Jean-Antoine de Mesmes (diplomat)

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, called d'Avaux (1640–1709), was a French diplomat in the service of Louis XIV. He is probably best known for accompanying King James II of England in his Irish expedition. He also negotiated for France the Peace of Nijmegen, which ended the Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678). He was French ambassador in Venice, The Hague, Stockholm and finally The Hague again.

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes
Portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud
Portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud (detail).[lower-alpha 1]
Died10/11 February 1709
Other namesD'Avaux, pretending he was count

Birth and origins

Jean-Antoine was born in 1639 or 1640[lower-alpha 2] He was the youngest of the four sons of Jean-Antoine de Mesmes and his wife Anne Courtin. His father was Comte d'Avaux and a president at the Parlement of Paris.[2] His paternal uncle Claude was a well known diplomat. Jean-Antoine's mother was the daughter of François Courtin, seigneur de Brusselles and baron de Givry.[3]

Jean-Antoine listed among his brothers
He appears at the bottom of the list of brothers below as the youngest:
  1. Jean-Jacques de Mesmes (1630–1688), became president at the Paris Parlement and succeeded his father as comte d'Avaux
  2. Henri (died 1658), became commendatory abbot of the abbeys of Valroy and Hambye[lower-alpha 3]
  3. Claude (died 1671), became a knight of St John (or Malta)
  4. Jean-Antoine (1640–1709)
Jean-Antoine's sisters
He also had a sister:

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, the diplomat, the subject of this article, may easily be confused with other members of his family who shared the same name, notably his father Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, comte d'Avaux (died 1673) and his nephew Jean-Antoine de Mesmes (premier président), premier president of the Paris Parlement and comte d'Avaux (died 1723).

Family tree
Jean-Antoine de Mesmes with parents and other selected relatives.[lower-alpha 4] He never married.




d. 1658
d. 1671
Knight of



b. 1668

Knight of
XXXSubject of
the article

Comte d'Avaux

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, the diplomat, was never a count. That title passed from his father (died 1673) to his eldest brother, Jean-Jacques, who died in 1688, and then to Jean-Jacques's eldest son, who died in 1723 and outlived the diplomat (see family tree).[6] However, he liked to pass himself off as "comte d'Avaux" when abroad on his embassies to better his precedence. Saint Simon remarks upon this habit in his memoirs.[7] He appears as "comte d'Avaux" in many texts, among others his obituary in the Gazette de France,[1] Louis Moréri's historical dictionary,[8] and, besides, a modern academic study.[9] He signed "De avaux". His eldest brother did not approve[10] but may not have cared that much because he preferred his title of president over that of count.

Order of the Holy Spirit

In 1684 he became Provost and Master of Ceremonies of the Order of the Holy Spirit,[11] which is the highest order of chivalry in France. However, membership and offices could be inherited and bought. He obtained his office from his eldest brother, Jean-Jacques, probably against payment. In 1703, he sold the office to his nephew, also called Jean-Antoine, but kept the right to wear the cordon bleu.[12]

His office at the Order of the Holy Spirit allowed him to wear the attributes of the order: the cordon bleu (blue ribbon), the "plaque" (cross to be worn on the breast) and the smaller cross attached to the cordon bleu. The broad blue ribbon and the breast cross are clearly visible on his portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud.[lower-alpha 1]

Judicial career

Jean-Antoine followed in the steps of his father by starting a career in the judiciary. In 1661, he became Conseiller au Parlement; in 1667, Maître des requêtes; and finally, much later, in 1695, Conseiller d'État ordinaire.[13]

Diplomatic career

His diplomatic career fell entirely into the reign of Louis XIV, who ruled France from the death of Cardinal Mazarin in 1661 to 1715. He served under three secretaries of state for foreign affairs: first under Simon Arnauld, marquis de Pomponne until 1679, then under Charles Colbert, marquis de Croissy until 1696, and finally under Charles's son Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de Torcy, until the end of Louis XIV's reign. Croissy was a younger brother of the great Colbert.

Ambassador in Venice (1672–1674)

In 1672 Louis XIV appointed him as his ambassador to the Republic of Venice. From the 15th to the 18th centuries, Venice repeatedly clashed with the Ottoman Empire in seven Ottoman-Venetian Wars, but his embassy fell into a period of peace between the end of the Cretan War (1669) and the beginning of the Morean War (1684). The French had intervened in the Cretan War during the Siege of Candia to gain favour with the pope for the Most Christian King, but the French expeditions ended in disaster, and France pulled out of the war, leading to the fall of Candia. The Venetians felt betrayed, and he needed to rebuilt trust and understanding. He engaged in industrial espionage[14] and facilitated the purchase of Italian works of art for the royal collections.[15] He stayed at the post until 1674.

Peace of Nijmegen

From 1675 to 1678, he negotiated the treaty that ended the Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678). During the negotiations, he befriended Charles Colbert, marquis de Croissy, a senior French diplomat and brother of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Minister of Finance from 1661 to 1683. Colbert de Croissy was to become his superior as secretary of state for foreign affairs after the conclusion of the treaties in 1679.

Portrait by Hardouin Quitter. The text reads: "Mr de Mesmes Chevalier Comte d'Avaux Conseiller du conseil d'estat du Roy Tres Chrestien, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Plenepotre de Sa Majesté pour les Traittez de paix à Nimmegue"
Portrait by Hyacinthe Rigaud.[lower-alpha 1] Note the cordon bleu and the breast cross of the Order of the Holy Spirit.

Ambassador at The Hague (1678–1689)

With the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678, France resumed diplomatic relations with the Dutch Republic, and Jean-Antoine de Mesmes was appointed ambassador at The Hague. He had been preceded by Pomponne before the interruption caused by the Franco-Dutch War.[16] However, in 1683 and 1684, war came again near the Dutch Republic, as France besieged and took fortresses in the neighbouring Spanish Netherlands during the War of the Reunions. The Dutch did not intervene but felt menaced by the inroads made by the French towards their borders. The war ended with the Truce of Ratisbon, which consisted of several bilateral treaties including a treaty between France and the Dutch Republic as a preparation for the treaty between France and Spain. The French felt that appeasing the Dutch was as important as talking to the Spanish. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, being ambassador at The Hague, was asked to negotiate the treaty between France and the Dutch Republic. In the treaty, France abandoned Dixmude (Diksmuide) and Courtrai (Kortrijk) but kept Luxembourg. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes signed it "de Mesmes, comte d'Avaux" on 29 June.[17] The treaty between Louis XIV and Charles II of Spain[18] was signed about 1½ months later on 15 August 1685 in Ratisbon (Regensburg), the seat of the German diet, by Louis de Verjus, comte de Crécy, the French ambassador to the diet.

In 1685, Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes, which had guaranteed freedom of religion to French Protestants. The ensuing persecution sent waves of refugees, called the Huguenots, all over Northern Europe. The ambassador in 1686 reportef the presence of 75,000 Huguenots in the Netherlands.[19]

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes soon found out about William of Orange's plans to invade England and warned Louis XIV.[20][21] On 9 September 1688, he handed over a letter from Louis XIV that threatened the Dutch Republic with war.[22] On 5/15 November 1688[lower-alpha 5] William landed in Brixham. France responded by declaring war on the Dutch Republic on 26 November, thereby breaking the Truce of Ratisbon and starting the Nine Years' War. Diplomatic relations between France and the Dutch Republic again were severed. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes was forced to leave his post in The Hague in 1689, after a stay of more than ten years.

Irish expedition (1689–1690)

In 1689 he was appointed ambassador extraordinary to James II for the Irish expedition. On 12/22 March 1689[lower-alpha 5] he arrived with James II at Kinsale, on Ireland's southern coast,[23] sailing with the King on the flagship, the Saint Michel.[24] He reported to Louvois, with regard to military aspects but to Colbert de Croissy with regard to foreign affairs. He had been given 300,000 livres for James and a secret fund of 200,000 to spend as he wanted.[25] He sat on James II's council, together with Tyrconnell and Melfort, James's secretary of state. For James and Melfort, Ireland was only a springboard to Scotland and England. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, in contrary, insisted on the importance of consolidating their grip on Ireland.[26] Whereas James and Melfort wanted to protect the Irish Protestants to keep possible support in Scotland and England, Tyrconnell and Jean-Antoine de Mesmes mistrusted the Protestants and wanted to satisfy the demands of the Irish Catholics for land and rights.

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes was finally dismissed and replaced with the comte Lauzun, who was favoured by James and his queen, Mary of Modena. At the very end of his mission, before embarking to return to France in April 1690, Jean-Antoine de Mesmes explained to his successor that "you are come to be a sacrifice for a poor, spirited and cowardly people whose soldiers will never fight and whose officiers will never obey orders, and therefore they would meet the same fate his Master's [i.e. Louis XIV's] army met with at the Siege of Candia, that is to be wasted and destroyed."[27] He was referring to the disastrous French intervention in favour of the Venetian Republic at the Siege of Candia in 1669.

Ambassador in Stockholm (1692–1699)

In 1692, the French ambassador to Sweden, Maximilien Alpin de Béthune, died suddenly while he was posted in Stockholm.[28] On 30 November 1692, Louis XIV appointed Jean-Antoine de Mesmes in his place.[29] Sweden enjoyed a period of peace after the Scanian War (1675–1679), which had been mainly fought in southern Sweden. France was allied with Sweden while the Netherlands were allied with Denmark, which made the war a collateral of the Franco-Dutch War of 1672–1678.

When he became ambassador in Sweden, France was fighting England, the Dutch Republic, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire in the Nine Years' War, which was exhausting its finances. King Charles XI of Sweden (ruled 1675–1697) had wisely stayed neutral. France wanted to use Sweden, its former ally, to mediate between France and the Empire in the peace talks. The war eventually ended with the Treaty of Ryswick, concluded in September and November 1697 in the Netherlands. The Swedish diplomat Niels Baron of Lilliënrot mediated in the negotiations, and France was represented by Marshal Boufflers.

Colbert de Croissy died in 1696 and was replaced by his son Colbert de Torcy. Charles XI died in April 1697 and was succeeded by the young Charles XII.

Jean-Antoine de Mesmes recruited Beata Elisabet von Königsmarck as an agent for France to create an alliance between Sweden and Denmark through a marriage of Charles XII to Princess Sophia Hedwig of Denmark. The purpose was to prevent a repetition of the alliances in the Franco-Dutch and the Scanian Wars in which Denmark was allied with the Dutch Republic against France and Sweden. However, Charles XII never married. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes stayed in Sweden until summer 1699. In 1700, the Great Northern War broke out in which Denmark, Poland and Russia attacked Sweden.

According to Saint-Simon, the Swedes were disappointed when they discovered that the new French ambassador was only a nobleman of the robe, not of the sword.[30]

Portrait as member of the order of the Holy Spirit, painted by Nicolas de Largillière, engraved by Cornelis Vermeulen 1691

Standing in for Briord in the Hague (1701)

In 1701, Louis XIV sendt Jean-Antoine de Mesmes to the Dutch Republic for the second time, to stand in for Ambassador Gabriel de Briord, who had fallen ill.[31][32] Maréchal Boufflers occupied the Barrier Fortresses in the night of 5 to 6 February while Jean-Antoine de Mesmes was travelling from Paris to The Hague, where he arrived on 12 February.[33] In April, Briord had recovered and returned to Paris. On 17 April, William recognised Philip V as King of Spain. Jean-Antoine de Mesmes rested until in August. Shortly afterwards, diplomatic relations are broken by the War of the Spanish Succession.[34]

Later years

In 1688, at his eldest brother's death, Jean-Antoine de Mesmes inherited the seigneury of Roissy. In 1704, at the age of 64, he decided to build himself a country residence at Roissy. He demolished the old manor and began a new chateau,[35] consisting of a central mansion and two lateral pavilions around a courtyard.[36] The château was near completion at his death.

He died in Paris on 10 February 1709 at the age of 69 years.[1] He had never married. He bequeathed the chateau de Roissy to his niece Marie-Thérèse, marquise de Fontenilles, daughter of his eldest brother, Jean-Jacques.[37] The castle was then bought by the marquise de la Carte in 1713 and by John Law in 1719.[38] Later, it came into the possession of the Riquet de Caraman family after which it was called the Château des Caramans. It was demolished after a fire in 1794. Plans and elevations have been drawn and published by Georges-Louis Le Rouge.[39] Archaeological excavations have been conducted in 2000.[40][41]

As the birth date is uncertain, so are the ages.
01639 or 1640Born.[lower-alpha 2]
20–211661Conseiller au Parlement
26–271667Maître des Requêtes
31–321672Appointed French Ambassador in Venice
43–441684Bought the office of Provost and Master of Ceremonies of the Order of the Holy Spirit[12]
47–481688, 29 JunSigned the Truce of Ratisbon
48–491689, 12 MarLanded in Ireland with James II[23]
49–501690, AprReplaced by comte Lauzun and returns to France
51–521692, NovAmbassador in Stockholm
54–551695, AugConseiller d'État ordinaire
60–611701Stood in for Briord, the Ambassador at the Hague[32]
62–631703Sold his office of Provost and Master of Ceremonies of the Order of the Holy Spirit[12]
63–641704Started building the Château de Roissy[36]
68–691709, 10 FebDied[1]

Notes and references


  1. This portrait has been identified and documented at the occasion of its sale at Galartis in Lausanne in 2016 by Ariane James-Sarazin and Stéphan Perreau.[lower-alpha 6][lower-alpha 7]
  2. D'Avaux's birth year (i.e. 1640) is based on his obituary,[1] which states that he died on 10 February 1709 at the age of 69 years. He could of course have been born any time between 10 February 1639 and 9 February 1640.
  3. Henri was the 36th abbot of Hambiye[4]
  4. Also see the list of siblings in the text.
  5. During the period covered in this article, England, Scotland and Ireland still used the Julian Calendar (i.e. Old Style), whereas France and the Netherlands had already adopted the Gregorian calendar (i.e. New Style). The difference was 10 days at the given time.
  6. James-Sarazin, Ariane (25 March 2017). Le portrait de Jean Antoine II de Mesmes, comte d'Avaux (in French). Dijon: Faton. – This is an on-line supplement to the book James-Sarazin (2016) "Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659–1743). L'homme et son art – Le catalogue raisonné"
  7. Perreau, Stéphan (26 March 2017). D'Avaux contre d'Avaux le portrait retrouvé de Jean-Antoine II de Mesmes par Hyacinthe Rigaud (in French).


  1. "De Paris le 16 Fevrier 1709". Gazette de France (in French). No. 52. 5 January 1709. p. 66. Mre Jean-Antoine de Mesmes Comte d'Avaux, Conseiller d'État Ordinaire, cy-devant Prevost & Maistre des Ceremonies de l'Ordre du S Esprit, mourut icy le 11 du mois, âgé de soixante-neuf ans.
  2. Moréri 1759, p. 496, left column, line 42. "Jean-Antoine de Mesmes [his father], troisième fils de Jean-Jacques de Mesmes & d'Antoinette Grossaine, seigneur d'Irval, de Cramayel, de Breuil, de Lageri, vicomte de Vandeuil & de Hourges continuera la posterité. Il fut reçu conseiller au Parlement de Paris l'an 1621, conseiller d'état, enfin président à mortier au Parlement de Paris, l'an 1651, après la mort de son frère aîné; il mourut le 23 février 1673, âgé de 75 ans."
  3. Moréri 1759, p. 496, left column, line 52. "Il avoit épousé Anne Courtin fille de François Courtin, chevalier, seigneur de Brusselles, baron de Givri, &c. maître des requêtes, & conseiller d'état, & de Jeanne Lescalopier ..."
  4. Le Conte 1891, p. 219. "XXXVI. Henri Ier de Mesmes. – On sait qu'il est fils de Jean-Antoine de Mesmes et d'Anne Courtin ..."
  5. Moréri 1759, p. 496, left column, line 56. "... dont il eut Jean-Jacques de Mesmes, comte d'Avaux qui suit; Henri de Mesmes, abbé de la Valroi, mort l'an 1658, Claude de Mesmes, chevalier de Malte, abbé de la Valroi & de Hambye, mort l'an 1671; Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, comte d'Avaux dont il sera parlé ci-après; & Antoinette de Mesmes, religieuse Carmélite."
  6. La Chesnaye des Bois 1770, p. 478. "Il eut pour héritier son frère puyné, Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, Président du Parlement de Paris, père de Jean-Antoine, Prévôt & Grand-Maître de Cérémonies du Roi, & premier Président du Parlement de Paris, mort le 23 Août 1713."
  7. Saint-Simon 1903, p. 110. "Il étoit, comme on l'a dit de robe, et avoit passé les différents magistratures jusqu'à être conseiller d'état de robe aussi. Mais accoutumé à porter l'épée et à être le comte d'Avaux en pays étranger, où ses ambassades l'avaient tenu bien des années à reprises, il ne put se réssoudre à se défaire, en ses retours ci, ni de son épée, ni de sa qualité de comte, ni à reprendre l'habit de son état."
  8. Moréri 1759, p. 497, left column, middle. "Mesmes (Jean-Antoine de) quatrième fils de Jean-Antoine de Mesmes et d'Anne Courtin, comte d'Avaux ..."
  9. Joannon 1993, pp. 93–108. ""
  10. Saint-Simon 1895, p. 348. "Le président de Mesmes, son frère, ne l'approuvoit pas plus que les autres."
  11. Anselme 1733, p. 316. "Antoine de Mesmes, chevalier, seigneur d'Irval & de Roissy, depuis qualifié comte d'Avaux ..."
  12. Saint-Simon 1895, p. 169. "M. d'Avaux vendit en ce temps-ci au président de Mesmes son neveu, sa charge de prévôt et grand-maître des cérémonies de l'ordre, avec permission de continuer à porter le cordon bleu. D'Avaux l'avait eue, en 1684, du président de Mesmes son frère, qui lui-même avait obtenu la même permission de continuer à porter l'ordre, et ce président de Mesmes l'avait eue en 1671 lors de la déroute de la Bazinière, son beau-père ..."
  13. "De Paris le 20 Aoust 1695". Gazette de France (in French). No. 35. 20 August 1695. p. 395. Le comte d'Avaux Ambassadeur en Suede a esté fait Conseiller d'Éstat Ordinaire ...
  14. Clément 1867, p. 660. "... la proposition qui vous a esté faite par un marchand de miroirs, qui prétend avoir le secret de faire des glaces plus grandes ..."
  15. Depping 1855, p. 588. "Il y a dans un couvent de religieux qui se nomme Santa Maria di Serravalle ... un tableau de Titien qui est à vendre ..."
  16. French Embassy in the Netherlands
  17. Dumont 1731, p. 81, right column, line 22. "Fait à la Haye le vingt-neuvième jour de Juin mil six cent quatre-vingt quatre Signé, DE MESMES Comte d'Avaux, avec le cachet de ses armes."
  18. Dumont 1731, p. 83, left column, line 14. "Actum Ratisbonæ die XV Mensis Augusti, Anno MDCLXXXIV (L. S.) Marquardus Episcopus & Princeps Eystettensis. (L. S.) Ludovicus Verjus Comes de Crecy."
  19. Lavisse 1911, p. 343. "Dès 1886 d'Avaux écrit de Holland qu'on y a constaté la présence de 75000 Français immigrés."
  20. Saint-Simon 1857, p. 253. "D'Avaux was one of the first to hear of the project of William of Orange upon England, when that project was still only in embryo, and kept profoundly secret. He apprised the King (Louis XIV.) of it, but was laughed at."
  21. Saint-Simon 1903, p. 101. "D'Avaux fut informé dès les premiers temps, du projet de la révolution en Angleterre, quand le projet était encore un grand secret, et en avertit le roi."
  22. Jardine 2008, p. 41. "On 9 September (new style), the French ambassador at The Hague, the comte d'Avaux, delivered a letter from Louis XIV to the States General: the French King knew what the Dutch preparations were for, he warned. If the Dutch attacked England, he would be obliged 'not only to come to James's assistance, but to regard the first hostile act committed by your troops, or your ships, against His Britannic Majesty as an open infraction of the peace and an act of war against his own crown.'"
  23. Hogan 1934, p. 23. "Sire Kinsal, le 23 Mars 1689 [N.S.] Le roi d'Angleterre est arrivé à Kinsal, mardy, à cinq heures du soir apres une heureuse navigation ..."
  24. Boulger 1911, p. 57. "The 'Saint Michel'. H.M. King James II, the Duke of Berwick and his brother, Count d'Avaux ... "
  25. Wauchope 2004, p. 938, bottom. "He was entrusted with half a million livres, 300,000 of which to be put at James's disposal, and the remainder of which were to form a secret fund to be spent at his own discretion."
  26. Wauchope 2004, p. 939. "Avaux saw French interests would be better served by establishing Ireland as a French satellite."
  27. Childs 2007, p. 197, line 12.
  28. Wijnne 1882, p. 1. "La mort du Marquis de Bethune cy-devant ambr. extraordre de sa Majesté en Suède ..."
  29. Dangeau 1855, p. 192. "Jeudi 30 à Versailles - Le roi a nommé M. d'Avaux pour son ambassadeur en Suède en la place de M. de Béthune;"
  30. Saint-Simon 1895, p. 217. "Quelque temps après ils surent que c'était un conseiller d'état de robe qui avait une charge de l'ordre ..."
  31. Saint-Simon 1891, p. 50. "Briord, ambassadeur en Hollande, était tombé dangereusement malade; les affaires y étaient en grand mouvement: il demandait par plusieurs courriers un successeur, et d'Avaux y fut envoyé."
  32. Saint-Simon 1903, p. 109. "En 1701, sur le point de la rupture des Hollandois, qu'on désiroit avec passion d'éviter, il fut renvoyé à la Haye ..."
  33. Legrelle 1892, p. 102. "La complication prévue par Louis XIV s'était en effet produite avant l'arrivée d'Avaux à la Haye. Cet arrivée n'eut lieu que le samedi 12 février, et, dès le 6, les troupes françaises dont disposaient en Flandres Boufflers et Puységur, avaient, conformément aux ordres du 19 janvier, non pas chassées les garnisaires des États-Généraux des leurs postes, mais pénétré dans ces postes pour s'y installer à côté d'eux. Par un vrai miracle il y eut pas un coup de feu tiré."
  34. Saint-Simon 1891, p. 252. "... mais à la fin, Briord, convalescent revient, et d'Avaux peu après, qui ne laissa qu'un secrétaire à la Haye, lequel même n'y demeura pas longtemps."
  35. Lebeuf 1883, p. 284. "Le comte d'Avaux devenu maître de cette terre, le fit abattre en 1704, et fit commencer un fort beau château qui a été continué jusqu'à sa mort ..."
  36. Piganiol de La Force 1765, p. 343. "Roissy, Rossiacum, étoit un vieux château... Le comte d'Avaux si connu dans toute l'Europe pour ses négotiations, le fit abattre en 1704 & fit jeter les fondements d'un château dont il a fait continuer les ouvrages jusqu'à sa mort; il en avait élevé trois beaux corps de bâtiments des plus réguliers, & il ne restoit qu'un pavillon à achever."
  37. Pattou, Etienne. "Famille de Mesmes" (PDF) (in French). Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  38. Piganiol de La Force 1765, p. 344. "Ce château est sorti de la Maison de Mesmes en 1713, & a été acheté par la Marquise de la Carte, qui, en 1719, la vendit au sieur Law, &."
  39. Le Rouge 1776, pp. 9–17.
  40. Dufour 2000, p. . ""
  41. Dufour 2014.


Further reading

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