Jean Pepermans

Jean Pepermans, sometimes Latinized Joannes Pepermannus (active 1620–1635) was a 17th-century printer and bookseller, official printer to the city of Brussels. Very little is known about his life, but he published works by or about some of the leading figures at the Brussels court.

Jean Pepermans
Years active1620–1633
EmployerCity of Brussels
Notable workJean Puget de la Serre, Mausolee erigé à la memoire d'Isabelle-Claire-Eugenie (1634)

Archival records

In 1634 he was paid £150 for printing a memorial to the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, Mausolee erigé à la memoire d'Isabelle-Claire-Eugenie by Jean Puget de la Serre.[1]


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  • Aubertus Miraeus, De Bello bohemico, Ferdinandi II Caesaris auspiciis, feliciter gesto commentarius – A commentary on the Bohemian Revolt from a Habsburg perspective
  • N. N., Copie d'une lettre qu'un seigneur de la court escrivit à un sien amis sur le trespas du roy Don Phelipe Troisiesme d'Espagnol, translated from Spanish to French by Jean vander Heyden – an account of the death of Philip III of Spain Available on Google Books
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  • Aubertus Miraeus, Fasti belgici et burgundici – on the saints celebrated or venerated in the Low Countries and Franche-Comté. Available on Google Books from Lyon Public Library and from the National Library Rome
  • Aubertus Miraeus, Elenchus historicorum et aliorum scriptorum – a finding list of unpublished historical manuscripts in libraries in the Low Countries Available on Google Books
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  • Andres de Soto, Contemplaciones del crucifixo: y consideraciones de Christo crucificado, y de los dolores que la Virgen sanctissima padescio al pie de la cruz – contemplations on the crucifix Available on Google Books
  • Francis Bell, The Rule of the Religious, of the Thirde Order of Saint Francis: For both sexes, making the three vowes, and living together in communitie and cloyster
  • Crisóstomo Henríquez, Fasciculus sanctorum Ordinis Cisterciensis, complectens Cisterciensium ascetarum praeclarissima gesta, huius Ordinis exordium, incrementum, progressum, praecipuarum abbatiarum per universum orbem fundationes Available on Google Books
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  • Ambrosio de Salazar, Las Clavellinas de recreation: donde se contienen Sentencias, avisos, exemplos, y Historias muy agradables, en dos lenguas, Francesa y Castellana – a bilingual collection of anecdotes and short stories
  • Andres de Soto, Beschouwinghen op het kruycifix ende op de smerten welcke de heylighste Maghet Maria lede aen den voedt des Kruys – Dutch translation of Contemplacion del crucifixo (1623 above) by Jan van Blitterswyck
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  1. Auguste Vincent, "L'Imprimerie à Bruxelles jusque 1800", in Le Livre, l'estampe, l'édition en Brabant du XVe au XIXe siècle, under the direction of General Willems (Gembloux, 1935), p. 38.
  2. Carlo de Clercq, "Jean-Jacques Courvoisier", Bibliotheca Belgica, vol. 226 (1961), entry C885.
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