti, kuantiti, majoriti, minoriti and universiti with Indonesian kualitas, kuantitas, mayoritas, minoritas and universitas.

Some words which are spelt the same in both languages may even carry entirely different meanings in the other language, potentially leading to humorous or embarrassing situations: while baja means "steel" in Indonesian, in Malay it means "fertiliser". Also, whereas the Indonesian word butuh (from Sundanese ᮘᮥᮒᮥᮂ butuh) means "require" or "need", in Malay, it is a vulgar slang term equivalent to "cunt/cock". Conversely, where the word "banci" seems innocuous enough in Malaysia ("census"), in Indonesia it is a derogatory term for "transvestite".

The relatively large share of Islamic (Arabic or Persian) loan words shared by Malay and Indonesian often poses no difficulty in comprehension and usage, although some forms may have developed a (slightly) different meaning or have become obsolete either in Malay or in Indonesian, e.g. khidmat, wakil (see below).

Word derivation and compounds

Indonesian and Malay have similar derivation and compounds rule. However, there is difference on quasi-past participle or participle-like adjective when attached to a noun or verb. Standard Malay uses prefix ber- to denote such, while Indonesian uses prefix ter- to do so. It is important to note that prefix ber- can denote several other meanings.

English Standard Malay Indonesian
registered (having had one's name added to an official list or entered into a register) berdaftar terdaftar
local tempatan setempat
honorable berhormat terhormat
written (having been written) bertulis tertulis


English Standard Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) Indonesian
abbess rahib perempuan abdis
abolition pemansuhan 1. abolisi (From Dutch pronunciation of abolitie),
2. penghapusan
abortion pengguguran 1. aborsi (From Dutch pronunciation of abortie),
2. pengguguran (of a fetus)
abroad luar negara luar negeri
accessibility 1. kebolehcapaian,
2. ketercapaian
1. keterjangkauan,
2. ketercapaian,
aksesibilitas (Learned borrowing from Late Latin, accessibilitas)
accident kemalangan kecelakaan
account (bank, bills) akaun 1. rekening (from Dutch – used in banks and hotels),
2. akun (used for all meanings of account apart from bank account)
accountability kebertanggungjawapan,
accountant akauntan akuntan
accounting perakaunan akuntansi
accurate tepat 1. tepat,
2. akurat (from Dutch, accuraat)
administration pentadbiran administrasi (from Dutch, administratie)
adjective adjektif, kata sifat adjektiva(Learned borrowing from Latin, adjectiva), kata sifat
adverb adverba, kata keterangan adverbia (Learned borrowing from Latin, adverbia), kata keterangan
after 1. selepas,
2. setelah
1. setelah (also used in Malay to indicate consecutive actions),
2. sesudah,
afternoon petang 1. sore,
2. petang
agent 1. ejen,
2. agen
agen (from Dutch, agent)
air force tentera udara angkatan udara
aircraft hijacking perampasan pesawat pembajakan pesawat
airline meal hidangan penerbangan makanan maskapai penerbangan
airliner kapal terbang penumpang pesawat penumpang sipil
airplane kapal terbang pesawat terbang
airport lapangan terbang ('airfield' in Indonesian; similar to Dutch vliegveld) bandar udara (loan translation of the Dutch term luchthaven, commonly abbreviated as bandara),
lapangan terbang
airport lounge lobi lapangan terbang ruang tunggu bandar udara
Alexandria Iskandariah Alexandria, Iskandariyah
Algeria Algeria Aljazair (from Arabic: al-Jazā'ir الجزائر)
Algiers Algiers Aljir (from Algerian Arabic: dzayr دْزَايرْ)
alliance perikatan, persekutuan, pakatan aliansi (influenced by Dutch alliantie),
alloy pancalogam, aloi logam paduan,
logam campuran, aloi
Andorra Andorra Andora
animal husbandry penternakan peternakan
apartment pangsapuri,
rumah pangsa,
rumah kondo (only for 'condominium')
apartemen (influenced by Dutch appartement),
rumah susun (rusun) (public housing for poor families),
apricot aprikot abrikos (from Dutch abrikoos), aprikot
appeal (legal) rayuan banding,
apel (rare)
application (software) perisian penggunaan, aplikasi perangkat lunak, aplikasi ' (from Dutch applicatie)
architect arkitek arsitek (from pronunciation of Dutch architect)
architecture seni bina arsitektur (influenced by Dutch architectuur)
archive arkib arsip (from Dutch archief)
area kawasan daerah, area,
armed forces tentera tentara,
angkatan bersenjata
army tentera darat angkatan darat
assembly majlis,
perhimpunan (from the root verb 'himpun' meaning 'to gather/assemble')
assets aset harta,
aktiva (from Dutch activa)
association persatuan asosiasi (from Dutch associatie),
assumption andaian,
astronaut angkasawan astronaut, antariksawan
Athens Athens Athena (influenced by Dutch Athene or from native Greek Athina)
athletics (sport) olahraga ('sport' in Indonesian) atletik
auction lelong from Portuguese leilão lelang also from Portuguese leilão
August Ogos Agustus from Dutch augustus
auntie makcik (also used in Riau Malay dialect in Indonesia),
emak saudara,
ibu saudara
tante from Dutch
autobiography autobiografi autobiografi, otobiografi is a nonstandard form
automated teller machine (ATM) or cash dispenser[41] mesin juruwang automatik anjungan tunai mandiri
automatic automatik (formerly otomatik) otomatis (derived from Dutch pronunciation of automatisch)
autonomy autonomi otonomi (self-governing)
awkward janggal,
kekok (of gesture)
kikuk (of gesture)


English Standard Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) Indonesian
backpack beg sandang (lit. "sling bag") ransel (from Dutch), tas punggung
backstage (of a theater or studio) belakang tabir belakang layar (lit. "back screen/behind the screen"),

belakang panggung

bag beg tas (from Dutch)
baking powder serbuk penaik bubuk pengembang
Ballpoint pen pen mata bola bolpoin
Baozi pau bakpao
baseband jalur asas pita dasar
basin (wash basin/sink) besen wastafel (from Dutch, lit. washing table)
basket (ball) bola keranjang bola basket
basket (general) bakul keranjang,bakul[42]
bathroom bilik air kamar mandi
bathtub tab mandi,[43] takung mandi[43] bak mandi[44]
battery bateri baterai
because kerana,
bed katil matras influenced by Dutch matras,
tempat tidur,
Belgium Belgium Belgia influenced by Dutch België
Belgrade Belgrade Beograd influenced by Serbian Београд
belt (of a seat) tali keledar sabuk,
ikat pinggang
bicycle basikal sepeda (influenced by French velocipede)
bill (legislation) rang undang-undang rancangan undang-undang,
billboard papan iklan baliho (supposedly from English ballyhoo (in English it means extravagant publicity or fuss))
papan iklan,
papan reklame from Dutch reclame (advertisement)
billion seribu juta, bilion miliar (from Dutch miljard), milyar (informal but frequently used)
binary perduaan biner (from Dutch binaire)
biodiversity biokepelbagaian keanekaragaman hayati
bishop biskop,
uskup (from Arabic أُسْقُف)
board (company) lembaga ('agency' in Indonesian) dewan
border sempadan 1. perbatasan
2. sempadan (used as setback for land use)
bonnet, hood (of a car) bonet,
kap (from Dutch)
boot, trunk (of a car) but bagasi (from Dutch baggage)
Borneo Borneo Kalimantan
brake brek rem (from Dutch)
Brazil Brazil Brasil
briefcase beg bimbit[45] tas kerja,[44] tas kantor[46]
Britain Britain Britania (from Latin: Britannia)
Brussels Brussels Brussel (influenced by Dutch spelling)
Bucharest Bucharest Bukarest
bucket; pail baldi ember (from Dutch emmer)
burn lecur kuka bakar
bus bas bus,
bis nonstandard, influenced by Dutch pronunciation
bus station stesen bas terminal bus (frequently pronounced as terminal bis as it is derived from Dutch pronunciation of bus)
bus stop perhentian bas 1. pemberhentian bus,
2. halte bus (from Dutch bushalte)
business perniagaan,
perniagaan (less commonly used),
business administration pentadbiran perniagaan administrasi bisnis


English Standard Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) Indonesian
Cairo Kaherah from Arabic Al-Qahirah Kairo (from Dutch Cairo)
Calendar date Tarikh Tanggal
Cambodia Kemboja Kamboja
Cameroon Cameroon Kamerun (from Dutch Kameroen)
camp kem kamp (reflects Dutch pronunciation)
campaign kempen kampanye (from Dutch campagne (a French loanword))
can (to be able) boleh (means "permit" in Indonesia),
cancer kanser,
kanker (from Dutch kanker)
capacitor pemuat,
capital city ibu negara (means "first lady" in Indonesia ibu kota
car kereta
(means carriage in Indonesian, commonly used as a shorthand for kereta api, which means train. Malay followed English derivation of car which was a contraction of horseless carriage)
mobil (from Dutch/mid-English automobile)
car cover[47] kain penutup kereta[48] tutup mobil[47]
carburetor karburetor karburator (from Dutch carburator)
card kad kartu (from Dutch kaart)
career kerjaya,
karier (from Dutch carrière
Caribbean Caribbean Karibia
carrot lobak merah (means red radish in Indonesian) wortel (from Dutch)
case kes kasus (from Latin: casus),
cash wang tunai uang tunai,
kontan (from Dutch contant)
cashier juruwang 1. kasir, from Dutch kassier
2. juru uang (rare)
caterpillar ulat bulu, beluncas ulat
cavalry pasukan berkuda pasukan berkuda,
cement simen semen (from Dutch cement
censor tapisan (means "filter" in Indonesian) sensor
census banci (means "transvestite" in Indonesian) sensus,
banci (virtually never used in Indonesia, listed by KBBI)
centipede lipan kelabang,
central pusat pusat,
certificate sijil sertifikat
chaos (theory) teori kekacauan teori kekacauan
chest freezer peti sejuk dada,[49] peti ais[50] freezer dada[51], lemari pendingin dada[52]
chilli cili, lada ('pepper' in Indonesian, also in Malay[53]), cabai (used in the northern states of Malaysia) cabai,
lombok (from Javanese: lombok)
China China, Cina 1. Tionghoa (standard term for Chinese people, from Southern Min Chinese: Tiong-hôa 中華),
2. Tiongkok (Republik Rakyat Tiongkok and Republik Tiongkok: official name of the People's Republic of China and Republic of China, from Southern Min Chinese: Tiong-kok 中國),
3. Cina (standard, still in common use but discouraged due to racist connotations. See Shina for further information.),
4. China (nonstandard)
Chinese New Year Tahun Baru Cina Tahun Baru Imlek
Christianity Kristian[54] Kristen[55]
chocolate coklat cokelat
chopsticks penyepit sumpit
Christmas Krismas,
Natal from Portuguese
cinema panggung wayang bergambar (more popularly abbreviated as pawagam),
panggung wayang
1. bioskop (from Dutch bioscoop),
2. sinema
circular saw gergaji bulat[56] gergaji bundar[56]
circuit litar sirkuit
city bandar,
bandaraya (big city),
bandar (a coastal or port city in Indonesian)
civil awam (In Indonesian, it means "non-expert"),
sipil (from Dutch civiel)
claim tuntutan (means "sue" in Indonesian) klaim


clarification klarifikasi,
penjernihan (to make something, e.g. water, clear in Indonesian)
klarifikasi (from Dutch clarificatie),
clause (legal) fasal (equivalent term in Indonesian is pasal) ayat,
klausul (from Dutch clausule)
clavicle klavikel, tulang selangka tulang selangka, clavicula[58]
club (association) kelab kubl,
perkumpulan infrequent
clutch pedal[59] (inside car part) pedal cekam, klac[60] pedal kopling
coach (carriage) koc gerbong
coat kot jas (from Dutch jas),
cockroach lipas lipas,
kecoa (from Southern Min Chinese: ka-choa̍h 虼蚻)
coin syiling from English shilling

siling from English shilling (rare) mata wang, wang logam, duit from Dutch duit[61]

koin, mata uang, uang logam

duit from Dutch duit[62][63]

college kolej,
kolese (from Dutch college,
Cologne Cologne Köln,
Colombia Colombia Kolombia
comment ulasan,
ulasan (can also mean review, interpretation or comment),
komentar (from Dutch commentaar)
commission suruhanjaya komisi (from Dutch commissie)
commissioner pesuruhjaya komisaris (from Dutch commissaris),
committee jawatankuasa komite,
commonwealth komanwel persemakmuran
Comoros Comoros Komoro
company syarikat perusahaan,
maskapai (from Dutch maatschappij – almost exclusively used to refer to airline companies, i.e. maskapai penerbangan)
compiler penyusun penyusun,
complaint aduan aduan,
conclusion kesimpulan;
konklusi (rare)
konklusi (from Dutch conclusie)
condensation pemeluwapan,
kondensasi (from Dutch condensatie),
condensed milk susu pekat susu kental manis
conference persidangan konferensi (from Dutch conferentie),
confirmation pengesahan konfirmasi,
pengesahan of a document,
kepastian of a decision
conflict pertikaian
  • konflik,
  • pertentangan,
  • pertikaian
Congo Congo
conservation (movement)
  • pemuliharaan,
  • konservasi (rare)
  • konservasi,
  • pelestarian (of animals and plants)
constitution of a country perlembagaan
  • undang-undang dasar (influenced by Dutch grondwet ['basic law']),
  • konstitusi (from Dutch constitutie)
construction pembinaan pembangunan (of building),
pembinaan (of moral),
konstruksi (from Dutch constructie)
consumption perbelanjaan konsumsi (from Dutch consumptie),
contamination pencemaran pencemaran,
continuous selanjar berkesinambungan,
conversion penukaran (means "exchange" in Indonesia) konversi (from Dutch conversie),
convertible kereta berhud[64] konvertibel,[65] mobil konvertibel
cooker hood[66] tudung dapur[67] penghisap uap[66]
coping saw gergaji lengkung halus gergaji triplek[68]
corporation perbadanan korporasi (from Dutch corporatie),
badan usaha,
corruption rasuah (from Arabic: Rashwah meaning 'bribe'),
korupsi (rare)
korupsi (from Dutch corruptie),
rasuah (from Arabic: Rashwah meaning 'bribe')(non-standard)
Costa Rica Costa Rica Kosta Rika
Côte d'Ivoire Ivory Coast, Côte d'Ivoire Pantai Gading
counter kaunter loket from Dutch,
country negara negara,
negeri in Malaysia, negeri usually refers to a state within a federation
court mahkamah pengadilan,
crab ketam kepiting
cracker keropok kerupuk
criminal penjenayah penjahat,
pidana (ahli pidana is criminal law expert)
Croatia Croatia Kroasia
crucial genting krusial,
Curaçao Curasao Kurasao
Cuba Cuba Kuba
cupboard almari (from Portuguese armário) lemari also from armário
current (adjective, of time) semasa saat ini, kini, terkini, aktual (from Dutch actueel)
current affairs hal ehwal semasa aktualitas, peristiwa terkini
curtain langsir (means train wagon arrangement in Indonesian),
tirai (used for all meanings apart from house curtain),
gorden (of a house; from Dutch gordijn)
customs (authority) kastam pabean refers to the administrative institution,
bea dan cukai (bea-cukai) lit. tariff-and-tax, duty
cute comel imut,
lucu ("funny" in Malay)
cybercrime jenayah komputer kejahatan siber
Cyprus Cyprus Siprus
Czech Republic Republik Czech (Republik) Ceko


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
DecemberDisemberDesember (influenced by Dutch december)
decimalperpuluhan (means tithe in Indonesian)desimal (from Dutch decimale),
persepuluhan (rare)
decreedekrisurat keputusan,
dekret (from Dutch decreet)
degree (of temperature)darjahderajat
delicious, tastylazat,
democraticdemokratikdemokratis (from Dutch demokratisch
note: "democratic republic" (in country names) translates as republik demokratik, such as in Republik Demokratik Kongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
departmentjabatan ('occupation' in Indonesian)departemen,
jurusan (for department in university)
depression (psychological)kemurungan (means "sadness" in Indonesian)depresi (from Dutch depressie)
timbalan (rare)
designreka bentukdesain,
kerangka bentuk,
detil (nonstandard),
rinci (nonstandard)


different – differencebeza,
berbeza – perbezaan
berbeda – perbedaan
diocesekawasan uskup,
directorpengarahdirektur from Dutch (and French) directeur,
sutradara (of a film) from Sanskrit (through Javanese),
pengarah (for an event)
potongan harga
potongan harga,
korting from Dutch, less frequent
diskusi (from Dutch discussie)
dishwasher mesin pencuci pinggan, mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk[69] mesin cuci piring, mesin pencuci piring[70]
disposable razor pisau cukur pakai buang pisau cukur sekali pakai
domesticdalam negaradalam negeri,
double-decker bus bas dua tingkat[71] bus tingkat
double edge razor pisau cukur bermata dua,[72] pencukur dua tepi[73] pisau cukur tepi ganda,[74] pisau cukur bermata dua[75]
means guide in Indonesian
sopir from French chauffeur through Dutch, pengemudi formal
driver's license (U.S.)
driving licence (UK)
lesen memandusurat izin mengemudi (SIM)
drugs (illegal)dadah (colloquial use in Indonesia means "goodbye")narkoba (an acronym for NARKotika dan OBat-obatan terlArang (narcotics and illegal drugs)),
NAPZA (less frequent – an acronym for NArkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat-zat Adiktif (narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive chemical substances))
dustpan penadah sampah[76], tadahan sampah,[76] kuali habuk[77] pengki, serokan, serokan sampah[78], serokan debu,[78]
Dutch East IndiesHindia Timur BelandaHindia-Belanda
duty (economics)duti,


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
e-maile-melsurel (standard, shortened of surat elektronik (electronic mail)),
email (pronounced as /i.mel/ is a non-standard Indonesian but common in practice, though "email" pronounced as / means enamel)
EasterEaster, Paskah strictly used for Jewish Passover Paskah Kristen from Portuguese Páscoa
redaktur (from French rédacteur through Dutch – refers to editors of mass printed media)
editorial (board)kakitangan editorialredaksi (from Dutch redactie),editorial
efektivitas (from Dutch effectiviteit)
Eid ul-FitrHari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Raya Puasa, Lebaran[79]Hari Raya Idulfitri – Idul Fitri nonstandard spelling, but common, Lebaran colloquial – from Javanese
eightlapan used as colloquial abbreviation in Indonesiandelapan used in Malaysia before the spelling reform
elasticity (economy)keanjalanbingkas, elastisitas
electricitytenaga elektrik lit. electric energylistrik,
setrum (from Dutch stroom)
embargo (political)sekatan (means "obstacle" or "room which separated with partition" in Indonesian)boikot, embargo
emergencykecemasan (used for anxiety or "too anxious" (condition) in Indonesian), darurat [80]darurat (from Arabic – also used in Malaysia to express a state of emergency), kegawatan
emperormaharajakaisar (from Dutch keizer),
maharaja (from Sanskrit)
imperium (from Latin)
enamelenamelemail (from Dutch emaille)
tenaga (for "power")
erasergetah pemadampenghapus
erosi (from Dutch erosie)
escalatortangga geraktangga berjalan,
EthiopiaHabsyah from Arabic الحبشة al-habsha (Abyssinia)Etiopia
Europa (nonstandard)
evacuationpemindahan (means "translocation" or "relocation" in Indonesian)pengungsian,
evakuasi (from Dutch evacuatie)
evaluasi (from Dutch evaluatie)
evaporated milksusu sejatsusu evaporasi



excesslebihankelebihan ("benefit" in Malay, also in Indonesian),
pembuangan kotoran
execution (death sentence)hukuman matieksekusi (from Dutch executie),
(peng)hukuman mati
exhaust (pipe)ekzosknalpot (from Dutch, in which it also means "muffler")
exposependedahanpaparan (used for display in Malay),
pendedahan (virtually never used in Indonesia, listed by KBBI)
extinctpupus (of species),

padam (of flame or light)

padam (of flame or light),
punah (of species),
pupus (loss of hope)


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
facultyfakultifakultas (Learned borrowing from Latin, facultas),
fakultet (obsolete, from Dutch "faculteit")
facilitykemudahan, fasilitikemudahan,
fasilitas (Learned borrowing from Latin, facilitas)
faction (politics)puakfaksi (from Dutch "factie"),
fraksi from Dutch fractie
factorykilang ('refinery' in Indonesian)pabrik from Dutch fabriek
fan (fanatic)peminat (means enthusiast in Indonesian)penggemar,


fanaticism taklid fanatisme
federalpersekutuan (means alliance in Indonesian)federal (from Dutch "federaal")
Federated States of MicronesiaPersekutuan MikronesiaFederasi Mikronesia
federationpersekutuan (means alliance in Indonesian)federasi from Dutch federatie,
femur femur[81] tulang paha[58]
file[44] fail[82] berkas[44], fail[83] (uncommon)
finansial from Dutch financieel
firefighter squadbombapemadam kebakaran (lit. fire extinguisher),
branwir (from Dutch brandweer (fire defense))
fireplace pendiang, perapian pendiangan, perapian
flash drivepemacu kilatdiska lepas
floating rib tulang rusuk apungan[84] rusuk melayang[85]
floor, level (storey)tingkat may be used in Indonesian to express the number of storeys/levels a building has, e.g. a 5-storey building = gedung bertingkat 5, or to emphasize British floor numbering, e.g. tingkat satu means first floor (UK), second floor (US) in both languages, aras (used to emphasize American floor numbering, e.g. aras dua = tingkat satu lantai also refers to floor as ground surface in both languages, emphasizes American floor numbering, tingkat emphasizes British floor numbering, e.g. lantai dua = tingkat satu
flowerpot pasu,[86] pot[87] pot, pot bunga,[88] jambangan
fluorescent lamp lampu pendarfluor lampu pendar,
lampu kalimantang
fog lamp lampu kabus[89], lampu kabut[90] lampu kabut[91]
footballbola sepaksepak bola
footpath laluan jalan kaki, lorong jalan kaki[92] jalan setapak
force (physics)dayagaya
form (document)borangformulir from Dutch formulier, borang (nonstandard)
fountainair pancutair mancur
fountain penpen fountenpulpen
FrancePerancisPrancis, Perancis (nonstandard)
free (of charge)percuma means "worthless" in Indonesiangratis from Dutch,
cecuma (nonstandard)
frostbitereput fros, luka bekuradang dingin
funguskulat, fungusfungi
furnitureperabot rumah,
perkakas rumah (In Indonesian, perkakas means equipment)
mebel from Dutch meubelen,
perabot rumah tangga,


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian


preman from Dutch vrijman (lit. free-man),
gangster from English
garagegarajgarasi influenced by Dutch pronunciation
garrisongarrisongarnisun from Dutch garnizoen
gasolinepetrol (from British English petrol)bensin (from Dutch Benzine)
geargearroda gigi influenced by Dutch tandwiel, lit. "tooth wheel"
gearboxkotak gearpersneling from Dutch versnelling, girboks, transmisi
general (military)jeneraljenderal from Dutch generaal
general election pilihan raya umum pemilihan umum, Pemilu
ghost town pekan hantu kota hantu
gibbon wakwak, ungka, wawa, siamang[93] gibon[94], wawa, ungka, wak-wak, owa, siamang[95]
gingerhaliajahe, jahi, halia
Global Positioning SystemSistem Kedudukan SejagatSistem Pemosisian Global
glove compartment tempat menyimpan barang-barang kecil[96] laci penyimpanan[59]
goal keeperpenjaga gol/penjaga gawangkiper,
penjaga gawang
golf club (stick)kayu golfstik golf,
pemukul golf,
tongkat golf
derived from raja (king) – used in Malaysia and Brunei – in Indonesian means "kingdom"
derived from perintah (order/instruction) – also used in Singapore, which, like Indonesia, is a republic
Yang di-Pertua Negeri (in Malaysian states)
gubernur from Dutch gouverneur
pemberian tingkat (pemeringkatan)
graduation konvokesyen,
majlis penyampaian ijazah,
majlis graduasi
grandfatherdatuk, atuk (informal) or "tok" (if there is grandfather's name like "Tok Dalang")kakek,
opa from Dutch
grandmother nenek, opah (informal), nenenda (polite), nenda (polite), nenekanda (polite) nenek, nenenda, nenda
GreeceGreece of recent use, YunaniYunani from Arabic Yūnān يُونَان
grenadebom tangangranat tangan
grenade launcherpelancar bompelontar granat
gross financialkasarbruto from Dutch,




grup from Dutch pronunciation of groep,
garansi from Dutch pronunciation of garantie
guinea pig marmut, tikus belanda[97] marmot,[98] tikus belanda[99]


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
half past onepukul satu setengah (lit. one and a half)pukul setengah dua (thirty to two)
martil from Portuguese martelo
Handballbola balingbola tangan
harekelinci (kelinci means 'rabbit' in Indonesian)terwelu (from Javanese terwèlu)
head officeibu pejabat ("ibu" also means "mother" or "ma'am" in both languages)kantor pusat ("kantor" – from Dutch kantoor (office)),
headphones fon kepala, fonkepala[100], set kepala, fon telinga telepon kepala, headset (common; because influenced by English language), penyuara telinga, pelantang telinga
headscarf, hijabtudungkerudung,
jilbab though these words have different meanings
helmet topi keledar helm
herbherbajamu often understood as traditional potion made from rhizomes, also means "guest" ("tamu") and "treat the guest" ("menjamu"),
hospitalhospitalrumah sakit influenced by Dutch ziekenhuis ("house of the sick") – This term is still used in Brunei, but in Malaysia, "hospital" has replaced the term completely since the 1960s
Hongaria substandard, influenced by Dutch Hongarije
hybrid (biology)kacukan


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
ice creamaiskrimes krim
ice milkais susues susu
imej (of reputation),

gambar (pictorial image),

maruah (of reputation)

citra (of reputation, also pictorial image and broader meaning in computer science as for image processing[101]),
gambar (pictorial image)
imaginationimaginasi, bayanganimajinasi,
immigrationimigresen, imigrasiimigrasi from Dutch immigratie
impotencemati pucuk,
lemah syahwat
impotensi from Dutch impotentie,
lemah syahwat colloquial
incandescent lamp mentol lampu lampu pijar,
Indian OceanLautan HindiSamudra Hindia
inductorperaruh, induktor (rare)induktor
informationmaklumatinformasi, from Dutch informatie, penerangan rare
injection (noun)suntikansuntikan,
inkdakwat from Arabictinta from Dutch tinte,
dawat (archaic)
installment (payment)ansuranangsuran,
instantsegera (means "soon" in Indonesia)seketika,
insuranceinsuransasuransi from Dutch assurantie
intelligence (spying) risikan (means 'secret investigation' in Indonesia)intelijen, tilik sandi
internationalantarabangsainternasional, mancanegara from Javanese meaning: foreign land)
internet cafékafe internet,
kafe cyber
warnet a portmanteau for "warung internet" (lit. internet shop)
interventioncampur tangan,
campur tangan,
introspectionkaji diri,
introspeksi (rare)
wawas diri
penjajahan (means colonialism in Indonesian),
penanaman modal
ItalyItaliItalia from Italian


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
(fruit) jamjemselai
Jepun (archaic)
jigsaw gergaji jig[102] gergaji ukir[103]
Jordan (country)JordanYordania from Dutch Jordanië
JulyJulaiJuli from Dutch juli
JuneJunJuni from Dutch juni


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
ketchupsos tomatosaus tomat
keyboard (of computer technology) papan kekunci[104] kibor[105], papan tombol, papan ketik, papan tik, papan tuts, papan tombol komputer[106]
key limelimau nipisjeruk nipis
kitchen towel tuala dapur, kain pinggan, kain pinggan mangkuk handuk dapur, serbet dapur, kain lap
KyivKyivKiev influenced by Russian Киев
(Kyiv also commonly used)
lanelorong (means alley in Indonesian)lajur
lantern lantera, tanglung, lentera, teng lentera, teng[107]
laptop komputer riba, komputer peribadi laptop, komputer laptop[108], komputer jinjing, komputer pangku
Law enforcement Penguatkuasaan undang-undang penegakan hukum
lawn halaman rumput[109] halaman berumput[110], lapangan rumput[109]
lawn mower (in long lawn cutting) mesin rumput[111] mesin potong rumput[111], mesin pemotong rumput
lawyerpeguamadvokat from Dutch advocaat,
pengacara (means 'master of ceremonies' in Malay)
LebanonLubnan from ArabicLebanon,
Libanon influenced by Dutch
jeruk sitrun
legislativeperundangan (In Indonesian, it means legislation), legislatiflegislatif
ijin from Arabic idhn,
lisensi from Dutch licentie
lieutenantleftenan (influenced by British English pronunciation)letnan
light cahaya elektrik pencahayaan listrik
lift, elevatorliflift, elevator[112]
liquidity (economy)kecairanlikuiditas
LisbonLisbonLisboa from Portuguese, Lisabon influenced by Dutch Lissabon
senarai less common
LithuaniaLithuaniaLituania (noun), Lithuania
loudspeaker pembesar suara, pengeras suara pengeras suara, pelantang, spiker (influence by English –"speaker")
LuxembourgLuxembourgLuksemburg influenced by Dutch/German Luxemburg


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
magistratemajistrethakim from Arabic حَكِم – used in Malay to refer to judges, magistrat less common
magnetbesi berani,
batu berani
jantan (for animals, depending on the context, it can mean masculine or used as a derogatory term on men)
jantan (on animals, used on men to describe masculinity)
pincang tugas
malpracticepenyelewengan (means "misappropriation" in Indonesian)malapraktik
pengurusan (rare)
mantis mentadak, mentadu, cengkadak belalang sentadu, belalang sembah, mentadak (influenced by Malay languange)
March (month)MacMaret influenced by Dutch maart
marker penpen penandaspidol
ilmu hisab
ilmu hitung,
ilmu hisab only used in Islamic text books
mean (verb)berertiberarti
measuring jug cawan sukat[113], jag penyukat[114], tempayan penyukat[115] teko pengukur,[44] kendi pengukur,[116] gelas ukur[117]
mediationpengantaraan (In Indonesian, it means "broking")mediasi
memory cardkad ingatan/kad memorikartu memori
mental arithmeticcongakaritmetika cepat,
micro compact car[65] kereta kompak[118] mobil mini[65]
milebatu (means "stone" in Indonesian. "stone" is an alternative meaning of "batu" in Malay)mil
militer (from French militaire through Dutch militair),
minibusbas minibis mini,
miraclekeajaiban (means "to wonder" in Indonesian)mukjizat
mobile phone, cellphonetelefon bimbittelepon seluler (ponsel),
telepon genggam
moneywang, duituang,
duit (colloquial)
MoroccoMaghribi from ArabicMaroko
mortgagegadai janjihipotek from Dutch hypotheek,
MoscowMoscowMoskwa, Moskow
motorcyclemotosikal, moto (informal)sepeda motor lit. "motorized bicycle" – influenced by Dutch motorfiets, motor (informal)
MPV or minibus[65] kenderaan serba guna minibus,[65] mobil MPV, kendaraan multi guna
Mrs.PuanIbu, Nyonya (Ny.)


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
nakedbogel, telanjangtelanjang, bugil (colloquial)
navigationpandu arah,
navytentera lautangkatan laut
necessaryperlu (from Arabic fardhu)butuh,
neighborjiran (means Malaysia as country in Indonesian)tetangga
networkrangkaian (means circuit in Indonesian)jaringan, jejaring
New ZealandNew ZealandSelandia Baru (influenced by Dutch: Zeeland; or from Latin: Zeelandia)
newspapersurat khabar coined from two Arabic words: ṣūratصورة / صورت (form, appearance) and khabar خبر (news), akbhar[119]surat kabar (more formal – lit. news letter),
koran (from French courant through Dutch, Krant in modern Dutch, but Koerant in Afrikaans), akhbar[120] (influenced by Malay [Malaysian or Bruneian] language; but uncommon or rarely used)
nilnilnol from Dutch nul
kecoh in Indonesian means "disturb" or "distract",
bacot (colloquial, slightly offensive)
noontengah harisiang
North MacedoniaMacedonia UtaraMakedonia Utara
Northern CyprusRepublik Turki Cyprus UtaraSiprus Utarа
notebook computer komputer buku nota[121] komputer notebook,[121] notebook
nomor (substandard form from Dutch/German nummer)
suster from Dutch zuster, only for female nurse


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
lautan rarely used in formal situation
officepejabatkantor (from Dutch kantoor)
kakitangan (a negative connotation usually means accomplice in criminal activity in Indonesian)
official (adj.)rasmi (from Arabo-Persian rasmi رَسمِي)resmi (also from rasmi)
oppositionpembangkang (means "defiance" in Indonesian)oposisi
optionpilihan, opsyen (rare)pilihan,
orange (colour)jingga,
oranye (from Dutch oranje)
orange (fruit)oren,
order (instruction)order,
outer spaceangkasa lepasluar angkasa


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
Pacific OceanLautan Pasifik,
Lautan Teduh
Samudra Pasifik
papaya (fruit)(buah) betik(buah) pepaya
Papua New GuineaPapua New GuineaPapua Nugini
parking brake, or handbrake lever[59] brek tangan tuas rem tangan,[59] rem parkir, rem tangan
parliamentparlimenparlemen (from Franco-Dutch parlement)
party (political)partipartai (from Dutch partij)
means convict in Indonesian
pasien (from Dutch pronunciation of patiënt)
patrolrondapatroli (for police and military) (from Dutch patrouille),
ronda (for civilian)
pavement, sidewalkjalan pinggir,
jalur jalan untuk pejalan kaki,
laluan jalan kaki,
kaki lima (In Indonesia, it is used in pedagang kaki lima (street vendor))
tepi jalan
trotoar (from Franco-Dutch trottoir)
peniszakar from Arabic ذَكَر "male"- this word is extremely vulgar in Indonesian, "buah zakar" means testicles,
batang lelaki,
konek (slang)
penis (formal), zakar from Arabic, less frequent, pelir, alat kelamin laki-laki (euphemism),
kemaluan lelaki (euphemism),
burung (vulgar),
titit (children's slang like "pee-pee"),
kontol (slang, extremely vulgar)
perseratus (less common, usually used when compared per mille)
minyak wangi
parfum from Dutch,
minyak wangi
periodic table jadual berkala tabel periodik
Personal Computer (PC) komputer peribadi komputer pribadi, PC (influenced by English)
Pest (organism)makhluk perosakhama
pharmacyfarmasiapotek (from Dutch apotheek),
farmasi (usually for medicine manufacturers)
photographgambar (In Indonesian, it means "picture" or "figure"),
foto (lit. photo)
physicsfizik (Indonesian equivalent term, fisik, is used for term physical, e.g. aktivitas fisik [physical activity])fisika
pickpocket nounpenyeluk sakucopet (portmanteau of colong dompet, "wallet thief"),
pickup truck trak atau lori pikap truk pikap, truk bak terbuka[65], mobil pikap atau bak terbuka
pig, swinebabi
khinzir from Arabic خِنْزِير (khin-zeer)
pink merah jambu, merah dadu, merah samar, merah muda merah jambu, pink (influenced by English language), merah dadu,[122] merah muda[122]
pirate (maritime)lanun
bajak laut,
perompak (perompak in Malay, means "robber"),
lanun (archaic)
platform (train)platformperon from Dutch perron
policepolis (means "insurance policy" (polis asuransi) in Indonesian)polisi from Dutch politie
political demonstrationtunjuk perasaanunjuk rasa
politicianahli politikpolitikus
sebagian (a portion of...)
post codeposkodkode pos
daya berkemampuan
powdered milksusu tepungsusu bubuk
PraguePraguePraha (also used in Malay)
prayer (Islam)solat, sembahyangsalat (standard),
sholat (from Arabic, 'sh' is usually pronounced as 's'),
prayer room (Islam)surausurau,
mushollah (from Arabic, 'sh' is usually pronounced as 's')
precipitation (meteorology)kerpasancurah hujan,
prakiraan (not perkiraan estimation)
hamil (formal, from Arabic حَامِل),
berbadan dua lit. "two bodied",
bunting for animals
mengandung (formal),
hamil (colloquial),
berbadan dua (poetic),
bunting (informal)
PreparationPenyediaan (means "to supply" in Indonesian)Persiapan
prepositionkata sendi namapreposisi,
kata depan
pressmedia massa,
surat khabar (see above)
pers (from Dutch),
media massa
printer (computing)pencetak,
pencetak komputer
mesin cetak,
Private Limited CompanySendirian Berhad
abbreviated as Sdn Bhd (suffix), "sendirian" alone means "alone"
Perseroan Terbatas
abbreviated as PT (prefix)
producerpengeluar, penerbit,
produsen (from Dutch producent), produser (mainly refers to musical producers),
productkeluaranproduk (from English and Dutch product), hasil, keluaran (more specific term for outcome)
programming (computer)pengaturcaraanpemrograman
property (?)harta
perempuan sundal (vulgar)
Wanita Tuna Susila (WTS) (Sanskrit, pronounced 'way-tay-es', i.e. "moral-less women"),
Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) (formal, pronounced 'pay-es-ka' (commercial sex workers)),
perek (slang)
prostitutionpelacuranprostitusi (from Dutch prostitutie),
provincewilayah (used in Indonesian to mean 'area'), daerah (used in Indonesian to mean 'area')provinsi (from Dutch provincie)
push, to (door)tolak (It used as in tolak peluru (shot put) in Indonesian for this contex, used less primarily in Indonesian to mean 'subtract', it also means 'to refuse/reject', also common meaning in Malay when used in arithmetics)dorong (means "to push" in Malay, but often used to mean "to support")


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
queue (line)barisan (means line "formation" in Indonesian)antre, antri (from Dutch aantreden or in de rij)
rabbitkucing belanda, arnab (from Arabic)kelinci (from Dutch konijn), kucing belanda
race (human categorization)kaumras
rake (kind of gardening tools) pencakar[124], gurit[124] penggaru[110], garu[124], garuk[124]
Random-Access Memory (RAM)Ingatan Capaian RawakMemori Akses Acak
raperogol, perkosaperkosa
raspberryrasberiframbus, frambosen (from Dutch framboos)
rat tikus[125] tikus pondok[110]
reaction (chemical) tindak balas kimia reaksi kimia
Read-Only Memory (ROM)Ingatan Baca SahajaMemori Hanya Baca
real estatehartanahrealestat,
properti tanah,
lahan yasan
rearview mirror[126] (inside car part) cermin pandang belakang[127] spion[126]
receiptresit, penerimaankuitansi, kwitansi (substandard, from Dutch kwitantie),
resi (from Franco-Dutch reçu),
bon from Dutch,
struk (from Dutch strook)
recession (economy)kemelesetan (In Indonesian, it means "mishit")resesi (from Dutch recessie),
kelesuan (ekonomi)
reclamationtebus gunareklamasi (from Dutch reclamatie)
recruitmentpergerakan (In Indonesian, it means "movement"),
pengambilan (In Indonesian, it means "taking")
refraksi (from Dutch refractie)
refrigeratorpeti sejuk lit. cool box (rarely used in Indonesian), peti ais, almari aislemari es,
lemari pendingin (lit. cooler closet),
kulkas (from Dutch koelkast)
ugama (widely used before the 80s)
agama, kepercayaan
renovationpengubahsuaianrenovasi (from Dutch renovatie)
pembiakan (also means "breeding")
researchkajian (means research or investigation result in Indonesian),
responsibilitytanggungjawabtanggung jawab, pertanggungjawaban
restaurantkedai makan lit. "eating shop",
rumah makan lit. "eating house",
warung makan lit. "eating café",
Retreat (spiritual) percutian kerohanian retret
reversing light lampu undur[128] lampu mundur[129]
ring (mathematics)gelanggangring,
robrompak (Indonesian for "to commit piracy")rampok,
Roman (demonym)RomRomawi
roombilik (usually means "compartment" in Indonesian)kamar (from Dutch kamer),
ruang (Javanese, for storage areas etc.)
roundabout (traffic)bulatan
e.g. Bulatan Dato Onn in Kuala Lumpur
pusing keliling (in Brunei)
e.g. Bundaran HI in Jakarta
royaldirajakerajaan (in Malaysia and Brunei means "kingdom" or "government")
rubbergetah may also mean gum or sap or resin in both languages, also figure of speech for "cause of bad deed"karet
rumourkhabar angin,
kabar angin,
kabar burung


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
safepeti besibrankas
safety or shoulder belt[130] tali pinggang keledar keselamatan sabuk pengaman
masin (rare)
SanskritSanskrit (from English Sanskrit)Sanskerta (from Sanskrit संस्कृत saṃskṛtá)
saucesossaus (from Dutch saus)
sausagesosejsosis (from Dutch saucijs)
scapula skapula, tulang belikat[131] tulang belikat[131]
scenariosenarioskenario (from Dutch scenario)
school (Islamic)sekolah pondokmadrasah,
pondok pesantren
sciencesainsilmu (from Arabic 'ilm) (alam), sains (especially for "natural science")
screwdriver pemutar skru obeng
secretarysetiausaha Indonesian lit. "loyal to work"sekretaris (from Dutch secretaris)
seksi (from Dutch sectie),
server (computing)pelayanserver, peladen
serviceperkhidmatanlayanan, jasa
state servant abdi negara, pegawai kerajaan abdi negara
sesi (from Dutch sessie)
sewersaluran najis "najis" means dirty in both languages,
saluran kumbahan
parit (means 'ditch' in Malay),
saluran air/pembuangan
shampoosyampu (from Anglo-Indian / Hindustani chāmpo, the imperative form of (Hindi) चाँप्ना chāmpnā 'to smear, knead the muscles, massage')sampo
share (verb)berkongsi (In Indonesian, it means "creating trading company" or "plotting something bad")berbagi
shirtbaju (also in Indonesian but more generally refers to clothes)kaus, kemeja (from Portuguese camisa, implies collared shirt)
shoekasut (generalized term for any footwear in Indonesian, but usually related to sandals or ancient shoes), sepatusepatu (understood but less frequently used in Malaysia, from Portuguese sapato)
shopkedai (means eateries stall in Indonesia)toko, warung, kedai
shopping mallpusat beli-belahmal,
pusat perbelanjaan
shovel penyodok sekop lengkung, sekop
side marker light (in exterior car part) lampu penanda sisi,[132] lampu penanda sampingan[133] lampu tepi[129]
sink singki[134] bak cuci[44]
site (internet)tapak (means foundation (building) or footprint in Indonesia)situs
small change duit syiling receh
social securitykeselamatan sosialjaminan sosial
snowsalji (from Arabic thalj)salju (also from thalj)
soap opera teledrama, drama lipur lara (rare or uncommon), sinetron (rare; but influenced by Indonesian language) sinetron, opera sabun (rare)
soccer table[135] bola sepak meja[136] sepak bola meja
sodomyliwat (from Arabic) sodomi,
liwat (only used in Islamic text books)
solar suriasurya
solution penyelesaiansolusi,
sour masamasam,
masam (poetic, usually used in connotative expressions: bermuka masam: sour faced (dissatisfied/unhappy expression))
sour creamkrim masamkrim asam
soya beans kacang soya, kacang kedelai(kacang) kedelai
spade penyodok sekop datar, sekop
Spain SepanyolSpanyol
speak/talk bercakap (means 'to chat' in Indonesian),berbicara, bersembang, berborakberbicara, ngomong (Javanese ngoko, colloquial)
specialist pakar, perubatanspesialis (in case of specialist doctor),
pakar in general, it means expert
spinal column[137] or vertebra tulang belakang tulang punggung
sportsukanolahraga (means "athletics" Malay, from Sanskrit, lit. "to train the body")
sports car kereta sport mobil sport[65]
spousepasangan suami-isteri,
kelamin colloquial, in Indonesian means "sex" or "gender"
pasangan (suami-istri),
suami-istri (husband-wife)
sprinkles, or chocolate rice urai, coklat urai meses, coklat beras, meises
stadiumstadiumstadion from Dutch,
stadiun vowel shift influenced by Javanese pronunciation
staffkakitangan (phrase "kaki tangan" means subordinate with negative image in Indonesian)staf,
personil (from Dutch personeel),
stampsetemperangko (from Dutch franco)
standardpiawai, standardstandar, patokan, baku
starfishtapak Sulaimanbintang laut
state (within a federation)negerinegara bagian
stationstesenstasiun (formerly spelled "setasiun")
station wagon or estate car kereta estet, station wagon mobil station wagon
steering wheelroda sterengroda setir (from Dutch stuur), roda kemudi
sternum tulang dada, sternum[138] sternum[58]
stop (verb)berhentiberhenti,
arbei (from Dutch aardbei)
stretch-limousine[65] limusin[139] limosin
streetcar trem trem, tram
stupidbodoh, bengap, tolol, bangang, bongok (slang)bodoh, dungu, tolol, goblok (slang), very demeaning in Malay, geblek (slang), bego (slang)
sublimation (phase transition)pemejalwapansublimasi, penyubliman
SundayAhadMinggu (from Portuguese Domingo which means Lord's Day),
Ahad (only used in Islamic calendar)
sunglassescermin mata gelap (In Indonesia, cermin means "mirror")kacamata hitam (lit. black glasses),
kacamata riben (from 'Ray-Ban' brand of sunglasses)
supermarketpasar rayasupermarket,
pasar swalayan (lit. self-service market)
surveytinjauan (means process or result of observation in Indonesian), kaji selidiksurvei
suspend (hang)menggantung (means 'hang' in Indonesian)menangguhkan (also 'adjourn' in Malay)
SUV (sport utility vehicle) or all-terrain vehicle[65] kenderaan utiliti sukan kendaraan utilitas sport
switch suis, sakelar saklar, sakelar
swivel chair kerusi pusing[140] kursi putar,[44] kursi berputar[141]
SyriaSyriaSuriah (from Arabic)


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
table (set of facts or figures)jadual (Indonesian equivalent, jadwal, means "schedule")tabel (from Dutch tabel)
tandem[142] basikal tandem[143], tandem[144] sepeda tandem
TaiwanRepublik China di TaiwanRepublik Tiongkok
tankkereta kebaltank
tap waterair paip (piped water)air keran (from Dutch Kraan),
air ledeng ("ledeng" also means "plumbing", from Dutch "leiding")
tapiocaubi kayu as in Indonesian, understood as the tuber cassava itself(tepung) tapioka,
tepung singkong
teachercikgu, guruguru
teacher (religious, Islam)ustaz,
ustad (ultimately from Persian اُستَاذ),
ustadzah female
teampasukan used in Indonesian to refer to squad (military)tim
tear gasgas pemedih matagas air mata
telephonetelefon (formerly talipon)telepon
televisiontelevisyen, TVtelevisi (from Dutch televisie) , TV
termstermasyarat (from Arabic: syarṭ شَرْطٌ)
terroristpengganas (means "rioter"or aggressor in Indonesian)teroris
testiclesbuah zakar, testis, buah keranjuttestis, biji kemaluan, buah zakar (slang, vulgar), kanjut (slang, vulgar)
ThailandNegara Thai, Siam, ThailandThailand, Siam, Muangthai used in old scripts
The HagueThe HagueDen Haag (from Dutch)
Theobroma cacao koko kakao
tickettikettiket, karcis (from Dutch kaartje, usually refers to small-size ticket)
waktu from Arabic الوقت (al-Waqt),
masa (can be used for 'in a specific long period of time' in Indonesian)
tire (US)/tyre (UK)tayarban (from Dutch [auto]band)
tofutauhutahu, tofu
toiletbilik air, tandastoilet, kamar kecil, WC (pronounced 'way-say') for watercloset
tornadoputing beliungputing beliung, angin puyuh, tornado
toothpasteubat gigipasta gigi
odol (genericized from Odol, German toothpaste's brand)
toweltuala (from Portuguese toalha) handuk (from Dutch handdoek)
traffic jamkesesakan lalulintas, jam (slang)kemacetan, macet
traffic lightlampu isyarat (In Indonesian, isyarat means sign)lampu lalu-lintas
trainkereta api, trenkereta (api)
pengangkutantransportasi (from American English: 'transportation'),
perhubungan (in case of Ministry of Transportation)
bapok (slang), transseksual
waria (polite) a shortened form of wanita-pria , bencong, banci
treepokok in Indonesian means "principal" or "core" or "staple", in Sundanese poko means authentic, e.g. authentic cuisine, pohonpohon
trillion (1012)triliontrilyun, triliun (from Dutch pronunciation; starting with 1012, Indonesian uses the short scale)
tropical tropika tropika, tropis
trowel; hand trowel kulir,[145] sudip tangan[145] sudip tangan[145], tajak[146]
truck (US); lorry (UK)lori (from British English: 'lorry'), traktruk,
prahoto from Dutch vrachtauto
turkey (bird)ayam belanda(ayam) kalkun (from Dutch kalkoen)
turnpusing (means 'to spin' in Indonesian, commonly used to mean dizzy as a short form of kepala pusing), belokbelok,
turn signal or indicator[129] lampu indikator[147], lampu penunjuk[147] lampu sen[129], lampu sein


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
uglyhodoh, teruk, burukjelek, buruk
ulna tulang hasta[148] ulna[58], tulang hasta[148]
oom, om (derived from Dutch, pronounced and sometimes spelt oom)
unionkesatuan (in Indonesian means "unitary")persatuan,
United Arab EmiratesEmiriah Arab BersatuUni Emirat Arab
United KingdomUnited KingdomBritania Raya
United NationsPertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa BersatuPerserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
United States of America (USA)
United States (US)
Amerika SyarikatAmerika Serikat (AS)
untilsehingga (means 'thus' in Indonesian),


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
vaginafaraj (from Arabic, in Indonesian means "vulva"), pepek/pepet (slang)alat kelamin wanita, liang peranakan, vagina, farji, memek (slang, vulgar), pepek (slang, vulgar)
variable (mathematics)pemboleh ubahvariabel,
Vatican CityVatican City(Kota) Vatikan
VeniceVeniceVenesia (influenced by Dutch Venetië)
verbkata kerjakata kerja (influenced by Dutch werkwoord, lit. "work word"),
verificationpengesahan (means "validation" in Indonesian)verifikasi
verysangat, amat, sekalisangat, amat, sekali, banget (from Javanese ngoko)
vesakhari wesakwaisak
vice (deputy)naibwakil,
naib (less common)
victimmangsa in Indonesian means "prey"korban
ViennaViennaWina (influenced by Dutch Wenen)
violet (colour)lembayungviolet,
lembayung (rarely used)
virgin(anak) dara, (anak) gadis, perawanperawan (formal), gadis, (anak) dara
visitlawatan, pelanconganwisata,
pelancongan, lawatan (to foreign country, an excursion),
besuk (from Dutch bezoeken) (to someone sick)
volleyballbola tamparbola voli
volume (math)isi paduvolume,


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
wardenwarden, penjaga penjarasipir (penjara) (from Dutch cipier)
water pump pliers playar pam air[149], tang pam air[150] tang pompa air[151]
watering can penyiram gembor, penyiram tanaman
websitelaman web, laman sesawangsitus web,
laman web
weed rumpai rumput liar[152], gulma
weekendhujung mingguakhir pekan,
akhir minggu
well (water hole)perigisumur,
perigi (rarely used)
wheelchairkerusi rodakursi roda
whenbila, apabila, ketika, bilamana (rarely used)kapan, bilamana, (question word)
bila, ketika
whipped creamkrim putarkrim kocok
wildfirekebakaran liarkebakaran hutan dan lahan
windowtingkap, jendelajendela (from Portuguese janela),
tingkap (less common)
winewainminuman anggur,
windscreen, windshieldcermin keretakaca depan (mobil)
windscreen wiper pengelap cermin depan[153] penyeka kaca, pengusap kaca[154]
kawat (e.g. copper wire),
kabel (e.g. electrical wire, cable)
wolfserigala kelabuserigala


EnglishMalay (Malaysian and Bruneian)Indonesian
yesterday semalam (means "last night" in Indonesian) kemarin
youanda (very formal), awak, kamu, engkau, kauanda (everyday formal), kamu (familiar only), engkau ('kau) (prose)
youthbelia (means "teenager" in Indonesian)pemuda
zerosifarnol (from Dutch nul)
zipper (fastener)zipresleting (from Dutch ritssluiting)
taman haiwan (kebun binatang was also frequently used in Malaysia before the mid-1960s)
kebun binatang (derived from Dutch dierentuin, lit. "animal garden"),
taman margasatwa (more formal form for zoological park)
zygomatic bone[58] tulang zigoma[155] zygomaticus[58]

False friends

Besides vocabulary differences, there are also a number of false friends in both languages. As these words are in quite common use in either or both of the languages, misunderstandings can arise.

Word Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) meaning Indonesian meaning
acara event
  1. event
  2. program, agenda
  3. court examination
  1. a member (of a group)
    (when the word is used by itself) (from Arabo-Persian "ahli" اهلی 'belonging to a group, people, indigenous or sim.'),
  2. expert in a field (from Arabo-Persian "'aqli" عقلی 'belonging to the intellect or mind, intellectual')
expert in a specific field (the sense of member is dated in Indonesian, preserved in some compounds.)
akta (from Latino-Dutch acta)act (= law)act (= written legal document)
awakyou (casual)me / I (Used by speakers from Sumatra mainly Malays, people in Medan, etc.),
crew (of transportation)
Malay: besi waja
bancicensus (Indonesian: sensus)effeminate, transvestite homosexual (negative connotation)
bangunto develop/ wake up (from sleep)to build / wake up (from sleep)
bapaFather (male parent)specific to 'Father' (God) in religious context (Christianity)
our Father which art in Heaven = Bapa kami yang di surga
Father in Indonesian is bapak (with an additional 'k' letter')
belanjato treat, giving something for freeto shop (note: also carries this meaning in Malay, though in a context more akin to "spend").
berbagito giveto share (something)
berbualto chatto tell a lie
bercintain (the essence of) loveto make love, have sexual intercourse
beredarFrom the root word "edar" which can means; to oscillate (planets only), to leave, or to distributeto oscillate, to distribute
berjayasucceed, succeededsuccessful, victorious
berlakuhappen, occurapply
bijiseedseed, testicles ("balls", offensive)
bilawhenif, when (older version, almost obsolete)
binato buildto develop
bisavenomcan/be able to (also understood but less frequently used in Malay) (same as "boleh" in Malay), venom
bontot/buntutbuttocktail ('ekor' as commonly used in Malay, sometimes in Indonesia)
Indonesian:anak or bocah
bunga api firework spark
butoh/butuhmale genitals, an offensive referenceneed
cadangansuggestion, opinion, proposal (example: peti cadangan = suggestion box)
reserve, spare (example: ban cadangan = spare tire)
comelcute, pretty(to call) someone who can not keep a secret (example: mulutnya comel = her mouth can't keep a secret)
daripadaA preposition that carries 5 meanings;
  1. from (to explain the origin of something)
  2. than (to do comparison)
  3. from (to protect from, to avoid from)
  4. from (to state the sender of something)
  5. from (to state the differences)
than (comparison) (example: Kamus ini lebih baik daripada yang itu = This dictionary is better than that one)
darurat state of emergency emergency not necessarily, state of emergency
daya force power
doktordoctor (medical); doctorate (educational title)doctorate (educational title)
In Indonesian, the equivalent for medical doctor is dokter
dudukto sit, a place to live on (only used informally)to sit, to occupy
emailelectronic mail (recently changed to "emel")enamel
from 'anak gampang' lit. easy child.
easy (non-negative meaning)
getahrubber, plant sapplant sap
guru besar principal, headteacher (of a school) professor, senior lecturer or senior researcher (of a higher education institution)
hematmoral excellencefrugal, pennywise, save money or something e.g. electricity, gas or water usage
ibu negara capital city First Lady
ibu pejabat head office wife of an official
jemputto invite, to pick upto pick up
jerukpickles/preserved fruits or vegetablesorange (fruit)
jimatfrugal, pennywise, save money or something e.g. electricityamulet (the Malay equivalent is azimat)
kacakhandsomeber-kacak pinggang (stands with hands on your hips)
The Malay equivalent is bercekak-pinggang, a phrase to mean that a person is being bossy
kadarratecontent, level
kakakelder sisterelder sibling (either elder brother or sister)
kakitanganemployeesubordinate (with negative meaning)
kapanor kafan: Muslim burial shroud (kain kafan/kapan)when (kapan mau pulang? = when do you want to go home?)
karyawork of art (karyawan = artists)to work (karyawan = workers)
result of work Karya seni = work of art
to create a piece of art.
kecemasan emergency anxiety; extremely anxious
(historical association, most Malay states were governed by monarchs, from Raja = King, now refers to any kind of government)
keranjang'bola keranjang' = basketball (no other use than for basketball)basket
keretacarvehicle, carriage, cart (kereta api = train, kereta kuda = horse carriage/cart, kereta gantung = cable car)
kesalregret Indonesian:sesalannoyed
khidmatservice Indonesian: layananfully concentrate
koneksi'konek' = dick (slang/vulgar)connection
Malay: Sambungan
kopiahtaqiyah (cap)songkok, peci
konfeksiA soft solid made by incorporating a medicinal substance or substances with sugar, sirup, or honeyclothing industry, any fancy or luxurious women's clothes
(Dutch: confectie. A non-standard spelling sometimes used is: "konveksi")
kontrol control
  1. control
  2. examination
  3. checkup
kuruncenturya long (time)
lucufunnyfunny, cute (slang)
mangsavictimprey (for animal)
mengacauto disturb, to stir Indonesian: mengaduk to disturb
olahraga athletics (sport) sport
operasimathematic operational symbol, tactical operationmathematic operational symbol, police operation, operation/surgery (as in Dutch)
pajakto mortgage, pawntax
paketpacketpacket, package (normally used for promotion purposes, as in Dutch)
pantasspeedilyappropriate, 'no wonder'
pantatbuttock (Sabahan Malay meaning), vagina/pussy (slang/vulgar)buttock
pegawai high-rank officer/officials officials
(associated with architectural work, site map etc. only)
slow (perlahan in Malay)
pejabatofficehigh-rank officer/officials
(those who hold office, Malay (pegawai))
pembangkangoppositionrebel (noun), insurgent
pengacara master of ceremonies, host
Indonesian: pembawa acara
Indonesian: pelajaran
mass recitation of Qur'an, (Islamic) teaching
percumafree of charge
percuma can also mean free of charge in Indonesian, but its usage has become obsolete, replaced by cuma-cuma/gratis (taken from Dutch: gratis = free)
useless, not needed
perhubungan 1. connection

2. communication

1. connection

2. transportation

piawaistandard; correct
bahasa piawai = standard language
expert; skillful (on something)
(software bugs i.e. Year 2000 bug and also commonly referring to the bed bugs)
Javanese pijet
pohontree, to plea or to beg (from basic word: "mohon") tree
pokoktreeessential, basic, main kebutuhan pokok = essential necessities
polispolice(insurance) policy (as in Dutch)
polisipolicypolice (as in Dutch)
prestasi performance accomplishment, achievement
punggungbuttockback Malay: belakang
pupukto nurturefertilizer (also means 'to nurture' in the metaphorical sense of the word)
pusingto go around a place, circular in motion, to spin/rotate
Indonesian: putar
dizzy, confused, headache
(Indonesian: Pangeran
rambuthair (for head only)hair
rayuanappeal (neutral)flattery, seduction (emotional or sexual connotation)
sarjanamaster's degreebachelor's degree
sederhanamedium, normalsimple, easy
semalam yesterday; last night last night
senangeasyhappy, relax
seronokgood, enjoyable
Indonesian: seru
false thoughts from : tak senonoh > seronok, in nonstandard usage: "impolite", "pornography-related"[156][157] gambar seronok (gambar tak senonoh) = porn picture
sulitconfidential, difficultdifficult
Indonesian: tarif
mine, rope (as tali tambang)
tandastoiletto explain, to finish
tren train (transportation) trend (data patterns and forecasting)
undang-undang law
  1. legislation
  2. law (rare, commonly use hukum instead)
wakilrepresentativevice (for example, 'vice chancellor' and 'vice president'), representative

Spelling differences

English Standard Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) Indonesian
account akaun akun
accountability akauntabliti akuntabilitas
accountant akauntan akuntan
amateur amatur amatir
architect arkitek arsitek
armed forces tentera tentara
auction lelong lelang
autonomy autonomi otonomi
balcony balkoni balkon
bell loceng lonceng
because (grammatical conjunction) kerana karena
biome biom bioma
bridge jambatan jembatan
broken, damaged rosak rusak
business bisnes bisnis
bus bas bus
cancer (diseases) kanser kanker
case (legal) kes kasus
cement simen semen
chancellor canselor kanselir
chips kerepek keripik
civil sivil sipil
community komuniti komunitas
concert konsert konser
counter kaunter konter
December Disember Desember
dialect loghat logat
diarrhea diarea diare
different beza beda
doctor (medical practitioner) doktor dokter
eight lapan delapan
Europe Eropah Eropa
export eksport ekspor
faculty fakulti fakultas
finance kewangan keuangan
garage garaj garasi
gonorrhea gonorea gonore
idea idea ide
immigration imigresen imigrasi
mathematics matematik matematika
magistrate majistret magistrat
meaning erti arti
medication ubat obat
minute minit menit
money wang uang
music muzik musik
namely, e.g. iaitu yaitu
news khabar kabar
newspaper surat khabar surat kabar
number nombor nomor
official (adj.) rasmi resmi
official position jawatan jabatan
parliament parlimen parlemen
party (political) parti partai
passport pasport paspor
pencil pensel pensil
phase fasa fase
physics fizik fisika
plan pelan plan
popular popular populer
prestige prestij prestise
prototype prototaip prototipe
punishment (divine) seksa siksa
sauce sos saus
sausage sosej sosis
scenario senario skenario
schedule jadual jadwal
scheme skim skema
secret rahsia rahasia
snow salji salju
sputum kahak dahak
station stesen stasiun
taxi teksi taksi
tempo tempoh tempo
thin nipis tipis
Thursday Khamis Kamis
truck, lorry trak truk
university universiti universitas
want mahu mau
zone zon zona


Word Malay (Malaysian and Bruneian) syllabification Indonesian syllabification
StartingMu la iMu lai
WeatherCua caCu a ca

Influence from English

One of the most important aspect in differences between Malay (Malaysian and Brunei) and Indonesian is the degree of influence from English. Apart from being heavily influenced by the Dutch language, the Indonesian language also adopted a significant number of English loanwords in its vocabulary, although English did not play significant role on the Indonesian language and in fact most of these vocabulary are of Dutch origin – Dutch and English share a similar Germanic origin, and Dutch has also borrowed from Latin, although to a lesser extent than English. There have been many changes in Indonesian as a result of its historical development. Words have been freely borrowed from English and only partly assimilated, in many cases, to the Indonesian patterns of structure.[158]

By the late 1970s, English words began pouring into the language, leading one commentator, writing in 1977, to refer to the "trend towards Indo-Saxonization",[159] known in Indonesian as pengindosaksonan. Many loanwords from English sometimes fulfill no communicative need, expressing concepts adequately covered by existing words. Among the examples are: akurat instead of tepat (accurate, Dutch accuraat), aliansi in the place of sekutu (alliance, Dutch alliantie), eksis rather than wujud (exist), kandidat as well as calon (candidate, Dutch kandidaat), konklusi instead of kesimpulan (conclusion, Dutch conclusie), kontaminasi in the place of pencemaran (contamination, Dutch contaminatie), opini rather than pendapat (opinion, Dutch opinie) and opsi in the place of pilihan (option, Dutch optie).[160] However, these pengindosaksonan is not directly borrowed from English, but through their cognates in Dutch pronunciations as Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah is heavily influenced by Dutch pronunciation.


The original text in Indonesian:

[161] Apabila peraturan pakta stabilitas Eropa dihormati sampai ke detailnya, rasio utang publik dibanding produk domestik bruto pada hari krisis akan berada di posisi 10 persentase poin kurang dalam zona euro, katanya.

The same text rendered in Malay (Malaysian and Brunei):

Apabila peraturan pakatan kestabilan Eropah dihormati secara terperinci, nisbah hutang awam berbanding keluaran dalam negara kasar pada zaman krisis akan berada di kedudukan 10 mata peratusan kurang dalam zon euro, kata beliau.

English translation:

If the European stability pact rules had been respected in detail, the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product on the days of crisis would have been at the position 10 percentage points less in the eurozone, he said.

Convergence of vocabulary

The rift of evolution between the two languages is based more on political nuance and the history of their formation than on cultural reasons. As a result, views regarding each other's languages differ amongst Malaysians and Indonesians. In Malaysia, the national language is Malay; in Indonesia, it is Indonesian. Malaysians tend to assert that Malay and Indonesian are merely different varieties of the same language, while Indonesians tend to treat them as separate – albeit closely related – languages. The result of this attitude is that the Indonesians feel little need to synchronize their language with Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, whereas the Malaysians are keener to coordinate the evolution of the language with the Indonesians.[162] However, both parties have realized that communication benefits from mutually comprehensible and intelligible languages, which motivated efforts to synchronize the languages' development. The effort to synchronize both languages' evolution to increase their mutual intelligibility has been embarked by imposing standard rules of language. This process is headed by Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa on the Indonesian side and Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka as its Malaysian counterpart. Authorities in both Brunei and Singapore generally abide by the Malaysian standard in disputes.


The following texts are excerpts from the official translations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Indonesian and Malay (Malaysian and Brunei), along with the original declaration in English.

  • Indonesian text sample:[163]
Majelis Umum memproklamasikan
PERNYATAAN UMUM TENTANG HAK ASASI MANUSIA sebagai satu standar umum keberhasilan untuk semua bangsa dan negara, dengan tujuan agar setiap orang dan setiap badan dalam masyarakat dengan senantiasa mengingat Pernyataan ini, akan berusaha dengan jalan mengajar dan mendidik untuk menggalakkan penghargaan terhadap hak-hak dan kebebasan-kebebasan tersebut, dan dengan jalan tindakan-tindakan progresif yang bersifat nasional maupun internasional, menjamin pengakuan dan penghormatannya secara universal dan efektif, baik oleh bangsa-bangsa dari negara anggota sendiri maupun oleh bangsa-bangsa dari daerah-daerah yang berada di bawah kekuasaan hukum mereka.
Pasal 1
Semua orang dilahirkan merdeka dan mempunyai martabat dan hak-hak yang sama. Mereka dikaruniai akal dan hati nurani dan hendaknya bergaul satu sama lain dalam semangat persaudaraan.
  • Malay (Malaysian and Brunei) text sample:[70]
Maka dengan ini,
Perhimpunan Agung mengisytiharkan
PERISYTIHARAN SEJAGAT HAK ASASI MANUSIA ini sebagai suatu ukuran bersama terhadap pencapaian oleh seluruh umat manusia dan kesemua negara dengan tujuan supaya setiap individu dan setiap badan masyarakat, dengan sentiasa mengingati Perisytiharan ini, hendaklah berazam melalui pengajaran dan pendidikan bagi memajukan sanjungan terhadap seluruh hak-hak dan kebebasan ini dan secara langkah-langkah berperingkat-peringkat, di bidang negara dan antarabangsa, bagi menjaminkan pengkitirafan dan pematuhan sejagatnya yang berkesan, kedua-duanya di antara negara-negara anggota masing-masing dan rakyat wilayah-wilayah di bawah bidang kuasa mereka.
Perkara 1.
Semua manusia dilahirkan bebas dan samarata dari segi kemuliaan dan hak-hak. Mereka mempunyai pemikiran dan perasaan hati dan hendaklah bertindak di antara satu sama lain dengan semangat persaudaraan.
  • The original English version of the text:[164]
Now, therefore,
the General Assembly proclaims
this UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

See also


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