Liberalism in Slovakia

This article is intended to give an overview of liberalism in Slovakia.


From Independent Hungarian Initiative to Hungarian Civic Party

  • 1989: Hungarian liberals establish the Independent Hungarian Initiative (Független Magyar Kezdeményezés)
  • 1992: The party is renamed the Hungarian Civic Party (Magyar Polgári Párt)
  • 1998: The party merged into the Hungarian Coalition Party (Magyar Koalíció Pártja)

From Alliance of Democrats to Democratic Union of Slovakia

  • 1944: The conservative Democratic Party (Demokratická strana) was founded
  • 1948: DS was replaced by the pro-communist Party of Slovak Revival (Strana slovenskej obrody)
  • 1989: SSO renamed itself to Democratic Party (Demokratická strana)
  • 1989: Public Against Violence (Verejnosť proti násiliu) was formed
  • 1991: VPN was renamed to Civic Democratic Union (Občianska demokratická únia)
  • 1993: Dissidents from the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia established the Alliance of Democrats of the Slovak Republic, led by Milan Kňažko
  • 1994: The party merged with a second dissident group, the Alliance for Political Realism, into the Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokratická Únia na Slovensku)
  • 1994: ODÚ and Democrats 92 merged into DS
  • 1995: The party merged with the National Democratic Party into the Democratic Union (Demokratická Únia)
  • 2000: Liberal Democratic Union (Liberálnodemokratická únia) split from DÚ
  • 2001: Civic Conservative Party split from DÚ
  • 2002: DÚ and DS merged into the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia)
  • 2004: Free Forum (Slobodné fórum) split from SDKÚ-DS
  • 2002: LDÚ was renamed to Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokratická Únia na Slovensku)
  • 2006: Democratic Party of Slovakia (Demokratická strana Slovenska) was formed
  • 2007: DSS renamed itself to Democratic Party (Demokratická strana)
  • 2010: The party was renamed to Change from Bottom, Democratic Union of Slovakia (Zmena zdola, Demokratická únia Slovenska)
  • 2016: SF dissolved
  • 2018: Together – Civic Democracy (SPOLU – občianska demokracia) led by former SDKÚ-DS member Miroslav Beblavý split from #SIEŤ
  • 2019: Former SDKÚ-DS MP Ondrej Matej founds TO THE RIGHT (DOPRAVA) later renamed to Voice of the Right (Hlas pravice)

Alliance of the New Citizen to Freedom and Solidarity

  • 2001: Liberals around Pavol Rusko established the Alliance of the New Citizen (Aliancia Nového Občana)
  • 2006: Hope (NÁDEJ) split from ANO
  • 2007-2009: End of the activity of ANO
  • 2008: Former Minister of Economy Robert Nemcsics (ANO) founds League, Civic-Liberal Party (LIGA, občiansko-liberálna strana)
  • 2009, March: Liberals around the economist Richard Sulík established the Freedom and Solidarity (Sloboda a Solidarita), which is the ideological successor of the Alliance of the New Citizen
  • 2009, August: NÁDEJ dissolves
  • 2013: LIGA renames itself to DIRECT DEMOCRACY, becomes an eurosceptic and separates from their liberal roots

Other parties

  • 2009: European Democratic Party (EURÓPSKA DEMOKRATICKÁ STRANA) was formed
  • 2016–17: Liberals founded Progressive Slovakia (Progresívne Slovensko)

See also

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