
Gern(e)gross[1] or Gern(e)groß[2] (from German: gern/gerne "gladly", "with pleasure" or "like to" (in this context "would like to be", "want to be", "wannabe") plus groß "large", "big", "great") is a German surname belonging to the group of family names based on a personal characteristic, in this case derived from a nickname originally used for an ambitious or aspiring person.[3][4] Notable people with the name include:


  1. "Gerngross Surname". Retrieved 2020-01-09. Approximately 268 people bear this surname. Most prevalent in: United States; Highest density in: Austria.
  2. "Gerngroß Surname". Retrieved 2020-01-09. Approximately 626 people bear this surname. Most prevalent in: Germany; Highest density in: Austria.
  3. Bahlow, Hans (1972). Deutsches Namenlexikon: Familien- und Vornamen nach Ursprung und Sinn erklärt. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag. p. 166. ISBN 978-3518365656.
  4. Naumann, Horst (1994). Das große Buch der Familiennamen: Alter, Herkunft, Bedeutung. München: Bassermann Verlag. p. 117. ISBN 978-3809421856.
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