Jaipur, Buldhana

Jaipur is a village located in Motala Taluka of Buldhana district of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Amravati Division . It is located 21 KM towards North from District head quarters Buldhana. 13 KM from Motala. 471 KM from State capital Mumbai

Jaipur (Kothali)
Gajanan Maharaj Paduka Temple, Jaipur
Gajanan Maharaj Paduka Temple, Jaipur
  Total1,651 ha (4,080 acres)
Postal Index Number
Area code+91-07262

Jaipur Pin code is 443103 and postal head office is Motala .

Advihir ( 4 KM ) , Fuli ( 5 KM ) , Ibrahimpur ( 5 KM ) , Kothali ( 6 KM ) , Takarkhed ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Jaipur. Jaipur is surrounded by Buldhana Taluka towards South , Nandura Taluka towards North , Malkapur Taluka towards North , Buldana Taluka towards South .

Malkapur , Nandura , Shegaon , Bhusawal are the near by Cities to Jaipur.


According to the 2011 census, the village population is 2516, including 1260 males and 1256 females. Literate people make up 1922, including 1022 males and 900 females. Workers number 1284, of which men make up 746 and women 538. 592 Cultivators divide into 397 men and 195 women. 388 people work in agricultural land as laborers, 232 men and 156 women.[1]

About 538 houses are found in Jaipur.[1]


Mirza Raje Jaisingh lived there for some time. The village was named Jaipur after Jaisingh.


Jaipur has educational facilities from preschool to high school level. Tertiary educational institutions include:

  • M.P.M. School, Jaipur
  • Primary Urdu School, Jaipur
  • Raje Chhatrapati High School, Jaipur


Jaipur is a village in Motala taluka of Buldhana district.


  • An ancient Stepwell was built by Mirza Raje Jaising.[2]
Build by Mirza Raje Jai Singh
Ancient Stepwell, Jaipur
  • Jaipur village is famous for Rewadi.
Jaipur Famous Rewadi
  • Aa paduka of Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj.
  • The temple and the mosque are adjacent to each other in Jaipur.[3]
Village Jaipur, a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity


The average rainfall of this region is about 692 mm (27.2 in). The maximum summer temperature is 48 °C (118 °F). The minimum winter temperature is 13 °C (55 °F).


20.682829°N 76.283390°E / 20.682829; 76.283390

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