Galician alphabet

The Galician alphabet is used for writing the Galician language. According to the modern and official standard, it has 23 letters and 6 digraphs. The extraneous letters j, k, w and y are sporadically found in foreign words, abbreviations and international symbols.

As in Portuguese and unlike in Spanish, Galician letter names are of masculine grammatical gender.[1]

Letter Name Pronunciation Phonemic values
A a /a/ /a/
B be /be/ /b/
C ce /θe/ /θ/ (+ e, i; /s/ in seseo zones)
/k/ (+ a, o, u)
D de /de/ /d/
E e /ɛ/ /e/, /ɛ/
F efe /ˈɛfe̝/ /f/
G gue /ɡe/ /ɡ/ (/x/ in gheada zones)
H hache /ˈat͡ʃe̝/ silent
I i /i/ /i/, /j/
L ele /ˈɛle̝/ /l/
M eme /ˈɛme̝/ /m/
N ene /ˈɛne̝/ /n/
Ñ eñe /ˈɛɲe̝/ /ɲ/
O o /ɔ/ /o/, /ɔ/
P pe /pe/ /p/
Q que /ke/ /k/
R erre /ˈɛre̝/ /r/, /ɾ/
S ese /ˈɛse̝/ /s/
T te /te/ /t/
U u /u/ /u/, /w/
V uve /ˈuβe̝/ /b/
X xe /ʃe/ /ʃ/, /ks/
Z zeta /ˈθeta̝/ /θ/ (/s/ in seseo zones)
Digraph Name Phonemic values
ch ce hache /tʃ/
gu gue u /g/
ll ele dobre /ʎ/
nh ene hache /ŋ/
qu que u /k/
rr erre dobre /r/

The Medieval Galician alphabet, still used today by advocates of reintegrationism, featured the additional letters j /ʃ/ and ç /θ/ (or /s/ in areas with sigmatism) as well as the digraphs lh /ʎ/, nh /ɲ/ and ss /s/.


  1. "Dicionario de pronuncia da lingua galega". Pronunciation Dictionary by the Royal Galician Academy. Retrieved 2019-02-18.
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