Digital Emotion

Digital Emotion is a Dutch euro disco group that originally was managed by Glenn Van Der Hoff. Performers were Steve Koswal, Chickie de Beer & Marlinda van der Hoff. The second cast was with Steve de Goede and the third cast was with Jean Francois Columbo, Chickie de Beer & Myrna Balrak. Later Chickie was replaced by Nieke Ruhulessin because Chickie chose to dance with a theater modern jazz dance company. Steve de Goede went on with two blond girls, probably more for promotion goals. Their most popular songs were "Get Up, Action", "The Beauty and the Beast" and "Go Go Yellow Screen" (all three were featured in episode 14 of Nu Pogodi), released in the middle of the 1980s. The band has released two albums, Digital Emotion (1984) and Outside In The Dark (1985).

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