Hares Youssef

Hares Youssef is a Syrian-born philosopher, philanthropist, author and the founder of the GAIIA Foundation - a non-profit organisation that aims to restore the Earth's homeostasis and transform the current financial system.

Hares Youssef
Born1964 (age 5859)
Occupation(s)Businessman, Philanthropist

Youssef was born on November 16, 1964, in Latakia, Syria. He moved to Kyiv at the age of 18, where he graduated from the university and started a business in steel and technology.

Hares was actively involved in Ukrainian politics as an envoy and policy advisor to the Middle East during President Viktor Yushchenko's term. In 2007, Youssef was recognised as one of the most influential Ukrainians by the Ukrainian weekly Focus magazine.[1] At the age of 45 Youssef decided to quit the business and focus on developing new theories and frameworks that would enable a radical change in the global ecosystem.

He is also the creator of the GAIIA Philosophy and Ecoism, a philosophical and economic theory that proposes a new way of understanding and creating value in the economy. He has developed a practical model called HERMES, which is based on principles of energy-backed currencies, transparent transactions and cooperative ethics.

Youssef is a patron of several Ukrainian-based charities. He received several awards and honours for his contributions, including the Grand Patron of UNESCO in 2005 and the Piramidi di Mani Award in 2007.


Early life and education

Hares Youssef was born in the province of Latakia, Syria, into a low-income family that experienced significant financial hardships. He spent his childhood in a clay house devoid of many modern conveniences. This modest upbringing in the countryside gave Hares a strong bond with the land and nature. As he shared in his interviews later, growing up, he always saw the Earth as a nurturing, maternal figure and a living being. Later, this experience became the foundation of his philosophical views.

Growing up, Hares moved to Damascus, where he was admitted to the Damascus Institute of Architecture. At this period, he was actively writing poetry and planning to fulfil his potential in the creative field. However, the trajectory of his academic pursuits took a sharp turn due to external influences. Guided by the counsel of his politically influential uncle, Youssef found himself sponsored by the Syrian Ministry of Defense to further his education in the Soviet Union.

Although Youssef held pacifist beliefs and had been openly critical of military endeavours, he found himself cornered into selecting a military discipline. Torn between his dreams and circumstances, he anchored his choice to Kyiv, Ukraine, opting first for aviation and later transitioning to a tank school. However, this decision further deepened his disconnect with his academic path. With some help from his uncle's friends, who had left Syria because of political disagreements, Youssef eventually left the military after a three-year struggle.

Business and political career

Youssef started his career as an entrepreneur, initially focusing on real estate, metallurgy, industrial engineering, and energy. He established the Hares Group Holding in Austria in 1995, which diversified its activities over time and reached an annual turnover of $420 million by 2004.[1] He also became involved in politics, serving as an envoy and policy advisor for the Middle East for President Viktor Yushchenko in 2007.[2] At the age of 45, Youssef left most of his business assets in Ukraine and moved to Europe. He founded a charity foundation called The 40 Foundation in 2008, which later became Gaiia Foundation.

In 2020, Youssef published a philosophical futuristic novel called GAIIA, which explores the ethical, social, political, and economic implications of human transformation. The novel also examines the role of technology, especially artificial intelligence, in shaping our future.


The philosophy of Hares Youssef is based on his vision of creating a new future for humanity and the planet. He believes there is a missing factor within human consciousness, which he calls the universal value measurement. This is a way of quantifying the worth of everything, from natural resources to human lives, based on the principles of harmony, balance, and sustainability. He argues that the current economic and social systems are based on artificial and arbitrary values, such as money, power, and fame, which lead to exploitation, inequality, and destruction. He proposes a radical transformation of these systems, using technology, art, and science to create a new paradigm that respects the dignity and diversity of all living beings.


Ecoism is a new philosophy, developed by Hares Youssef, that views the Earth as a living being that nurtures and sustains all life forms. ECOISM recognises the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living beings, emphasising the need to protect the diversity of life on the planet. Ecoism advocates for living in harmony with nature and adopting sustainable practices in all aspects of human activity. This philosophy values empathy as the key to understanding the value of all life forms. Youssef believes that Ecoism can help humanity overcome its current challenges and create a better future for itself and the planet.

At the core of Ecoism lies the recognition that our choices and behaviors affect the world around us. Hares Youssef's philosophy encourages us to embrace a more holistic view of our existence, seeing ourselves as integral parts of the global ecosystem. By doing so, we develop a deep respect for nature and a shared responsibility to protect and preserve it. Ecoism calls for a shift away from exploitative and unsustainable practices towards sustainable alternatives. Youssef urges us to integrate environmental considerations into our economic decision- making processes, valuing long-term sustainability over short-term gains. This shift requires reimagining our societal and economic systems, aligning them with the principles of Ecoism.


Hares is a philanthropist and cultural patron who has dedicated his life to creating positive social impact and fostering cultural diversity. He is the founder and president of The GAIIA Foundation, a non-profit organisation that supports various humanitarian, educational, environmental, and artistic projects around the world. Youssef has made significant contributions to various fields, especially education. He has funded the construction of schools, universities, and research centres in different countries. He has also provided scholarships, grants, and awards for students and researchers who excel and innovate. Youssef actively supports initiatives that enable young people to access education, develop skills, and pursue entrepreneurship.

UNESCO Recognition and Awards

Youssef has been a long-time supporter of UNESCO and its mission to promote peace, education, culture, and science. He has contributed to various UNESCO programs and initiatives, such as the Foundation UNESCO Education for Children in Need, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, and the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, establishing projects like the Hares Youssef Boy School and Hares Youssef Girls School. In recognition of his active support of the international program "Education for the children in need", Youssef was awarded the Honorable title of Grand Patron of UNESCO in December 2005. In May 2007, he received a special reward from UNESCO, "Piramidi di Mani".

Cultural Sponsorship and Promotion

Collaborating closely with cultural institutions, museums, and galleries, Youssef plays an active role in sponsoring exhibitions and programs. His contributions have been instrumental in preserving, promoting, and expanding artistic and cultural endeavours.

The 40 Foundation

The 40 Foundation was a charity foundation founded by Hares Youssef in 2008, which later became the GAIIA Foundation. The 40 Foundation was named after the number of days that passed after the death of Youssef's father when he realised how many people came to pay their respects and express their gratitude for his father's kindness and generosity. Youssef was inspired by his father's legacy and dedicated himself to philanthropy. The 40 Foundation aimed to support various causes and initiatives, especially in the fields of education, culture, and social development. The foundation also sought to promote and explore contemporary Arab thought and identity, as well as to foster dialogue and cooperation among different cultures and civilisations. The 40 Foundation was the predecessor of the GAIIA Foundation, which was established in 2018.

Gaiia Foundation

Gaiia Foundation results from Youssef's 15 years of research, observation and reflection in a search for a solution to the humanitarian and environmental issues. This organisation is based on three fundamental values: environmental awareness, radical transparency, and interactivity.

It includes several projects that address different aspects of the global issues, such as:

● Renaming the planet Gaiia and recognising it as a living being that nurtures and sustains all life forms;

● Proposing to include the right to clean air in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (the 18th goal of the United Nations);

● Creating a new economy based on the principle of financial transparency, where every transaction is visible and accountable;

● Establishing the Gaiia Think Fabric, an analytical centre that brings together leading experts from various fields to solve the global problems facing humanity;

● Developing the Gaiia Communication Platform, a communication platform that creates value out of data and enables co-funding of projects that contribute to the common good;

● Initiating research into children's education and upbringing, as well as a children's pension fund, to create a "children's paradise" where children can discover their own potential;

● Conducting research into the interdisciplinary field of "psychonomics", which studies the relationship between psychology and economics.


Gaiia book

Gaiia is a philosophical, futuristic novel that explores the potential of artificial intelligence and automation to transform the world for the better, following the legacy of Nikola Tesla. The book examines the ethical, social, political, and economic implications of transforming the world and human beings.

HERMES - Reformation of Economy

HERMES Economic Model is based on the idea that everything in the world has an energy value, and that this value can be measured and exchanged in a fair and transparent way. HERMES seeks to create a new economic model that respects the environment, supports social justice, and fosters innovation and creativity.


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