Hammam ibn Munabbih

Hammam ibn Munabbih (Arabic: همام ابن منبه[1]) was an Islamic scholar, from among the Tabi‘in and one of the narrators of hadith.

Hammam ibn Munabbih
EraMedieval era


He was the son of Munabbih ibn Kamil, and Wahb ibn Munabbih was his brother. His main student was Ma'mar ibn Rashid who transmitted Hammad's material to ʽAbd al-Razzaq al-Sanʽani and Abdullah b. al-Mubarak among others.

There is disagreement among scholars on the date of Hammam's death.[1] Two conflicting clusters of dates exist for Hummam's death in biographical dictionaries. The first cluster being 101 or 102AH/719-720, the second being 131 or 132AH/749-750.[2]


See also


  1. Bennet, Clinton. The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies. p. 92. Scholars disagree on the date of Hammam b. Munabbih's death. Muhammed Hamidullah, who first discovered and published the Sahifa gives the year as 101 AH/719 CE. Beeston and Dickinson follow Hamidullah in this, while Jonathan Brown gives it as 130 AH/748 CE.
  2. G. H. A. Juynboll, Encyclopedia of canonical ḥadīth, Leiden 2007, 30.
  3. http://quransmessage.com/articles/sahifah%20FM3.htm

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