Errico Malatesta bibliography
Errico Malatesta was an Italian anarchist and revolutionary socialist. Unless otherwise noted, all works are authored solely by Errico Malatesta.
English title | Original title | Date Published | Online | Notes |
Anarchy | L'Anarchia | 1891 | Wikisource, Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Between Peasants: A Dialogue on Anarchy | Fra Contadini: Dialogo sull'anarchia | 1884 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
At The Café: Conversations on Anarchism | 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library |
English title | Original title | Published In | Date Published | Online | Notes |
About a Strike | A proposito di uno sciopero | L'Associazione, n. 1 | 1889 | The Anarchist Library | |
About my trial: Class Struggle or Class Hatred? | Umanità Nova, n. 137 | 20 September 1921 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Against the Constituent Assembly as Against the Dictatorship | 4 October 1930 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Against Monarchy: A Call to All Progressive People or Against Monarchy: Appeal to all forward-looking men | Contro la Monarchia | August 1899 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Published as an anonymous pamphlet, presumably during Malatesta's short stay in London | |
Anarchism and Organization | 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Anarchism and Reforms | March 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Anarchism and Syndicalism | 1907 | The Anarchist Library | |||
Anarchism in the Workers' Movement | L'anarchismo nel movimento operajo | L'Agitazione, no. 30 | 7 October 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Anarchism's Evolution | Evoluzione dell'anarchismo (A proposito di un'intervista) | L'Agitazione, no. 31 | 14 October 1897 | The Anarchist Library | |
An Anarchist Programme | Programma Anarchico | 1920 | The Anarchist Library | Adopted as official programme by the Unione Anarchica Italiana at its Congress in Bologna | |
Anarchist Propaganda | 1890 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
The Anarchist Revolution | 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Anarchists and the Situation | Freedom, no. 242 | June 1909 | The Anarchist Library | ||
Anarchists Have Forgotten Their Principles | Freedom | November 1914 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
The Anarchists in the Present Time | Vogliamo! | June 1930 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
The Anarchists' Task | Il compito degli anarchici | La Questione Sociale, no. 13 | 2 December 1899 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Anarchists, the War and Their Principles | Freedom | November 1914 | The Anarchist Library | ||
Anarchy and Violence | Liberty, No. 9 | 1894 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Another Strike | Un altro sciopero | L'Associazione, no. 2 | 16 October 1889 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
The Armed Strike | Lo sciopero armato | Lo Sciopero Generale, no. 3 | 2 June 1902 | The Anarchist Library | |
A Bit Of Theory or A Little Theory | Un peu de théorie | L'En Dehors | August 1892 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Bourgeois Seepage Into Socialist Doctrine | Infiltrazioni borghesi nella dottrina socialista | Il Pensiero, no. 10 | 16 May 1905 | The Anarchist Library | |
Capitalists and Thieves | Capitalistes et voleurs: A propos des tragédies de Houndsditch et Sidney Street | Les Temps Nouveaux, no. 23 | 18 February 1911 | The Anarchist Library | According to Rudolf Rocker, the first version to appear was in London by Der Arbeter Fraint on 27 January 1911 |
Comments on the Article 'Science and Anarchy' | July 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Communism and Individualism | April 1926 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | A comment on an article by German historian and anarchist Max Nettlau | ||
Dear Comrades at Ilota | Cari Compagni dell'Ilota | Ilota (Pistoia) 1, no. 9 | 1 April 1883 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Democracy and Anarchy | Pensiero e Volontà | March 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Doing Good By Force | Le bien par la force | L'Idée, no. 7 | 15 October 1894 | The Anarchist Library | |
The Duties of the Present Hour | Liberty, no. 8 | August 1894 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
The Duty of Resistance | 30 May 1897 | The Anarchist Library | |||
The Economic Question | Questione economica | La Questione Sociale, no. 13 | 29 June 1884 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Errors And Remedies | Errori e rimedi | L'Anarchia | August 1896 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
A Few Words To Bring The Controversy To An End | Poche parole per chiudere la polemica | L'Agitazione, no. 6 | 18 April 1897 | The Anarchist Library | |
The First of May | The Commonweal, no. 1 | 1 May 1893 | The Anarchist Library | ||
From a Matter of Tactics to a Matter of Principle | Da una questione di tattica a una questione di principii | 28 March 1897 | The Anarchist Library | Response to article written by Francesco Saverio Merlino | |
Further Thoughts on Anarchism and the Labour Movement | March 1926 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Further Thoughts on Revolution in Practice | Umanità Nova, no.192 | 14 October 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Further Thoughts on Science and Anarchy: Necessity and Liberty | February 1926 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
The General Strike And The Revolution | The Torch, no. 3 | August 1894 | The Anarchist Library | ||
Gradualism | Gradualismo | Pensiero e Volantà, no.12 | 1 October 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
How to Get… What You Want | Come si conquista… quel che si vuole | L'Agitazione, no. 5 and no. 7 | 12/25 April 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Originally released in two parts |
The Idea of Good Government | Umanità Nova | 1920 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Individualism and Communism in Anarchism | July 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Individualism in Anarchism | L'Individualismo nell'Anarchismo and Ancora sull'Individualismo | L'Agitazione, no. 6 | 18/25 April 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Originally released in two parts |
In Relation to Strikes | A proposito di scioperi | La Rivoluzione Sociale, no. 2 | 18 October 1902 | The Anarchist Library | |
The Irreconcilable Contradiction | La contradizione irreduttibile | La Questione Sociale, vol. 6, no. 30 | 31 March 1900 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Let's Demolish — and then? | 1926 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Let Us Be Of Good Cheer! | 1 May 1897 | The Anarchist Library | |||
Let Us Go To The People | Andiamo fra il popolo | L'Art. 248, no. 5 | 4 February 1894 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Liberty and Fatalism: Determinism and Will | Libertà e fatalità: Determinismo e volontà | Volontà, no. 24 | 22 November 1913 | The Anarchist Library | |
A Little Theory | Freedom, vol. 37, no. 41 | October 1923 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Majorities and Minorities | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||||
Matters Revolutionary | Questions révolutionnaires | La Révolte 4, no. 4 | 4-10 October 1890 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
The Monza Tragedy: Causes and Effects | La tragedia di Monza: Cause ed Effetti | September 1900 | The Anarchist Library | ||
Mussolini in Power | Mussolini al potere | Umanità Nova | 25 November 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Mutual Aid: An Essay | 1909 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Neither Democrats, nor Dictators: Anarchists | Pensiero e Volontà | May 1926 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Note on Hz's article, 'Science and Anarchy' | September 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Note on Medicine and Anarchism | Pensiero e Volontà, No. 9 | 10 May 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Note to the article "Individualism and Anarchism" by Adamas | Pensiero e Volontà, n. 15 | August 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
On 'Anarchist Revisionism' | May 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Organization | L'organizzazione | L'Agitazione, Nos. 13–15 | 4/11/18 June 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Originally released in three parts |
Our Foreign Policy | La Nostra Politica Estera | Volontà, no. 10 | 7 March 1914 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Our Plans: Union Between Communists and Collectivists | I nostri propositi. I. L'Unione tra comunisti e collettivisti | L'Associazione, no. 4 | 30 November 1889 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Our Tactics | La nostra tattica | L'Agitazione, no. 35 | 11 November 1897 | The Anarchist Library | |
The Paris Commune | Il Comune di Parigi | La Questione Sociale, nos. 28-29 | 17 an 24 March 1900 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Peter Kropotkin: Recollections and Criticisms of an Old Friend | Pietro Kropotkin: Ricordi e Critiche di un Vecchio Amicco | April 15, 1931 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Published in 2015 as part of a book Life and Ideas: The Anarchist Writings of Errico Malatesta[1] and also in 2018 in czech in a zine Malatesta (životopisné poznámky).[2] | |
The Products of Soil and Industry: An Anarchist Concern | Los productos de la tierra y de la industria | El Productor 5, no. 278 | 24 December 1891 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Pro-Government Anarchists | April 1916 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
A Project of Anarchist Organisation | October 1927 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Propaganda by Deeds: One Way of Marking Socialism's Anniversaries | La propaganda a fatti | L'Associazione 1, no. 2 | 16 October 1889 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Pseudo-Scientific Aberrations | November 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Questions of Tactics | Almanacco Libertario | 1931 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Reformism | 1920s | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Republic and Revolution | July 1924 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
The Republic of the Boys and that of the Bearded Men | La repubblica dei giovanetti e quella degli uomini colla barba | La Questione Sociale, no. 3 | 5 January 1884 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Resistance Societies | Leghe di resistenza | Agitiamoci per il Socialismo Anarchico | 1 May 1897 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | First published in Agitiamoci per il Socialismo Anarchico which was a replacement for no. 8 of L'Agitazione. |
A Revolt is No Revolution | La sommossa non è rivoluzione | L'Associazione, no. 3 | 27 October 1889 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
The Revolutionary "Haste" | Umanità Nova, n. 125 | 6 September 1921 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Revolutionary Terror: Thoughts on a Possibly Near Future | October 1924 | The Anarchist Library | |||
Revolution in Practice | Umanità Nova, n. 191 | 7 October 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Should Anarchists Be Admitted to the Coming International Congress? | The Labour Leader 8, no. 119 | 11 July 1896 | The Anarchist Library | ||
Some Thoughts on the Post-Revolutionary Property System | November 1929 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Syndicalism and Anarchism | April-May 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Tactical Matters | Questions de tactique | La Révolte 6, no. 3 | 1–7 October 1892 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
A Talk About Anarchist Communism Between Two Workers | 1933 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
The Suffragettes | Le Suffragette | Volontà | 22/6/1913 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
Towards Anarchism | Verso l'anarchia | La Questione Sociale | 9 December 1899 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |
The Tragic Bandits | La Société Nouvelle, no. 2 | August 1913 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Violence as a Social Factor | April 1895 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
The War and the Anarchists | La guerra e gli anarchici | La Guerra Tripolina | April 1912 | The Anarchist Library | |
What is to be done? | Umanità Nova, n. 185 | August 26, 1922 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Why Fascism Won | Perché il fascismo vinse | Libero Accordo | 28 August 1923 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library |
English title | Original title | Published In | Date Published | Online | Notes |
Further thoughts on the question of crime | Umanità Nova, no. 134 | 16 September 1921 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
On Collective Responsibility | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Letter to the anarchist group of the 18e Arrondissement in Paris. | |||
On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat: A Prophetic Letter to Luigi Fabbri | 30 July 1919 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | |||
Reply to Nestor Makhno: In reply to About the Platform | Umanità Nova, n. 137 | 20 September 1921 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Reply to Nestor Makhnos letter About the Platform which was a reply to Malatestas article A Project of Anarchist Organisation. | |
The Labour Movement and Anarchism | December 1925 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | Open letter addressed to the editors of El Productor | ||
Letter to The Bulletin De La Fédération Jurassienne: The Italian federal delegates to the Berne Congress | Bulletin de la Fédération Jurassienne 5, no. 49 | 3 December 1876 | Marxists Internet Archive, The Anarchist Library | ||
Signor Malatesta Explains | Il signor Malatesta si spiega | Il Progresso Italo-Americano 20, n. 200 | 23 August 1899 | The Anarchist Library | |
The Socialists and the Elections | I socialisti e le elezioni: Una lettera di E. Malatesta | Il Messaggero 19, no. 38 | 7 February 1897 | The Anarchist Library |
Collected works
- The Complete Works of Malatesta by AK Press
- Richard, Vernons. Malatesta: Life and Ideas.
- "Vernon Richards: Malatesta (životopisné poznámky) | Nakladatelství AF" (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-09-23.
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