Graph Modelling Language

Graph Modeling Language (GML) is a hierarchical ASCII-based file format for describing graphs. It has been also named Graph Meta Language.

Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byMichael Himsolt


A simple graph in GML format:

graph [
	comment "This is a sample graph"
	directed 1
	id 42
	label "Hello, I am a graph"
	node [
		id 1
		label "node 1"
		thisIsASampleAttribute 42
	node [
		id 2
		label "node 2"
		thisIsASampleAttribute 43
	node [
		id 3
		label "node 3"
		thisIsASampleAttribute 44
	edge [
		source 1
		target 2
		label "Edge from node 1 to node 2"
	edge [
		source 2
		target 3
		label "Edge from node 2 to node 3"
	edge [
		source 3
		target 1
		label "Edge from node 3 to node 1"

Applications supporting GML

See also


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