Draadstaal ("Wire Steel" or "Rebar") is a Dutch satirical sketch comedy television program produced by CCCP and broadcast by VPRO, a Dutch broadcaster. It was created by CCCP and Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Dennis van de Ven. The first seasons aired 14 September 2007 to 22 November 2010. After a couple of years it was restarted in 2015 and new episodes are still being made in 2020. The show featured a lot of recurring stereotypical comedy characters.
Draadstaal | |
Genre | Satire |
Created by | Jeroen van Koningsbrugge Dennis van de Ven |
Country of origin | Netherlands |
Original language | Dutch |
No. of seasons | 14 |
Release | |
Original network | Nederland 3 |
Original release | 14 September 2007 |
The program is reminiscent of the work of Dutch comedy duo Van Kooten en De Bie.[1]
- "Van Kooten en De Bie voor twintigers verklaard". Intermediar.nl (in Dutch). 18 March 2008.
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