Interface Focus

Interface Focus is the Royal Society's cross-disciplinary themed publication promoting research at the interface between the physical and life sciences. It is the sister journal to Journal of the Royal Society Interface with the main difference being that each issue of Interface Focus contains related articles based on a theme, which is guest edited by prominent researchers in a particular field.

Interface Focus
Edited byRussell Foster
Publication details
The Royal Society (United Kingdom)
4.4 (2022)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4Interface Focus
ISSN2042-8898 (print)
2042-8901 (web)
OCLC no.712021929

Each Interface Focus themed issue is devoted to a specific subject at the interface of the physical sciences and life sciences. Formed of high-quality articles, each issue aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary research across this traditional divide by acting as a forum accessible to all. Topics may be newly emerging areas of research or dynamic aspects of more established fields. Organisers of each Interface Focus issue are strongly encouraged to contextualise the journal within their chosen subject.

According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2021 impact factor of 4.7.[1] A special issue [2] on bio-inspiration which commemorated 350 year of publishing at the Royal Society was published in 2015.


For three years Interface Focus was published as a supplement to Journal of the Royal Society Interface. As of January 2011 Interface Focus became an independent journal,[3] published bi-monthly. Previous issues of Interface Focus are available to read free.


  1. "Interface Focus". 2022 Journal Citation Reports. Web of Science (Science ed.). Clarivate Analytics. 2022.
  2. Denis Noble, Clemens Kaminski and Richard Templer (2015). "Bioinspiration of new technologies". Interface Focus. 5 (4).
  3. Noble, Denis (2010). "Editorial". Interface Focus. 1 (1): 1–2. doi:10.1098/rsfs.2010.0385. PMC 3262238. PMID 22419969.
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