
Firpo-Dempsey is a 1923 animated short, directed by Quirino Cristiani. It is a parody of the boxing match between Jack Dempsey and Argentine boxer Luis Ángel Firpo. At the time the picture was very popular with Argentinean audiences.[1] Today the film is considered lost.[2]

Directed byQuirino Cristiani
Written byQuirino Cristiani
Produced byFederico Valle
Release date
LanguageSilent film

See also


  1. Bendazzi, Giannalberto (6 November 2017). Twice the First: Quirino Cristiani and the Animated Feature Film. CRC Press. ISBN 9781351371797.
  2. Wells, P. (9 October 2014). Animation, Sport and Culture. Springer. ISBN 9781137027634.

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