Die Entführung oder die zärtliche Mutter

Die Entführung, oder: die zärtliche Mutter ("The Abduction, or The Tender Mother") is a play in five acts by Friederike Sophie Seyler. It was originally published in 1770 under the title Die Familie auf dem Lande ("The Family in the Country") and then in a revised version under the new title in 1772. It is one of few 18th century plays by female playwrights. The play was a dramatic adaptation of the 1767 novel Conclusion of the Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph (1767) by Frances Sheridan, that was a sequel to her earlier novel Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph.[1] The latter novel was itself inspired by Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson. The play is written in the style of a comédie larmoyante, popular with female playwrights, where a happy ending follows a tragic narrative.[2]

Original cover of Die Entführung, oder: die zärtliche Mutter


  1. Anne Fleig: "Friederike Sophie Hensel: Die Entführung, oder: die zärtliche Mutter (1772)". In Handlungs-Spiel-Räume: Dramen von Autorinnen im Theater des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts (pp. 145–167), Königshausen & Neumann, 1999
  2. Susanne Kord (1996). "All's Well That Ends Well? Marriage, Madness and Other Happy Endings in Eighteenth-Century Women's Comedies." The Lessing Yearbook 28 (1996): 181–197
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