F♯ (musical note)

F (F-sharp; also known as fa dièse or fi) is the seventh semitone of the solfège.

{ \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #3/2 } << \time 2/1 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f { \clef bass eisis1_E-double-sharp \clef treble eisis'_E-double-sharp} >> }
{ \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #3/2 } << \time 2/1 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f { \clef bass fis1_F-sharp \clef treble fis'_F-sharp } >> }

It lies a chromatic semitone above F and a diatonic semitone below G, thus being enharmonic to sol bémol or G (G-flat). However, in some temperaments, it is not the same as G. G is a major third below B, whereas F is a major third above D (a minor third below A). Another enharmonic note is Edouble sharp (E-double sharp).

When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of the F above middle C (or F4) is approximately 369.994 Hz. See pitch (music) for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.

Designation by octave

Scientific designation Helmholtz designation Octave name Frequency (Hz)
F−1F͵͵͵ or ͵͵͵F or FFFFSubsubcontra11.562
F0F͵͵ or ͵͵F or FFFSubcontra23.125
F1F͵ or ͵F or FFContra46.249


Common scales beginning on F

Diatonic scales

  • F Ionian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Dorian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Phrygian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Lydian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Mixolydian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Aeolian: F G A B C D E F
  • F Locrian: F G A B C D E F

Jazz melodic minor

See also

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