Flawed (film)
Flawed is a 2010 short animated documentary film and website by Halifax filmmaker Andrea Dorfman about body image, combining stop-motion animation and hand-painted images. Flawed was produced in Halifax by Annette Clarke for the National Film Board of Canada.[4]
Flawed | |
French | Imparfaite |
[1] | |
Directed by | Andrea Dorfman |
Written by | Andrea Dorfman |
Produced by | Annette Clarke |
Music by | Dorval |
Release date |
Running time | 12 minutes[3] |
Country | Canada |
According to Dorfman, the film was created to resemble a storyboard because it was based on a series of postcards that she has sent to a boyfriend while they were in a long-distance relationship. While Flawed is an autobiographical work, she also believes that it is universal because "I believe everyone has felt flawed at some point in their lives."[5]
In July 2012, the film version of Flawed received a nomination in the category New Approaches to News and Documentary Programming: Documentaries at the 33rd annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards. The film was nominated following its August 23, 2011 premiere on the PBS series POV.[4][6]
The film's awards also included an audience choice award at the New York City Short Film Festival.[7] Festival selections included a premiere at the 2010 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.[8]
- "Adav Projections - Informations serveur".
- "Five NFB Animations Presented At The Worldwide Short Film Festival". Animation World Network. Retrieved 19 June 2020.
- http://onf-nfb.gc.ca/medias/mediakit/Flawed_Presskit.pdf
- Cooke, Stephen (21 July 2012). "Halifax filmmaker Dorfman nabs Emmy nomination". Halifax Chronicle-Herald. Retrieved 7 August 2012.
- Matlin, Julie (29 April 2010). "Hot Docs special: 3 questions with Flawed director Andrea Dorfman" (Interview). NFB.ca Blog. National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved 7 August 2012.
- "Flawed". POV website. Retrieved 7 August 2012.
- "Flawed". Collection. National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved 7 August 2012.
- Bell, Robert (2010). "Flawed Directed by Andrea Dorfman" (Review). Exclaim!. Retrieved 7 August 2012.