
Gerorisuto (ゲロリスト) is a 1986 short experimental film by Japanese underground filmmaker Shozin Fukui. The film follows a young woman on the Tokyo subway, who may be possessed.[1]

Directed byShozin Fukui
Release date
  • 1986 (1986)
Running time
12 minutes


Despite being originally made in 1986, Gerorisuto was not officially released in Japan until the early 1990s.

The film appeared in the United States as a special feature on the Unearthed Films DVD release of Fukui's Rubber's Lover in 2004. The DVD has since been discontinued.[2]


  1. "Shozin Fukui director profile". Subtitled Online. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2011-08-08.
  2. "Rubber's Lover".

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