Energy Identification Code

The Energy Identification Code or EIC is a 16-character identifier (code) used in Europe to uniquely identify market participants and energy resources (entities and objects) related to the electricity and gas sector.

EIC codes are used for:

  • Transmission System Operators, Market Participants such as traders, producers, consumers, power exchanges, grid operators, suppliers, agents, service providers, etc.
  • Local grids where metering points are situated, Market Balance Areas consisting of several local grids, Control Areas, Bidding Zones, etc.
  • The physical lines that connect adjacent market (balance) areas or internal lines within an area, including Transmission lines.
  • Metering points
  • Physical or logical places where an identified object or the IT system of an identified object is or could be located.
  • Any object that generates or consumes energy, including Substations, Generation units and Power plants.

The EIC codes are used — among others — in platforms that support EU regulations on transparency and integrity:

  • ENTSO-E Transparency Platform for electricity[1]
  • ENTSO-G Transparency Platform for gas[2]
  • ARIS platform

Actors involved in the EIC coding scheme

The scheme is supported by a central issuing office (CIO), function exercised by ENTSO-E for both the electricity and the gas sectors) and ENTSO-E-authorised local issuing offices (LIOs) in Europe.

On 2021-12-16, IANA registered the urn:eic URN namespace,[3] so now EIC can be used in making semantic triples of Common Information Model (electricity) data or other energy Linked Open Data.


  1. "ENTSO-E Transparency Platform". Retrieved 22 August 2022.
  2. "ENTSO-G Transparency Platform". Retrieved 22 August 2022.
  3. "Namespace Registration for Energy Identification Coding Scheme (EIC)". IANA. 16 December 2021. Retrieved 22 August 2022.

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