Fernando Belaunzarán

Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez (born 3 January 1970) is a politician affiliated with the PRD. As of 2013 he served as Congressman of the LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress representing Mexico City.[1]

Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez
Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez
Born (1970-01-03) 3 January 1970
Political partyPRD


Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez was actively involved in student political and cultural causes during his permanence through the UNAM FFyL, and serve as a college counselor between 1993-1995.

He was leader of the "historical trend" (‘moderados') of the University Student Council (CEU).[2] He participated in different political moments of the student community,. He founded in 1994 together with other students, the Caravan Ricardo Pozas[3] which aimed to provide humanitarian aid (food, medicine, tools) to the indigenous communities of Chiapas, which at that time were not only fighting with extreme poverty but with an active armed conflict in the region.[4]

On May 24, 1994,[5] he interpellated the presidential candidate Ernesto Zedillo, amid a controversial visit to the UNAM He also convened the Movement of Excluded Students of Middle and Higher Education[6] which in 1995 succeeded on the admission of more than thousand students that were rejected, by protests, hunger strikes and the storming of Rectory Tower.[7] On April 20, 1999 UNAM students closed the university facilities,[8] In this conflict, Belaunzarán, was not found involved actively since the beginning, but as an advisor.[9] The strike abruptly ended the day the Federal police raided and arrested the UNAM students and eviction of the strikers.[10]

LXII Legislature

LXII Legislature in which Belaunzarán was congressman, was characterized by the adoption of important laws and constitutional reforms, like, Education Reform, National Anti-Corruption System,[11] Energy Reform, Taxes [12] and Telecomm[13] among others, which Belaunzarán vote in favor, and caused discontent among some voters of the Mexican left wing.

Social Causes

Fernando Belaunzarán has been a driving force to promote the debate on drug policy in the country and if necessary, check the legislative agenda. During his tenure in the Mexican Congress House he promoted the legalization of medical and recreational cannabis, both through a bill[14] as well an authorization for the medicinal poppy cultivation [15](Opium). He also organized the International Forum on Drug Policy,[16] in July 2014, in Mexico City, where international speakers and politicians discussed a change of strategy needed in drug policy. He has been invited to participate in several forums in different countries, including Parlatino in 2014 and 2015.[17]

On the issue of medical cannabis highlights the case of Graciela Elizalde [18] promoted by Belaunzaran towards the end of LXII Legislature. Grace, a small 8 years- old who opened the door to cannabidiol for the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut, suffered multiple epileptic seizures a day. She became the first patient in Mexico[19] with a compound of THC, fulfilling the legal procedure to import the drug in October 2015.[20] It was widely covered by international press.[21]


He has written several articles for different newspapers and four books as well.

  • Tiempos Turbulentos. Ensayos en el año del Complot.
  • Herejías políticas en momentos decisivos.
  • Autor del libro La Guerra de los Herejes.
  • Herejía, crítica y parresí o de como conseguir chamba sin salir de tu casa.


  1. "Perfil del legislador". Legislative Information System. Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  2. Sheridan, Guillermo. (Febrero 15 2010). EL PRD en la UNAM. Letras Libres, Volumen I , blog.
  3. Arauz Soberanes, Marco Antonio (2009). El movimiento estudiantil universitario. La huelga de la. Unam de 1999. XXVII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología. Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, Buenos Aires
  4. Duran Martha (1994) Entrevista al Subcomandante Marcos. Bibliotecas Virtuales de México http://www.bibliotecas.tv/chiapas/jun94/17jun94b.html
  5. Voz Publica (1994) Programa Mayo http://www.fonotecadigital.unam.mx/vozpublica/handle/programas/4870
  6. Pavon Tadeo , Maria Fernanda(2009) Excluidos de la educación superior, los orígenes… Cronica de la Educacion Superior U2000 http://u2000.com.mx/649/649maira.html
  7. Moraga Susana ( 2013) Fernando Belaunzarán, el diputado que tomó el CCH en 1995 ADN Politico http://www.adnpolitico.com/2012/2013/02/08/fernando-belaunzaran-el-diputado-que-tomo-el-cch-en-1995
  8. Sotelo Valencia, Adrian (2000) Neoliberalismo y educación. La huelga en la UNAM a finales de siglo . 1 a Edición D.R. Q Ediciones El Caballito S. A.
  9. Curul 501 . (2012). Integrantes de la Camara. 04/10/2015, de FUNDAR Sitio web: Curul 501 http://curul501.org/representantes/belaunzaran-mendez-fernando/
  10. Ávila , Karina. (1997 ) En el CGH se refrenda la decisión de reunirse con la comisión de rectoría. La Jornada http://www.jornada.unam.mx/1999/10/17/menos.html
  11. Gaceta Parlamentaria Año XVIII Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro, jueves 26 de febrero de 2015 Número 4223-III http://gaceta.diputados.gob.mx/PDF/62/2015/feb/20150226-III.pdf
  12. Melgar, Ivonne ( 2014) Envían al Senado la Ley de Ingresos. Excélsior. http://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/2014/10/17/987413
  13. Redaccion AN (2014) Sin cambios aprueban los diputados en lo particular leyes Telecomm –Aristegui Noticias. http://aristeguinoticias.com/0907/mexico/sin-cambios-diputados-aprueban-en-lo-particular-las-leyes-en-telecom/
  14. Cámara de Diputados LVXII Legislatura. (2012) Proyecto de decreto que expide la Ley General para el Control de la Cannabis, la Atención a las Adicciones y la Rehabilitación; y reforma y adiciona diversas disposiciones de la Ley General de Salud, del Código Penal Federal, del Código Federal de Procedimientos Penales, de la Ley Federal de Derechos y de la Ley del Impuesto Especial sobre Producción y Servicios. Publicación en Gaceta: 15-Noviembre-2012
  15. Cámara de Diputados LVXII Legislatura (2014) Punto de acuerdo , por el que se exhorta al Ejecutivo federal a solicitar formalmente ante la Comisión de Estupefacientes de la ONU autorización para cultivar opio de manera lícita, a cargo del diputado Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez, del Grupo Parlamentario del PRD Publicado en Gaceta el 06 de abril de 2014.
  16. Cámara de Diputados LVXII Legislatura ( 2014) Urge Belaunzarán Méndez legislar sobre drogas en México con visión plural, que no significa promover su consumo, en clausura de foro internacional sobre el tema. Comunicación social Nota N°. 7648 http://www5.diputados.gob.mx/index.php/esl/Comunicacion/Agencia-de-Noticias/2014/07-Julio/31/7648-Urge-Belaunzaran-Mendez-legislar-sobre-drogas-en-Mexico-con-vision-plural-que-no-significa-promover-su-consumo-en-clausura-de-foro-internacional-sobre-el-tema
  17. XXI Reunión de la Comisión de Seguridad Ciudadana, Combate y Prevención al Narcotráfico, Terrorismo y Crimen Organizado. Argentina http://www.parlatino.org/pdf/comisiones/seg_ciudadana/actas/xxi-argentina-29-may-2014.pdf
  18. Partlow, Joshua. (2015) An 8-year-old’s tragic illness tests Mexico’s ban on marijuana use- The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/an-8-year-olds-tragic-illness-tests-mexicos-ban-on-marijuana-use/2015/08/28/af6b705a-411f-11e5-9f53-d1e3ddfd0cda_story.html
  19. Heredia , Carolina. (2015) Una niña de 8 años, la primera mexicana en usar marihuana medicinal. El Mundo. http://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2015/09/11/55f1cc4b268e3e3b588b45b4.html
  20. Univision Agencia (2015) Una niña atiza el uso de la marihuana medicinal en Mexico Noticias Univision . http://noticias.univision.com/article/2452708/2015-09-03/mexico/noticias/una-nina-mexicana-atiza-el-debate-sobre-el-uso-de-la-marihuana-medicinal
  21. Castro Villada,Santiago . (2015) Grace pone el foco en la marihuana medicinal . El Colombiano. http://www.elcolombiano.com/grace-pone-el-foco-en-la-marihuana-medicinal-1-DX2716647
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