Günther Storck

Günther Storck (2 October 1938 – 23 April 1993) was a Traditionalist Catholic bishop from Germany. He was ordained to the priesthood on 21 September 1973 by Blasius Kurz, Roman Catholic apostolic prefect of Yungchow, China, and consecrated – without permission of Pope John Paul II – a bishop on 30 April 1984, in Etiolles, France, by sedeprivationist bishop Guerard des Lauriers.

His Excellency, the Most Reverend

Günther Storck
Ordination21 September 1973
by Blasius Kurz
Consecration30 April 1984
by Guerard des Lauriers
Personal details
Born(1938-10-02)2 October 1938
Died23 April 1993(1993-04-23) (aged 54)
Munich, Bavaria
Buried3 May 1993 Munich West Cemetery
DenominationSedevacantist Roman Catholic
(1976–1979: SSPX)
Alma materUniversity of Munich
MottoIn verbo tuo[1]
Styles of
Günther Storck
Reference styleHis Excellency
The Most Reverend
Spoken styleYour Excellency
Religious styleBishop


Early life

Günther Storck was born on 2 October 1938 in Borken, North Rhine-Westphalia, as the youngest child of the Storck family, who ran a craft business. The father died early, so that the mother not only had to take charge of the family, but also had to run the business. The young Günther Storck was regarded as mentally very sensitive and highly gifted.

Academic career

After his Abitur (1958) he studied classical philology and German studies at universities in Münster, Berlin and Munich. For his vocation to the priesthood he returned to Münster, his bishop's resident city, where he started a degree in theology at the seminary Collegium Borromaeum (1962). In the meanwhile he passed his state examination in philology, philosophy and theology. He escaped from the beginning influence of Vatican II on Münster[2]Karl Rahner, the former council adviser to Cardinal Julius Döpfner,[3] took over the chair in dogmatic theology and history of dogma at the University of Münster (1967-1971), that Joseph Ratzinger had recently vacated (1963-1966)[4] – to Munich (1967), where he continued his studies at the theological and philosophical faculties of the University of Munich. Few years later he became Research Associate of Leo Scheffczyk, which meant that Cardinal Döpfner's allowance to become ordained to the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Munich and Freising became a remote likelihood, which is why he switched to Egg in Switzerland for ordination (21 September 1973). The day after he celebrated his First Mass in Damenstiftskirche St. Anna. He did his doctorate in theology with a tripartite graduate thesis on Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of 1794/95[5] (first part) and on his Wissenschaftslehre of 1804[6] (second part); its concluding third part achieves the theological application to the doctrine of the Trinity.

Death and afterward

Although many were concerned about the poor health of Bishop Günther Storck - he had been lying in a Munich hospital after a collapse for about a month - so the news of his death on 23 April came as a surprise to outsiders. There was a prospect of improvement and arrangements had already been made for a subsequent spa stay. But it turned out differently. Bishop Storck had internal bleeding that could no longer be stopped. Informed about the possibility of premature death, his priests had gathered at his deathbed and a small circle of people who had been especially close to him lately. On Friday, April 30, the solemn requiem was held for the deceased in St. Mary's Church, Munich – exactly nine years after his consecration as bishop. On the following Monday, 3 May, the funeral took place at the Munich West Cemetery.

The first review of Storck's thesis appeared twenty years after its publication (see § Secondary literature). Seven additional years later, his teacher in philosophy resumed Storck's application of transcendental philosophy[7] to the Trinity Doctrine, claiming that "the absolute difference between the Godmanhood of Jesus and the pure essence of God should have been worked out": "Godmanhood is not simply the same as the Godhead." Which eventually is confirmed by a revisionist reading of the Islamic view in Quran5:116–117: "One notices the reference to Matthew24:36: »Yet no one knows the day or hour when this will be, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son. Only the Father knows.«"[8]

Whatever may happen – we can not oversee it, we can not know it – if I am firm in faith then my life, through God, will make sense.

Günther Storck, The power of faith[9]


Primary literature

  • Die Gottesidee in der Wissenschaftslehre J.G. Fichtes. Darstellung des Absoluten und Entfaltung der Relevanz der Wissenschaftslehre in der Erörterung theologischer Grundfragen [The Idea of God in the Science of Knowledge J.G. Fichtes. Presentation of the Absolute and development of the relevance of the Science of Knowledge in the discussion of basic theological questions] (doctoral thesis; adviser: Leo Scheffczyk, second adviser: Reinhard Lauth) (in German). München. 1976.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Rissling, Eugen (ed.). "Katechesen und Predigten von S.E. Dr. Bischof Storck" [Catechesis and Sermons by H.Em. Dr. Bishop Storck] (in German). Ulm: Arbeitskreis katholischer Glaube. Archived from the original on 2018-03-09. Retrieved 2018-10-09.

Secondary literature


  1. Luke 5:5 KJV.NVUL.LU.EU: at thy word · Latin: in verbo tuo · German: auf dein Wort hin
  2. Lauth, Reinhard (July 1971). "Besser als Christus" [Better than Christ]. Einsicht (Zeitschrift) (pamphlet in the style of Léon Bloy, with reference to Mark 10:38 KJV.NVUL.LU.EU: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? Latin: potestis bibere calicem, quem ego bibo? German: könnt ihr den Kelch trinken, den ich trinke?) (in German). Vol. 1, no. 4. Eurasburg: Freundeskreis der Una Voce e.V. p. 1. Archived from the original on 2018-10-26. Retrieved 2018-10-26. {{cite magazine}}: External link in |type= (help) "He had almost emptied the bitter cup of several years in a modern seminary, where he had to endure a cynical lack of faith and a practice bordering on blasphemy." German: "Er hatte den bitteren Kelch einer mehrjährigen Existenz in einem modernen Priesterseminar schon nahezu geleert, die dort herrschende zynische Glaubenslosigkeit und die das Blasphemische streifende Praxis ertragen."
  3. Langendörfer, Hans (ed.). "Julius Kardinal Döpfner, Erzbischof von München und Freising, Vorsitzender der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz 1965–1976" (PDF) (biography) (in German). Bonn: German Bishops' Conference. p. 1. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2018-09-26. Retrieved 2018-09-25. German: "Er steuert nun, beraten von Karl Rahner, den Fortgang des Konzils, sodass viele Konzilsdokumente seine Handschrift tragen."
  4. "WWU Münster > Fachbereich 2 > Seminar für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte > Rahner, Karl, Prof. P. Dr., SJ ✝" (biography) (in German). University of Münster. Archived from the original on 2018-09-26. Retrieved 2018-09-25."WWU Münster > Fachbereich 2 > Seminar für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte > Ratzinger. Joseph, Prof. Dr" (biography) (in German). University of Münster. Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. Retrieved 2018-09-29.
  5. The edition (in German) of Fichte's son Immanuel Hermann Fichte at Zeno.org. Archived 2018-08-07 at the Wayback MachineMedicus, Fritz, ed. (1997). Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre. Als Handschrift für seine Zuhörer (1794) (student's edition; with an introduction, index and bibliography by Wilhelm G. Jacobs). Philosophische Bibliothek Band 246 (in German) (4 ed.). Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7873-1334-1.Heath, Peter; Lachs, John, eds. (1982). The Science of Knowledge. With the First and Second Introductions (reissued; first published by Meredith Corporation 1970). Texts in German Philosophy. Translated by Heath, Peter; Lachs, John. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-27050-2.
  6. Lauth, Reinhard; Widmann, Joachim; Schneider, Peter, eds. (1986). Die Wissenschaftslehre. Zweiter Vortrag im Jahre 1804 vom 16. April bis 8. Juni (student's edition). Philosophische Bibliothek Band 284 (in German) (2 ed.). Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7873-0677-0.The Science of Knowing: J.G. Fichte's 1804 Lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre (with an introduction by the translator and a German-English glossary). SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy. Translated by Wright, Walter E. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. 2005. ISBN 978-0-7914-6449-6.
  7. Radrizzani, Ives (2017). "Die Originalität von Reinhard Lauths Beitrag zur Erneuerung der Transzendentalphilosophie" [The originality of Reinhard Lauth's contribution to the renewal of transcendental philosophy]. In Ivaldo, Marco; Manz, Hans Georg von; Radrizzani, Ives (eds.). Vergegenwärtigung der Transzendentalphilosophie. Das philosophische Vermächtnis Reinhard Lauths (in German). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 19–36. ISBN 978-3-8260-6115-8. Retrieved 2018-10-12.
  8. Lauth, Reinhard (2003). Abraham und die Kinder seines Bundes mit Gott [Abraham and the children of his Covenant with God] (PDF) (biblical and qur'anic monograph in the tradition of Gabriel Théry, Bruno Bonnet-Eymard and the Saarbrücker Schule, devoted to the "defenders of the Church of the Nativity in spring 2002") (in German). München: Christian Jerrentrup Verlag. p. 458. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-04-06. ISBN 3-935990-14-6 (pbk). ISBN 3-935990-15-4 (hbk). German: "Der absolute Unterschied zwischen der Gottmenschheit Jesu und der reinen Wesenheit Gottes hätte herausgearbeitet werden müssen." "Die Gottmenschheit ist nicht einfachhin gleich der Gottheit." "Man bemerkt die Bezugnahme auf Matth. XXIV, 36: »Jenen Tag und jene Stunde weiß niemand, weder die Engel des Himmels noch der Sohn, sondern allein der Vater.«"
  9. Rissling, Eugen (ed.). "Die Kraft des Glaubens. Predigt von S.E. Bischof Günther Storck vom 19.04.1982, aus dem Gesprochenen leicht überarbeitet" [Sermon by H.Em. Bishop Günther Storck from 19 April 1982, slightly revised from the spoken word] (on 1 John 5:4 KJV.NVUL.LU.EU: this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith · Latin: haec est victoria, quae vicit mundum: fides nostra · German: das ist der Sieg, der die Welt besiegt hat: unser Glaube) (in German). Ulm: Arbeitskreis katholischer Glaube. Archived from the original on 2017-09-03. Retrieved 2018-09-11. {{cite web}}: External link in |type= (help) German: "Mag auch geschehen, was will – wir können es nicht überschauen, wir können es nicht wissen –, wenn ich fest bin im Glauben, dann wird mein Leben, und zwar durch Gott, sinnvoll."
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