Independence March (Poland)

The Independence March (Polish: Marsz Niepodległości) is an annual patriotic and nationalist demonstration in Warsaw held on Poland's Independence Day, November 11. Since 2011 the March has attracted annually up to 10 thousand participants.[1][2][3][4] In 2020 the March was organized like a car procession.[5] It is organized by far-right ultranationalist organisations and parties: National Radical Camp (ONR), All-Poland Youth and the National Movement.

Independence March in 2019



  • 2012 – Let's get Poland back (Polish: Odzyskajmy Polskę),
  • 2013 – New generation is coming (Polish: Idzie nowe pokolenie!),
  • 2014 – Patriot Army (Polish: Armia Patriotów),
  • 2015 – Poland for Poles, Poles for Poland (Polish: Polska dla Polaków, Polacy dla Polski),
  • 2016 – Poland as a stronghold of Europe (Polish: Polska bastionem Europy),
  • 2017 – We want God! (Polish: My chcemy Boga!),
  • 2018 – Poland for You (Polish: Dla Ciebie Polsko),
  • 2019 – Have in Your care the whole nation (Polish: Miej w opiece naród cały),
  • 2020 – Our civilization, our rules (Polish: Nasza cywilizacja, nasze zasady),
  • 2021 – Independence – not for sale (Polish: Niepodległość nie na sprzedaż),
  • 2022 – Strong Nation Great Poland (Polish: Silny Naród Wielka Polska).[7]


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